trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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As uncomfortable as the invasion of privacy is, I'm glad they brought the tape in. Up until then I thought maybe Travis was secretly terrorizing his "dirty little secret." That tape was a real tipping point for me, not the sex part, which wasn't even that kinky if you ask me, but the interaction between them before and after, there was zero indication that he was anything but a completely normal, well adjusted, outgoing guy.

Yep. He and JA had a very sexual and somewhat kinky relationship. They were both all in. Regardless of what ALV says. JA used sex as her 'balance of power'.


So, I am thinking about who would actually purchase JA's "artwork". I'm an artist, and JA does have some talent, but she is not quite ready to hang beside Monet.
I think the likely purchaser of her work is 39, lives in his parents' basement & has never had a relationship. He works at a fast food restaurant and loves comic books.
JA's art will look great taped to the cinderblock wall of his cave-like room~ the room he dreams of bringing JA to upon her eminent release.
The account selling JA's artwork on EBAY was most likely shut down due to shill bidding.

Her art (sad-faced girls, etc.) looks like something a fourteen-year-old girl ould do, not an adult. But then again, she also likes to use such "poetic" terms as "nay" in her journals.
I didn't realize until today that his "talk" on the phone sex recording said something about porking or corking a little girl. Imo, that's just disgusting regardless of which word was used. The fact that Jodi spoke with him after that is just mind boggling to me. She clearly has a mental illness (not one that justifies murder) and the rest of my thoughts on the subject violate the TOS. ewww!

eta: just jumping off your post since it referenced the recording.

Hi Karmady,

I must have missed the "Porking" or "Corking" comment in those tapes......but then again I think there should be a law that "both" parties must give consent before a taped conversation by the parties involved is released.

We have no idea if Travis was even aware of this convo being taped. Much of the trial revolves around this tape . For all we know Jodie could have tricked him into playing this little game for her use to threaten him.

Frankly what 2 consenting adults do with their time has nothing to do with a case unless the death or murder is a direct result of a sex act gone wrong.

That tape really bothered me in that it was out there for ALL to hear including Travis's parents. Seems like Jodie got exactly what she wanted!
Agreed. Especially since JA made a big deal of how TA thought the braids were 'hot' after they played the tape in court. She made it sound like she never wore braids till TA made her.

Right-O. Closing arguments are going to be the bomb.


I see a pattern with those braids...:facepalm:
Our little EinstEin had this to say on her "art" website: "I remember only as Mr. B, the art teacher at Orcutt Junior High School, who I’m sure has long since retired. He granted me creative freedom to veer from the linear syllabus and follow my own inclinations. "
Really? And btw one of her "art" is 2000.00
Dream on , dream on....
I really don't get ALV's 'I'm old-fashioned' bit. How is she old-fashioned as it pertains to this case?

I'm making a few assumptions here but she is not old-fashioned in her views about:

Gender relations
Gay/heterosexual relations
Female chastity (she is fine with Arias having slept around)
Discipline (Arias would have benefitted from several wooden spoon beatings)
Criminal sentencing
Penal policies (punitive versus a more liberal approach)

She is just trying to play up the image of an old-fashioned grandma. I, for one, am not buying it.
Is it just me wondering if Jodi got mad because mom suggested she 'see someone' over her 'issues'? Wouldn't this be around the same time that Jodi's friend called in the middle of the night to say Jodi needed help. Also SA says they were glad Jodi moved back to Mesa so she could be near family. Just a theory.

Remember the "pamphlets" JA supposedly gave to Travis to encourage him to get help for his "issues"? I have wondered if in fact either Travis or JA's mom actually gave HER a pamphlet suggesting clinics to go to for help and she has twisted the story to fit her own fairy tale.
ALV mentioned a couple times he said he wanted to "pork a little girl" on the sex tape. I never heard this. Like you said, only the comment about her sounding like a girl having her first orgasm. Those two statements are not interchangeable.

Did he actually say he wanted to "pork a little girl" or is ALV being misleading?

