trial day 44: the defense continues its case in chief #134

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I don't care if JA tweets. In fact, I encourage it! Let her do all these attention-grabbing things that make her feel "powerful" and "famous." (Although, no WAY is it in her own words. She could never be limited to 140 characters!)

In 6 months, HLN will have moved on and the spotlight will be shining elsewhere. JA will be nothing more than another inmate, IMO. And that is the WORST thing this woman can imagine: anonymity. Her fame is fleeting and will be short-lived.

Sure, we'll see her from time to time on ID Channel reruns or giving an interview with "the real story." But interest will wane. And Jodi Ann Arias will go off the radar like Joran van der Sloot. We'll have to Google her name to see if she's even in the news.

I want to remember Travis Alexander, not his killer. I want him to have a legacy free of the woman who so brutally murdered him. I want him to be able to rest in peace without her name forever attached to his (which is what I believe she wanted.) I want the family to have as much closure and normalcy as this world can afford - which, I know, is little.

But I also want his family to file a civil suit to rid the world of those awful drawings. The courts and justice system CAN teach JA what power and control really is - even of her own creations, her fanciful drawings, her insane stories. They can ensure that prison and, perhaps, death row are the only profits she will reap. And I truly believe they will.

So tweet away, JA, while folks care to read them! I'll pass. I've read and heard enough of your ramblings. I care about only ONE thing: Justice for Travis. :twocents:


I don't care if she tweets either. Tweet away.....I too shall pass! :)
Has anyone else observed that during the short breaks Jodi is becoming much more aggressive or hostile? She is no longer being discreet(cough) about visually stalking the courtroom observers. Now Jodi turns completely around toward the courtroom observers and stares as something similar to glaring, menacing manner.

It reminds me of the way my MIL, who is one of the most extreme narcissists' I have interacted with, behaves toward me. My MIL, who hates me with every ounce of her body, stares at me and if I divert my eyes to something in the room, besides her, my MIL will track my eye movement to see what it is I'm looking at and then make a comment about whatever it is. It always feels like something similar to being stalked which is why I never stay in a room alone with her.

What Jodi's doing is intimidating and harassing others and I really wish someone would start addressing her behavior bc Jodi's aggressive behaviors are building and is going to escalate. If something isn't done soon, IMO, someone is going to be hurt. IMO
Wouldn't you love to share a conversation with her ex-husband? I'm sure he has tales to tell.

Hey everyone Good morning :) so first I hear on the news this morning, FOX10, all about JA tweeting from jail, her friend Donovan ( the news called her a male) talks to JA every morning on the phone, JA tells her/him what to tweet, and then I open my Newspaper, and on the front page is the expert on domestic violence, I haven't read the article yet, I'm sick of all this attention given to the person who admitted to killing Travis Alexander. I need to go for my walk now, when I get home I am going to send the news station an email asking why they have not give the victim in this case any mention. I am so angry, I hate starting my day off like this. I'll be back later.


For real??? BWWWAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! That's a knee-slapper right thur!! :floorlaugh:
I assume that in AZ the jailhouse phone calls/visits are NOT recorded like they are in FLA? Is that true?
Heh. The power of the people.

Rock on!!

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:seeya: Good Morning, Websleuth World! Thought I'd share a recent post from the The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial Facebook page:

"According to on Twitter, the barrage of cyber hate toward LaViolette was the subject of lengthy meetings in the judge's chambers on Monday. Apparently the stress sent the DV expert to the emergency room last weekend. She presented with anxiety and heart palpitations."

Not too long ago, someone posted information regarding JA's infractions while in jail. I don't know how to access this, but if someone does, maybe an updated inquiry will shed some light on the recent confiscation of her journal, anything else of interest and possible disciplinary actions?

Yes, the only thing I could find was from Radar Online. How could I forget she got into an altercation with another inmate and claimed self defense? :rolleyes:
Well, I did it. I just emailed Fox 10 News Phoenix. That felt really good. Now I'll go back read what's been posted here since last night :)
Who is Nancy that JA claims the 'finger' was for in her tweets?
Real life got away with me yesterday during the trial so I missed most of it :(

Then last night we had a bunch of really severe thunderstorms so my chihuahua tried to crawl under my skin all night long, shaking like crazy.

