trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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Somebody cue up the date and time of the shrug that juror noticed.
Jodi was really weird and jumpy after court adjourned. Stretching her arm all the way forward, grabbing a pencil, standing the pencil on it's end, grabbing it again, stretching arm with pencil forward, putting it down, picking it up. That is when the bailiff walked up to her. Just very jittery and anxious appearing.

She knows it's over for her. She's not getting out of jail-----she's going to prison. You could see it on her face.

They should watch her. I don't want TA's family getting cheated out of her life sentence or a life on death row. I could see her nicking herself again and then this trial stops while she's evaluated or something. I do NOT want that.
ALV wishes she could say to this jury: "You guys need a time-out!"

If the jurors could ask Willmott a question it would be "Why do you giggle every 2 seconds in a death penalty trial?"
Jury asking Alyce if magazine messages were for her is INCREDIBLE.
Good evening everyone!

Catching the end of JVM and the jury questions!!!

She really didn't stand for the jury? If so, that shows her true personality. She didn't like the questions, so she doesn't like the jury and she'll show them who is in charge.

She did not stand. She was chatting with the judge, then by the time she stood it was to leave. I didn't notice whether the judge initiated the conversation, but that would seem highly unlikely.

As Katiecoo says, the Jury not buying what ALV is selling!

Always every question contains the words "Jodi" and "lie(d)(s)".

It is impossible that Travis had a .25...His friends owned guns and he went shooting with them occasionally...If he wanted to purchase a gun, he would've asked his friends opinions on what gun to buy...A .25 would not be on that list...

I bet if we asked Jodi's grandparents why they bought a .25 they wouldn't say so they could go shooting with their mates who had semi autos. Just sayin'
A little something telling about what the judge is thinking -- when instructing Alyce to only answer the questions and not provide additional information, Judge said "Your attorney will have a chance to follow up"

Good catch!
Sorry if this has been stated here; it's hard for me to keep up with the threads.

I've asked 3 different people who lecture as academics, asking if they were break out speakers at a conference wether they would ever list that on their CV as them being the keynote speaker. The answer was firmly, every time: No, no way, never. There is no example in which that would ever be truthful.
This sometimes happens to new attorneys too. A client tells one side and the attorney gets burned. Trust me, it only happens once. After the first burn, most people are very careful to understand the full case.

There are undoubtedly cases where ALV has heard very similar stories, even with a brutal killing, where it was Battered Women's Syndrome. Unfortunately, for her, she bought that this was one of those cases when the jury clearly sees it is not.

A very career damaging choice to trust what you are given. But, I think it is likely a newbie, trusting mistake and that her reactions in not giving an inch are a reflection of her loyalty to real abused women (where she is likely asked the same questions and has to continually explain and defend them). We, including the jury, have all seen so much more than she can even comprehend in this one.

Can ALV sue the DT for duping her & ruining her career?


You are awesome, and FAST! I almost missed it!
Jodi looks as she is about to burst in flames! lol (watching HLN "pause" version) lol
Somethings been bugging me.
Travis was abused as a child.
Couldn't he be more likely to put up with abuse from JA (mental and physical) because of all he suffered as a child?

Travis and his siblings were removed from the home and sent to live with the grandparents when Travis was 7. The grandparents were very loving according to the children. Grandpa was Travis' hero. They were also raised in the Mormon Church so there is more reason to believe that Travis received the type of intervention he required than Jodi did since Jodi was unable to escape her so called "abuse" until she was almost 18. So if Jodi was the difficult child which caused the strict discipline ALV was not using correct information when she evaluated Jodi.

What was interesting is that ALV stated she only reviewed what was given to her and interviewed Jodi, that was it. She never followed up as JM did with Lisa or the Hughes when those people were clearly available and able to give statements. We know ALV used defense's interviews only and we know how wrong they were.

I believe ALV will redeem herself after the trial by saying she did not have all the information and had she known the truth she would have never done the evaluation. Remember 11 other DV experts refused to do before ALV. It appears she did not look beyond what defense provided to her. The 11 others probably did. That was a costly error on ALV's part.
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