trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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Twice today, ALV tried to sneak in Travis's Facebook comment: "I hate *advertiser censored*". If she was alluding to some kind of character assassination of JA, bring it on! If the shoe fits....

It's a good thing ALV cannot read minds because I would be classified as a 'terrorist' based on the language that pops into my mind every time I look at that vile creature. Travis's so-called 'verbal abuse' was G-rated!
ALV teaches classes on how to be an expert witness.... Does not speak well for the "teacher" when she is called out on such a basic element of court performance as body language!

All that smirking, snarking, shrugging, and posturing herself against the prosecutor did not serve her well. She made this personal rather than professional, and it has risen up and bitten her in the rear-end....

Exactly. First time on primetime, and now everyone knows was Alyce is about. I wonder how many false accusations she has been involved with in other court cases.
I wonder if the jury picked up that when questioned about "most of the men you deal with are abusers" - that all the men she named as "non-abusive" were either co-workers,platonic friends or family. She did not mention any personal "intimate" relationships with a non - abusive men. Her main source of information regarding male/female relationships are that of abusive men.

Also - when questioned about how many cases she was on that the victim was a man - the only case she detailed was "man on man" violence. Nothing mentioned about a woman abuser.
Well, at least she finally admits that men can be abused and women can be perpetrators.

THAT had to be excruciating for her to squeeze that out. May be the first time in her career that she has actually uttered that!!

P.S. I believe for her to sit up there and be so absolutely rigid in her defense of JA goes waaaaay beyond her duties as an "expert witness" evaluation or DV therapist. I think JA has seduced her and she's crushing on JA and is in over her head and cannot be objective. Donovan Bering, move over, you've got competition!! :what:
Ok, so now Jodi is tweeting from jail? I doubt that. She's "relaying" information to someone. She should be tasered!

Would be interested in the timing of the tweets...suspect she has been playing with JW's phone in court. Or yes, it could be someone on the outside who supports her and has been watching NG.

crud, Maybe I will ask over in Katie's thread or somewhere not log jammed because if anyone has answered my question it was lost among the 10000000s of posts

Why the heck is JA wearing a bullet proof vest openly before the jury when just a few weeks ago her shackles would create a "negative" impression. Why is she wearing a bullet proof vest like some victim in danger of being shot or abused in some physically threatening way??????? Does that not create an impression on the jury??


Personally I didnt even notice...she is?
Don't know if this has already been posted but this
TwitLonger shows a trail of ip addresses/people/and other stuff I don't really understand :sigh: that shows the JAII FB page is put up by the same people/company that put up the CAII FB page.
Apparently it earns money that was sent to Anthony family and now JAII earns money for the Arias family.
They call it a scam. I don't understand enough of this to really have an opinion, but it is interesting to ponder..
anyone else know enough to see if this makes sense?

Eh hem, keep your eyes on your own paper because that's what I said! (just kidding sweetie).

She was caught twice with pens taped under her cot despite having an endless supply of stubby pencils. So she's either forging something or is making crack pipes. I go with forging! ;)

Lol Hln reported the removal of the journals from her cell recently. Wasnt there a motion the DT wanted them back recently. Are they afraid what's in them? If she had ACESS to a pen.
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