trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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Members, please read this article from USA Today and you will realize why we've had to be so strict on the name calling and disparaging remarks of the defense team's witnesses.

Could it be construed as witness intimidation? Regardless of the argument for or against free speech, Websleuths will not be responsible for giving the appearance of any organized effort to intimidate or tamper with any witness during any trial.

We ask that you please post responsibly.

Thank you.
Sue and Tricia Owners
Good morning, all! :seeya:

Last week KN filed another motion for dismissal and stood before JSS citing the media circus as a factor. The DT knew that this Twitter account and several questionable websites exist and have the hand of DB in the mix. JA gesturing to the media is not, IMO, helping the DT’s argument. They keep bringing in the clowns and then cry that the trial has become a three-ring circus. Something tells me the hypocrisy is not lost on JSS. :denied:
I'm brand new here but have lurked for a long time. I've learned so much from the legal experts and the keen-eyed observers in the JA trial threads. Thanks to all of you!

As a psychologist, I've watched in horror as two of the worst examples of "experts" from my profession have done everything possible to undermine the credibility of the field in front of a national audience. Of course there is always some subjectivity associated with the analysis of human behavior, but adherence to scientific principles can produce reliable and verifiable results. Unfortunately, charlatans can use the language of the field to lend false credibility to almost any opinion.

I'm hesitant to question JM's judgment on any aspect of his cross examination, partly because I thought he was amazing (no notes!?!) but also because I would never want to incur the wrath of his fans here. I am new, after all. Still, he could have hammered ALV on her lack of scientific rigor, especially her repeated assertions that she was able to do all of the diagnostic work "in her brain". An absence of written work to explain in detail how her decision was reached is a huge red flag.

Also, the definition of "stalking" doesn't require the victim to respond in any particular way. Here's the American Psychological Association's description:

"Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behaviors that an individual engages in such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. These actions may be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm, and they may or may not be precursors to an assault or murder"

Again, thanks to all of you and of course, much gratitude to Tricia for creating and managing this site.

Welcome to the zoo Dr Nick :welcome:
I'm so sorry, Chijojo :( Thinking of you I hope you are okay :hug: I am watching my mum disappear before me from ALS and having something like WS to occupy the mind is very welcome :grouphug:

:hug: Ah, so sorry to hear about your mum, snowcat. WS is indeed a welcome distraction. Glad that you are with us.
Yeah, I think Martinez is doing a fantastic job, but I agree with you. I thought he was going to hammer her about it when she first said that junk about doing the work in her brain, but he moved on. Maybe he didn't think he needed to go further into it, but I do wish he would have.

I think he will go into it when he brings his expert on in rebuttal.

Members, please read this article from USA Today and you will realize why we've had to be so strict on the name calling and disparaging remarks of the defense team's witnesses.

Could it be construed as witness intimidation? Regardless of the argument for or against free speech, Websleuths will not be responsible for giving the appearance of any organized effort to intimidate or tamper with any witness during any trial.

We ask that you please post responsibly.

Thank you.
Sue and Tricia Owners
Understandable. Name calling is childish anyway, though I've been guilty of it myself.

Wow...I didn't realize how flexible Arias was.

The pic on the top left with red shirt.

What I don't understand is why they say they can't do anything about it. Isn't Donovan a known felon? Why are they allowed to have contact? Can't they cut off phone calls between the two?

Good questions! I hope someone has an answer.
Do we REALLY think Jodi is smart enough to use Internet proxies/spoof her IP address like that?

It's a real looooongshot for me.

Guess we will see!

I think their are websites and apps that can mask your IP address easily. I've heard of this will following the Stubenville case and Anon on twitter.
Yeah, I think Martinez is doing a fantastic job, but I agree with you. I thought he was going to hammer her about it when she first said that junk about doing the work in her brain, but he moved on. Maybe he didn't think he needed to go further into it, but I do wish he would have.

Maybe JM will use Dr. DeMarte, who produced a written report, to do that.
I think their are websites and apps that can mask your IP address easily. I've heard of this will following the Stubenville case and Anon on twitter.

Correct, but back in 2007-9?

Nope...not as well know by the public...
Can I ask how we KNOW JA is calling Don and telling it what to say everyday? I mean that is quite an assumption unless confirmed by the Mericopa County Sheriff's office.