I didn't hear him say that either but I have to believe she has a foundation for it, maybe something we haven't seen/heard, or else Juan would never let her so grossly mischaracterize that evidence. We have to remember though, the DT kept throwing around his statement about a 12 year old having an orgasm as sick and deviant, but when we heard it in context it was far more benign. The same is quite likely true of this statement (if he said it).
Did I u d'état and correctly? There is court today?

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I think ALV needs a good dose of looking at the crime scene photos. I was hoping the jurors would ask if she got a chance to look at them..and if so...what did she think of what JA did there...would you call THAT abuse?

I don't think ALV would be moved by them at all. She already set the stage with her ridiculous comments about DV victims not knowing when to stop...paving the way for justifying what Arias did as a natural reaction.

All bunk...her testimony and opinions.
Remember the "pamphlets" JA supposedly gave to Travis to encourage him to get help for his "issues"? I have wondered if in fact either Travis or JA's mom actually gave HER a pamphlet suggesting clinics to go to for help and she has twisted the story to fit her own fairy tale.

That would fit with her story flipping .. and Travis was the mysterious friend who called Jodi's mom?
Also, by "her" own admission her doggie style pic( ugh) she did not think anal sex was wrong or kinky.
Just an FYI, the two negative comments about Juan and NG have been deleted from Jodi's Twitter account

I'm sure many people took screen shots, knowing some of the tweets would be deleted. :floorlaugh:

ETA: I know I sure did ;)
I think everyone can see when a juror puts a question in the box, but I'm not sure. He's certainly not doing anything else...maybe this is his job from now on!!

IMHO the mechanics of how they do the juror questions is poor.
  1. Everyone apparently sees when a juror puts a question in, so they have some idea of the timing.
  2. The questions are asked in order submitted, so for at least the first couple and the last couple they know which juror submitted them.
If I ran the world :cool: there would be a folder passed around periodically and each juror would insert one or more pages, even if they are blank. Then no one would know who is doing what.
Remember the "pamphlets" JA supposedly gave to Travis to encourage him to get help for his "issues"? I have wondered if in fact either Travis or JA's mom actually gave HER a pamphlet suggesting clinics to go to for help and she has twisted the story to fit her own fairy tale.

I had forgotten all about those pamphlets. Maybe its because I was thinking where in the h e double hockey sticks one finds a pamphlet just laying around for sexual abusers.

What does it say..There is help available to you, you don't have to be this way. List the symptoms of what you might be...Gawd, it just made smh.

Maybe she found one Nurmi left laying around for his clients...she just incorporated it into her story.

Just bizarre that she is the only person in the world to see this pamphlet and there is not another copy to be had ANYWHERE.

Again, bizarre.

Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

What an exciting afternoon we had yesterday in the courtroom.

I don't know if the Judge had mentioned this before but yesterday for the first time I heard her say the questions were in the order they were submitted. I am glad she gave us that roadmap because it does make a difference, imo.

I get the feeling that there may be someone on that jury who has experienced their own domestic violence or has a family member who has. Someone that knows about DV. When the question was asked along these lines "Does a victim usually snap and kill their abuser?' showed me they are educated to the facts that NO THEY DO NOT. Rarely does a victim ever kill their abuser. So that was a good question and an educated question based on personal knowledge, imo.

The questions as they progressed on became more and more pointed and accusatory against ALV. They simply think she is either biased against all men period or has been hoodwinked by JA as others have. Whatever they believe...........they don't find credibility in her testimony.

What made me smile is how many of their questions were Juan's questions when she refused to answer him directly. Priceless and it shows who they are listening to more.

All and all it was a wonderful hopeful day for Travis. I picked up on the feeling that some of the jury is highly incensed and offended that Travis has been drug through the mud without anything to support it other than the words of the defendant.

This also makes me feel that she may get death.

I didn't hear him say that either but I have to believe she has a foundation for it, maybe something we haven't seen/heard, or else Juan would never let her so grossly mischaracterize that evidence. We have to remember though, the DT kept throwing around his statement about a 12 year old having an orgasm as sick and deviant, but when we heard it in context it was far more benign. The same is quite likely true of this statement (if he said it).

