trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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Tweets were going to the courthouse about the deputy. Courthouse tweeted that he wasn't asleep, but looking down. lol.

Well I often check out the back of my eyelids when boring testiphony is going on! :floorlaugh: Can't say that I blame him that much. Hope he stays awake though so I might get to see that stun belt in action! :eek:
I think there's still someone wondering about the crime of passion angle too. It doesn't bother me at all. This isn't that 'other' case. In fact, I'd love to know what percentage of the case Juan feels he has presented at this point. S/he could stil be an alternate in any event and there's others who can persude him/her anyhow.
Juan Martinez still has rebuttal to clear up any misconceptions about premeditation. :)
A big shout out to wenwe4 for all her work transcribing!!!!!!

(Something tells me she doesn't type with just 2 fingers like I do.)

And kudos to the others who fill in sometimes.

Ok, so now Jodi is tweeting from jail? I doubt that. She's "relaying" information to someone. She should be tasered!
Juan also had a huge smile on his face when he walked away. All 3 attorneys were talking about something to the judge and then started all started laughing.

The Defense will get on with their lives. Family, career, hobbies etc. At the end of the day JA and JA alone will sit in prison for the rest of her life.

OK if I was Jodi I would feel extremely on edge having that thing strapped to my body all day.

However, after seeing that the terrible rotten person in me wants the guard to fall asleep, trip, reach for something else, anything.... and hit the zap button. Jodi can not even sit in court with out flipping people off. She is tweeting about Martinez having little man syndrome. Just HIT THE SWITCH.

:please: don't ban me. This woman is a horrible murderer and I just want a little zap. Just a tad. Not a lot, just a tad, a little zap and watch her fly off her chair and hit the floor. That's all, little bit.
BRAVO JURY Bravo , Bravo, and Bravo, again
"Criminals don't have cause and effect thinking. They kill people and think they won't get caught, they tweet out and think there will be no repercussions"

SHE got that right!
I would like to thank and acknowledge the moderators who keep this forum above board and spend countless hours maintaining the decorum and decency of this site when so many of us really want to be bad and say awful things. Much appreciation, even though I am newly registered, I have lurked for years.
I loved how the juror even put the precise time that ALV did her cutesy poo grin at Jodi....oh, and the little flirty shrug of the shoulders. :great:

Alyce has a hard time controlling her emotions.

She wears them on her sleeve.
Private journals seized from arias jail cells. Was she making up as she goes with a pen and that's why the guards watching her closely.?

Eh hem, keep your eyes on your own paper because that's what I said! (just kidding sweetie).

She was caught twice with pens taped under her cot despite having an endless supply of stubby pencils. So she's either forging something or is making crack pipes. I go with forging! ;)
Jodi's look on the overkill question!



Thanks for posting that. I missed it at the time. :)
Alyce? Alyce? Are you listening to me? Ok, good...they don't believe you.
When Travis said "I don't like *advertiser censored*", is there any doubt about who he referred to?
I agree. She really looked bad today. It is one thing refuse to give an inch when Juan is questioning, but this was the jury! They were basically saying, "Are you hearing how biased you sound? sure you don't want to rethink some of your answers?," and she said, "Nope, I'm good, thanks." Lol.

They were begging her to show professionalism. Mental health evaluations for no matter what purpose, are not an exact science. Any professional will admit to that and be honest and say yes, if such and such was a lie then that would alter my opinion. That shows professionalism, not absolutes in an inexact science.
I think she was trying to pocket that little yellow golf pencil.

Funny you should mention this because I watched the Casey trial and the bailiffs had to go thru the same thing. She would get a little attitude.
I can't explain why it's different today, but I find myself so much sadder today about this case, especially for the Alexander family, than any other day thus far in the trial.

The jury questions were good and showed that they don't appear to be buying what ALV's selling, but her ability to take those questions to further dishonor and tarnish Travis' image is appalling.

The other thing that stuck with me today that's just hard to fathom is when ALV was talking about TA saying he was a virgin when he wasn't and she said but she didn't think he was a sociopath. It was shocking that she even chose to use this word in relation to TA even if it was to negate the idea. No one in this case has ever accused TA of being a sociopath, he was far from it, so bringing that word up in any relation to him was beyond the pale.
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