trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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I'm brand new here but have lurked for a long time. I've learned so much from the legal experts and the keen-eyed observers in the JA trial threads. Thanks to all of you!

As a psychologist, I've watched in horror as two of the worst examples of "experts" from my profession have done everything possible to undermine the credibility of the field in front of a national audience. Of course there is always some subjectivity associated with the analysis of human behavior, but adherence to scientific principles can produce reliable and verifiable results. Unfortunately, charlatans can use the language of the field to lend false credibility to almost any opinion.

I'm hesitant to question JM's judgment on any aspect of his cross examination, partly because I thought he was amazing (no notes!?!) but also because I would never want to incur the wrath of his fans here. I am new, after all. Still, he could have hammered ALV on her lack of scientific rigor, especially her repeated assertions that she was able to do all of the diagnostic work "in her brain". An absence of written work to explain in detail how her decision was reached is a huge red flag.

Also, the definition of "stalking" doesn't require the victim to respond in any particular way. Here's the American Psychological Association's description:

"Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behaviors that an individual engages in such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. These actions may be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm, and they may or may not be precursors to an assault or murder"

Again, thanks to all of you and of course, much gratitude to Tricia for creating and managing this site.

Great first post! Welcome out of lurkerdom :seeya:

Maybe this is the wrong thread to ask...still too new!

Can someone explain the text/email msgs the DT has??? They don't appear to be entered as evidence as they cannot be quoting from??? I can't figure out where they came from.

Could these be something Jodi stole from TA's computer???

So sorry if I'm not suppose to ask here and thanks for any info!!

I have absolutely no problem with Jodi selling her problem at all....why shouldn't she.....she has not been found guilty of anything......I think it is perfectly okay.......just as long as the money goes toward buying her a nicer coffin for later......I had you going didn't I.....I did, didn't I.


Nah. No coffin. Incinerator for our lovely lady.
Wow...I didn't realize how flexible Arias was.

The pic on the top left with red shirt.


If you see the full picture, you see she holding a child upside down. Those aren't her feet. :)
Pathological Lair that I meet.
I dated a guy years ago who lived with his sister and her boyfriend in an apartment. When ppl got evicted the would can home and find wheat was left of their belongings. The sister was one of the scavengers who took some items from the eviction site. Later that day (evening) the police showed up at the apartment looking for (taken) stolen items. While I was present for this I sat on the couch while she stood at the door way with LE and the lady looking for her stolen property. The sister with the calmness of a snail stood and convinced the police that the coat rack in question was a gift to her by her grandmother who had just past 3 months ago, and the lady was told that the sister was ID'd was the one who took the coat rack. Now I am sitting there smoking a cigarette and using an ashtray that the sister also took from the eviction site that had not been noticed with all the attention on the coat rack. Needless to say the police left with the lady in tears and the sister over joyed that she had acquired a nice coat rack. She was that good. I never went back to that apartment and stopped dating the guy not long after. It was quite scary to witness someone that was able to do that, to me any way. jmo
oh i understand what you saying. we are 7 sisters and our mother taught us well. over the years when i hear a person say they lied to their mom, I stand back not trusting that person.. when as an adult a person said how they stole their husbands money from his wallet and laughed like it was a good thing, I never invited that person to my home . as my mother said when a person lied to the ones that they suppose to love and is close to their heart. you are a nobody for them to distroy.
Okay, my sis and I have already been on the phone prepping for court. We have archived maximum coffee intake, discussed all aspects of the coming trial day, expressed our disgust and disdain for certain "players" in this "drama", prayed for the Alexander family & THE Prosecutor and laid up a good stock of chocolate.
So...please count me present, accounted for and prepared here in the Dallas suburbs!
Snipped with respect, grammy

I've been watching Jodi interact with JW and it makes me nervous. I wish JW would understand that Jodi truly is dangerous. JW needs to appreciate the behaviors of a sociopath and how they go about disarming their victims by giving a false sense of all is safe in order to get intimately close to the victim which is what Jodi did with Travis and now he is dead.

I feel no need nor desire to protect JW in any way shape or form. She did this for attention, let her reap what comes her way.

She's swimming in the sewer with rats.
I read that article that stated ALV held her own with Martinez. I'd like to know in what universe not answering questions and "did the analysis all in her brain" and telling the prosecutor he needs a time out means she held her own - she looked unprofessional to me.
I'm brand new here but have lurked for a long time. I've learned so much from the legal experts and the keen-eyed observers in the JA trial threads. Thanks to all of you!

As a psychologist, I've watched in horror as two of the worst examples of "experts" from my profession have done everything possible to undermine the credibility of the field in front of a national audience. Of course there is always some subjectivity associated with the analysis of human behavior, but adherence to scientific principles can produce reliable and verifiable results. Unfortunately, charlatans can use the language of the field to lend false credibility to almost any opinion.

I'm hesitant to question JM's judgment on any aspect of his cross examination, partly because I thought he was amazing (no notes!?!) but also because I would never want to incur the wrath of his fans here. I am new, after all. Still, he could have hammered ALV on her lack of scientific rigor, especially her repeated assertions that she was able to do all of the diagnostic work "in her brain". An absence of written work to explain in detail how her decision was reached is a huge red flag.

Also, the definition of "stalking" doesn't require the victim to respond in any particular way. Here's the American Psychological Association's description:

"Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behaviors that an individual engages in such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. These actions may be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm, and they may or may not be precursors to an assault or murder"

Again, thanks to all of you and of course, much gratitude to Tricia for creating and managing this site.

Welcome aboard Dr. Nick - great first post - thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings and posting a description of "stalking" per the APA. I am only speculating but it stands to reason Juan intends to more fully address the stalking issue in the rebuttal phase most likely thru the testimony of his own expert Dr. Janeen Demarte.

Once again - welcome to WS - hope to read more of you!!

DT :seeya:
My Mom died on Monday :( I have missed the trial since the and was wondering if anything worthwile has happened?

Oh Honey, I'm so sorry! This will be one the hardest parts of your journey through life :-( take care of yourself, grieve for as long as you need to, there is no time limit for moving on and getting over it. I wish I could just give you a tight hug.
I just logged in so I don't know if this has been mentioned:

AZRepublic Front Page:

Online attacks on defense expert decried as digital "lynch mob"

All this sent her to the hospital last weekend.
Is it witness tampering?
Threats to ALV office and online and Amazon
Possibility of removal of TV cameras.

I would post a link but I don't know how.

When you want to post a link-just right click on the site (example) the top. Left click on copy. Come back here and right click again left click on paste. Voila. I hope i explained clearly.
If ALV had produced a report outlining exactly how she reached her conclusions, JM wouldn't have had to try to drag info out of her as she resisted mightily. JM shouldn't have been put in the situation of having nothing to go on but whatever ALV had under lock and key in her trained brain + a few disjointed, incomplete notations (i.e. "manifesto" - "ask about gas cans") she jotted down as she read whatever she read.
To Dr. Nick (fellow newbie!)

I also considered questioning AL's creds and had the thought that JM felt very comfortable going after HER conclusion re: Jodi rather than go after her cred. In light of an appeal, having competent experts on her side now is very important. I believe he has given this auto appeal process one less issue to look at. After all she's been hailed with such high esteem in the DV field.

Just a thought. :twocents:
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