I wonder...On one hand I would think JM would object if it isn't the case, but perhaps he will hit that point when he has a go at her again. If there is a foundation for it she better address it. Otherwise I would believe some jurors would see her miss-characterizing the statement and hold it against her.
I really don't get ALV's 'I'm old-fashioned' bit. How is she old-fashioned as it pertains to this case?

I'm making a few assumptions here but she is not old-fashioned in her views about:

Gender relations
Gay/heterosexual relations
Female chastity (she is fine with Arias having slept around)
Discipline (Arias would have benefitted from several wooden spoon beatings)
Criminal sentencing
Penal policies (punitive versus a more liberal approach)

She is just trying to play up the image of an old-fashioned grandma. I, for one, am not buying it.

She conveniently throws out the "old-fashioned" card when it is beneficial for the defense, IMO. One way to avoid the issue of the type of sex that was had and who initiated it (Arias).
She's old fashioned. Said so herself.

And she means that literally and figuratively. I think *she* has family of origin issues re: abuse and I think she may have had abuse in previous relationships, perhaps her marriage.

When she said she was "old-fashioned", she didn't say it in a way that excuses why she couldn't bring herself to ask Jodi about more explicit sexual details. She wore it as a badge of honor.

We all construct realities to some extent and when you're a kid it can be your only escape. Her generation had a different view of "proper" things to talk about in public and "improper" things to ask another person. She never made the distinction between being an advocate for an abused person and being a dinner party guest. You have to ask the hard questions as an advocate. You don't ask personal questions at a dinner party.

She needs everyone to always say "please" and "thank you" and to do everything you say you're going to do and her standards for behavior for men in "relationships" are completely different from her standards for women.

And she brings those personal beliefs about acceptable social behavior to her weird belief that Travis was an abuser because he didn't call Jodi back on occasion or he had sex with her and immediately left or he didn't say please or he raised his voice to her or he was rude in an e-mail or he insulted her or said negative things about her family.

Seriously lady? If we physically struck back with Jodi-esque force at every man who failed to remember an important date, chose football over going out to dinner, told (as opposed to asking politely) us to bring them a towel or were just plain crummy boyfriends, it would be a bloodbath.

The concept of a friends with benefits relationship or even a purely booty call agreement is so foreign to her.

And for some reason she thinks Jodi's 5 month sexual romp with Travis was a committed relationship that should have led to marriage if only TRAVIS hadn't foiled Jodi's plan by breaking up with her and seeing other women.

Since I'm already into a thesis, I'll just say that I think Jodi ran this hustle on Travis after he told her he didn't want anything serious with her: "No, no, I agree with you. I don't want a serious relationship either. Let's just hang out and if it goes somewhere, great. If not, we're still great friends" ...:rolleyes: He was naive and inexperienced so he took her at her word.

She made a telling comment earlier when JW was questioning her about Jodi's sexual boundaries that she (meaning DV Lady) "may be comparing my boundaries to Jodi's". Shouldn't the evaluator separate herself and her issues from the person she's evaluating? She doesn't get to make moral judgments in her role AS A CRISIS INTERVENTION/CONFLICT RESOLUTION/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVOR ADVOCATE.

She could even somehow see Jodi as representative of what she wishes she could have done to a man who truly abused her (or even behaved in a way that she defines as abusive) or maybe she wishes her mother had been able to take action against her father ... whatever the issues are with DV Lady, there is no arguing the issues are there. And glaring.

Long-winded way to say DV Lady is totally projecting. :D

The defense team should have seen this bias in spite of their glee at having found an expert willing to testify. JW is a death penalty approved attorney so surely she's seen this kind of desperation to save a client thing before.

The defense team should have had another psychologist or therapist come in to confirm DV Lady's findings or at least put her through a tough grilling about her assessment. I would have, especially knowing Juanderful would be the prosecutor.

I'm stepping down from my soap box now and going to get a much needed cup o' joe.
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