Mornin' all!

Hi, O/T qasnt that thunder something else? My ddog was scared too and he is never scared! :seeya:
I think she's been in solitary because she did something aggressive/wrong. I posted earlier that I saw a change in the behavior of her prison guard this morning. He seemed extremely nervous when she was standing too close to Wilmott and I swear his hand came up to block her when she reached out to touch/tap Wilmott.

Snipped with respect, grammy

I've been watching Jodi interact with JW and it makes me nervous. I wish JW would understand that Jodi truly is dangerous. JW needs to appreciate the behaviors of a sociopath and how they go about disarming their victims by giving a false sense of all is safe in order to get intimately close to the victim which is what Jodi did with Travis and now he is dead.
I read a post for a good WSer asking about research about female stalkers. I found this very good article written by Dr Tara J. Palmatier.

Why Men Are More at Risk

Many men don’t realize that their exes, girlfriends and wives engage in behaviors that can be described as stalking and harassment. In many cases, these behaviors could be classified as criminal. Stalking and harassment are also a form of abuse. (Bold in the article) In some ways, men are more at risk for these behaviors because many stalking acts engaged in by female stalkers are considered to be acceptable female courtship behaviors (they’re not normal; they’re often an indication of pathology) and/or because society and law enforcement do not take male stalking victims seriously.

Female stalking victims are more vulnerable than their female counterparts because men are more likely to be held responsible for their own victimization (e.g., he deserved it), female perpetrators aren’t considered as dangerous as male perpetrators, and because stalking by an ex-partner is generally considered less dangerous than stalking cases involving strangers (Sheridan et al, 2003). Several studies show that male victimization can be just as severe as female victimization and ex-partners have been consistently shown to be the most common and dangerous kind of perpetrator (Palarea et al., 1999; Zona, Palarea, & Lane, 1998). It’s high time that law enforcement, the courts, psychology and society at large gets up to speed on this issue. (Does this sound familiar???? ALV mentality

Stalking and Harassment Behaviors List
In order to compile a list of stalking behaviors, I reviewed 4 stalking/harassment/perpetration assessment scales: 1) the Composite Stalking Scale (Davis, Ace, & Andra, 2000; Dye & Davis, 2003); 2) the Courtship Persistence Inventory (Sinclair & Frieze, 2000); 3) the Relationship Pursuit (Cupach & Spitzberg, 2000; 2004) and 4) the Unwanted Pursuit Behavior Inventory (Palarea & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 1998; Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Palarea, Cohen, & Rohling, 2000).


Wonder if ALV needs some education from this informed Professional on stalking specifically female stalkers.

I don't care if she tweets either. Tweet away.....I too shall pass! :)

That's how I feel. She can tweet Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech for all I care. I also don't care how giggly she gets with JW. All signs she's losing and she knows it.
Another reason to condemn ALV is because she's lived in the LA area since attending CA State Long Beach in the late 60s. She surely knows that you don't get to SLC via Pasadena. You get to SLC via Redding, and you get to Mesa via Pasadena.

Mikee Daniels hilariously illustrates the absurdity of Jodi's trip planning:

Jodi Arias Pre Meditation Proved , Evidence ! - YouTube

It screams premeditation, and ALV, having lived in that area the past 40 years, surely realized that as she read the file.

Wowee, thank you for the introduction to Mikee Daniels. That was great!
In reguards to the tweet from JA about JM's stature, who makes a point to position their chair at the lowest setting at beginning of each day? Who's the one that's heigth conscience?
But why would they do that? Only the general public is supposed to be viewing HLN.

The jury is the only people they should be concerned with. I understand that not being sequestered is an issue for them, but honestly we are day 45. That is a long time. We aren't even finished with the DT CIC. At this point it could be May before they are even given a chance to deliberate.

All of these motions for mistrial for jury conduct and prosectional misconduct is just throwing information the jury's way. The DT is giving the jury the impression they don't trust them. If I were on that jury I would be even more inclined to not listen/speak/look at anything just to prove them wrong.

Boy Howdy. Wait until they all find out Nurmi called them liars.
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