Don was interviewed by Fox 10 News Phoenix, and said they talk on the phone and decide what to tweet.
A friend of Travis' just said on HLN that the first time Jodi called about Travis' death. He and his wife were convinced she had nothing to do with it. He was using it as an example of what a phenomenal liar she is.

Pathological Lair that I meet.
I dated a guy years ago who lived with his sister and her boyfriend in an apartment. When ppl got evicted the would can home and find wheat was left of their belongings. The sister was one of the scavengers who took some items from the eviction site. Later that day (evening) the police showed up at the apartment looking for (taken) stolen items. While I was present for this I sat on the couch while she stood at the door way with LE and the lady looking for her stolen property. The sister with the calmness of a snail stood and convinced the police that the coat rack in question was a gift to her by her grandmother who had just past 3 months ago, and the lady was told that the sister was ID'd was the one who took the coat rack. Now I am sitting there smoking a cigarette and using an ashtray that the sister also took from the eviction site that had not been noticed with all the attention on the coat rack. Needless to say the police left with the lady in tears and the sister over joyed that she had acquired a nice coat rack. She was that good. I never went back to that apartment and stopped dating the guy not long after. It was quite scary to witness someone that was able to do that, to me any way. jmo
If the subject of the meetings is correct, I have a feeling this has more to do with trying to limit the upcoming testimony of the PT's forensic computer expert.
How would this person know what transpired in a CLOSED chamber meeting?
Good points. Jumping off your post...

I was just thinking that any of Travis other girl friends and acquaintences probably were terrified of Jodi too and I am betting that a lot of females that may have wanted to date Travis probably purposely avoided him because of Jodi. Once his inner circle of friends began to hear the stories of Jodi, they probably were just as afraid of her than he was. Which made it much more difficult for Travis to really find another true girl friend. Especially after the tire slashing incident.

This would have made it very difficult for Travis to try to find a steady girl friend. Which I am almost sure is one of the reasons why Travis probably allowed Jodi some of the communication between them. Travis probably felt pretty alone in the girl department as the girls began to avoid him like the plague just because of all the stories they heard about the tire slasher.

Travis definitely began to fear Jodi, but the problem was he remembered the early good times with her and was probably conflicted with how she could be so nice to him at times and then turn on a dime into a phsyco. He was finally realizing how serious it was, but it was too late.
And since he probably felt all alone at times and was very lonely because other girls were shunning him because of Jodi, he probably defaulted back to the thoughts of all the good times they had and allowed her to communicate with him because no other females friends would.

Jodi was successful in isolating Travis and she knew it. She isolated him from other female friends because of her behavior. Remember the video of where she was fake sleeping on his lap. She was practically telling everyone in the room to leave her and Travis alone. She is very evil and it is sickening what she did to him.

I am convinced Travis tried really hard to separate himself from her. But her phsycho ways isolated him from his other female friends and even some of the male friends. She knew it, and used that technique. She is evil, scary, cunning, and practically the devil herself.
Jst moo, but I do not even think he let her in june 4, let alone have sex. Something just is not right with that picture.
Also, the definition of "stalking" doesn't require the victim to respond in any particular way. Here's the American Psychological Association's description:

"Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behaviors that an individual engages in such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. These actions may be accompanied by a credible threat of serious harm, and they may or may not be precursors to an assault or murder"

I have really been thinking about her insistence that TA wasn't acting like he was being stalked. I personally think it stands to reason that a man might believe he can "manage" his stalker. I know my own husband had an ex-girlfriend that wouldn't let go and he never sought any restraining orders or took any extreme security measures. He thought he could handle it on his own. My husband's ex eventually went away, thank God, but obviously TA wasn't as lucky. Maybe TA was of the mindset that he was a man and he wasn't in any real danger, other than slashed tires and social media snooping, etc. I don't know. Just doesn't seem that odd to me that he didn't run to the police station or change his codes/locks.

I'm so sorry, Chijojo :( Thinking of you I hope you are okay :hug: I am watching my mum disappear before me from ALS and having something like WS to occupy the mind is very welcome :grouphug:

(((((HUGS))))) and support :grouphug:
How does DB talk to JA every morning when JA has to get up early for court and then wait for transport and then wait at the courthouse?
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