trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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HLN's Mike Galanos just reenacted the license plate incident. Switched rear plate up side down and removed front plate.

Did he speculate on where the screws for the front plate ended up....?
If I could ask ALV a question, I'd ask her if anyone from the defense team ever reviewed her notes prior to her testimony? I'd ask her how it can be a mistake that she said the shooting occurred in the closet, and as late as yesterday, she testified to that. What makes her think it was a mistake today? Is it only because she has been told that is now Jodi's latest account? My gosh! You can't keep changing your story and expect to be considered believable.
Woo to the Hoo!

A blizzard rages outside my window, preventing me from driving to work today, the defense rested this witness on the weakest statement one could imagine, some excellent Earl Grey tea leaves are steeping, a bottle of bourbon is at hand... Oh how i <3 Thursdays.

LOL, I don't have snow here in TX, but as my Daddy always said about TX weather:

Chili today, hot tamale... weather in TX, he was right on. :floorlaugh:
i nearly feel off my seat when wilmott said nothing further....

jury questions YAYAYAYAY


JMO but I think she saw the "writing on the wall" -- the jury is BORED and they have had ENOUGH ...

Besides there was NO way to rehabilitate ALV !

I ran some errands during re-direct so I wouldn't miss the jury questions this afternoon so could someone tell me what, if anything was said about what Jodi told ALV about shooting Travis in the closet?

ALV said she made another mistake.

That seemed to be the theme for today.

ALV makes many mistakes, and admits some of them if caught by others.
So what ALV is doing to trash the deceased victim and support his murderess is not antithetical to her "moral core."

I suspected as much.

She knows her career and reputation are in tatters so she's going down all guns blazing. Nothing left to lose.

I'm sad that TA's siblings and supporters have to hear this drivel which is based on the spoutings of a confessed liar.
Why do I see the clutching hand of Falsity in Willmott's attempt to redress the witness? I think the whole defense team "heard from her" after court yesterday. Going into this double life characterisation leaves the defendant open to the same accusation. She too purports to be a practicing Mormon, more devout during her time in Mesa. The silly syllogism gagged me. Abusers lead a secret life, Travis led a secret life, therefore Travis is an abuser. That would mean CIA operatives are abusers.


The technical term for that fallacy is "Affirming the Consequent" and, as it suggests is an argument that gives the impression of premises leading to a conclusion, but is actually beginning with a conclusion and working backwards.

That's Alyce LaViolette in a nutshell.

Oh, and people searching for another term to describe her using "man hater", that technical term is "misandrist". Misandry is the same construction as the pathological hatred of women, misogyny, but is the form of bigotry applied to men.

I think Martinez's deconstruction of her differing standards of who is an abuser and who is a stalker not based on actions, but on gender, where she makes ad hoc rationalization for why Jodi Arias wasn't a stalker, was masterful.

I don't think any rehabilitation will remove the simple fact that the woman the worst form of bigot who think being abused, stalked and, ultimately, the right to be, belongs to only one gender which, oddly enough, is hers.

I think she rationalizes this as rebranding her doing in men as doing for woman. I have no idea what LaViolette said to Travis Alexander's sister, but if I had to hazard a guess it would be something like "Don't be upset. I'm doing this for all women, I'm doing this for you too", with the parenthetical implication ("Travis didn't matter')

The actual vile content of her thinking aside, the rampaging, fallacious, double-standard, special pleading, equivocating, parsing and obfuscatory mushy-headed thinking makes me sick.

There's a word in Italian, which is "stunad". The way my Grandmother used it was to mean someone so stupid that they not only didn't know how stupid they were, but were, in fact, smug about being stupid.
:seeya: I am new here too. I so enjoy your conversations. I can not tell you how many times I have been reading here late into the night and started to giggle out loud at the observations. As someone that suffers from clinical depression that does not happen much. I must say one of the best days was when you all talked about the nude pics and so many things were talked about by referring to vegetables and fruits. Hope nobody got a time out but, it gave this girl a much needed laugh. Thanks for all the great insight in this trial.

But want to ask the opinion of others since it was talked about again today. When they play the “sex tape” did you notice that everytime Travis says what he wants “to do to her” or “with her”, she always say," What?”, “What did you say?”. She always wants him to repeat those parts, everytime throughout the whole recording. She was setting him up even at that time. What do you think?

As someone who also suffers from both anxiety an epression I can totally relate! It feels good to LOL and the clever members here are great at posting stuff that lightens things up in the midst of such a painful trial.

I think JA had it in her twisted mind to use those recordings to blackmail him in church and in his professional and personal life. She is a predator and wanted some ammo to use against him so he could be intimidated into having to do what she wanted. JMO. She is beyon evil and everything she did was prefaced with "how will this help me manipulate".
And, IMHO, that is why the Hughes' were majorly concerned when Nurmi lies to them. One of their questions to Nirmi was 'what ages?' As a parent, that would be my first concern and why I would be extra pissed about Nurmi's lie.

I hope the Hughes write a book
FOX News is now reporting the info about how JA has been getting her messages out via tweets from "a friend" outside.

Glad this info is being mentioned in the media.
The jail needs to be more closely monitoring JA's phone calls.

Maybe we all need to Notify Sheriff Joe of what this thing is doing? this should NOT be allowed!!!! Needs to stop ASAP!
Hi all. Registered today after seeing a call-out to lurkers to join. I'm very obedient. :angel:

Doubt I'll post much because I'm not a chatty cathy, but I'll at least post my opinion of this case. I caught it first on TruTV and got so obsessed with it I found an on-line stream and went in search of a forum to see what others were saying. Initially I wondered what terrible, horrific thing TA did to her to drive her to slaughter him. I was certain he had to have done something really horrific to warrant that kind of overkill. I know better now.

If I were on the jury I would vote Murder 1 and in the guilt phase I would vote for death. Not an act I could carry out myself, but I would vote that way and thank the universe there are people who can do that.
:seeya: I am new here too. I so enjoy your conversations. I can not tell you how many times I have been reading here late into the night and started to giggle out loud at the observations. As someone that suffers from clinical depression that does not happen much. I must say one of the best days was when you all talked about the nude pics and so many things were talked about by referring to vegetables and fruits. Hope nobody got a time out but, it gave this girl a much needed laugh. Thanks for all the great insight in this trial.

But want to ask the opinion of others since it was talked about again today. When they play the “sex tape” did you notice that everytime Travis says what he wants “to do to her” or “with her”, she always say," What?”, “What did you say?”. She always wants him to repeat those parts, everytime throughout the whole recording. She was setting him up even at that time. What do you think?

:greetings: Welcome!! This is a great place to be, even during these dark days (and nights) ~ glad you're here!

Good point about the tape and her asking him to repeat himself... I hadn't thought about it in the CONTEXT (ALV's favorite darn word :banghead:) .... of JA taping him and wanting the sexual portions of the conversation to be clear... but now I'm thinking that.
Originally I thought she was asking him to repeat himself because he sounded like he had a stuffy nose or was tired (or bored, or done with talking to her).
What are your thoughts?
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