trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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HOW IN THE WORLD can ALV say that Arias didn't lie until after she murdered Travis, when her journal shows several instances that she has lied, and Travis calls her a liar in his text messages TO Arias?
Loved the question about the possibility of phone conversations taking place before, during and after the e-mail 'tirade'. We have no idea what was said to and from TA in those conversations. It is no stretch to imagine there was a heated phone conversation, one party hung up and then the texting began.

I am surprised no one asked Jodi what she may have done for Travis to levy such accusations as 'evil' and 'sociopath' against her. I know we wouldn't get a true answer, but at least something that can be dissected and discredited.

Yes wake_me, I agree.

So much has been made of that one text calling JA a sociopath etc. Is there any information on the circumstances surrounding that response?

I think that may be the one they have referred to as related to a "blackmail"
attempt by Jodie on the "sex tape".

Frankly I don't know how they can use a text without referencing what it is responding to?
So...all the other DV patients she has didn't know when to stop and used excessive force on their abusive partners...riiiiiiiiiight, ALV. She makes NO sense at all.

The jury needs to ask her how many of them cleaned up the scene, didn't call for help, lied to the police, tormented the family with lies, changed multiple stories and then claimed self defense.
Since the jury questions are asked in the order received, I would imagine if he paid attention to when they were put in the box and numbered them as he went along, he might.

But honestly, he doesn't appear to be a person who is very organized or detail oriented.



If those jury questions go directly to the judge first, she should just mix 'em up and then that would take care of that problem. JMO
Hello to all of you! This is my first post, so please forgive if I mess up.

ALV's final statement about JA not being a good liar, etc: sure sounded Einsteiny-scripted to me! I'm surprised she didn't add "Ta Da" after and a do a dramatic flourish.

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: ...could soo picture her doing that:floorlaugh:

oh and....

IN my opinion the comment Travis made was in reference to a girl pleasuring herself and reaching climax for the first time. Icky, of course but not far outside of average dirty phone sex talk, Especially if Jodi liked to play the little girl.
It's the only recording of their intimate discussions that we've heard. We have no idea of how their fantasies came about. He made no reference to wanting to have sex with a child or to see a child sexually:moo:

They were role playing in my opinion and in that role play Jodi was the dirty little girl.

To add to that, who's to say JA hadn't told him in a prior conversation that she liked to roleplay as a young girl? Perhaps he said those things to please her. We really don't know the context.
I particularly enjoyed the one that had the exact time she did it and the question asked. A simple question with real attention to detail... :D

You all did see the pictures of JA with her first love Bobby right ? Her pigtails were perfect.

Good point! Maybe JM can bring those up during rebuttal! :twocents:
I'm curious if ALV was interviewing Jodi during the same time frame as the good Dr. S. It's clear she lied to him during that period so why would she be truthful to ALV.

Dr. S testified Jodi said she shot TA in the closet and so did ALV. Is this just a coincidence???
HOW IN THE WORLD can ALV say that Arias didn't lie until after she murdered Travis, when her journal shows several instances that she has lied, and Travis calls her a liar in his text messages TO Arias?

Because ALV lied. She herself stated that "JA did not lie to her about anything significant' me that meant that she knew there lies/deceptions in her interviews with her but they were inconsequential the to DV that she was investigating.


She did so much inane rambling yesterday. The questions rewlly exposed how fragiley built her opinion is.

She has got to be hurting this morning. They went after not just her conclusions but her methodology too, a much bigger indictment of her as a professional. Plus, it was one thing when it was Juan questioning her, she could blame his agenda and blood lust as a prosecutor for his criticisms. But this is the jury and they have no agenda but the truth.

The juror questions were quite compelling as they seemed to be questioning ALV's professional credibility. It appeared that the jurors believe that ALV is extremely biased and prejudice which hinders her ability to be impartial.

Not only were the jurors questioning ALV's credibility,on several occasions they had observed ALV communicating to Jodi a sense of loyalty.

It would benefit ALV to use this as an opportunity to reflect on the significance of this. However, I highly doubt that ALV would bc it would force her to acknowledge her personal issues.
Travis lied about sex. That's it. Many people do. Nothing sinister. Jodi, however, lied about murder -- wrote fake journal entries where she feigned ignorance on TA's death, deceived law enforcement in two interviews, lied to the nation on 48 hours while shedding crocodile tears as she recounted her daring escape from the intruders. And AVL calls that "not lying", just being afraid. She's disgusting and she deserves ALL THAT STRESS.

Not to mention, Travis lied about normal sex. He didn't have some secret sex life that included children, prostitutes, animals or even people of the same sex. I don't even think he had ever had vaginal sex with anyone other than Jodi, at least they haven't shown proof of it.
The jury needs to ask her how many of them cleaned up the scene, didn't call for help, lied to the police, tormented the family with lies, changed multiple stories and then claimed self defense.

I wonder how many of them also called the police just to be "helpful" (trying to find out what the police might know). ?
I keep thinking about how the DT could have gone a different way without totally trashing Travis Alexander's reputation. The man lost his life, his future, and due to this defense, every shred of his reputation. I don't think it was necessary to bring in the sex angle for days on end. A person may say things during sexual experiences that they think will always be private between them and their partner. It is obvious to most of us that Jodi was into this as much as he was. I think there were other ways they could have gone without their experts ruining their reputations and creating such disdain for the defense team. She admits she did it in addition to the overwhelming evidence. How can things that go to prove it be seen as too prejudicial when we know she did it? She is entitled to a defense but that shouldn't include completely destroying the reputation of the one she murdered. How can her feelings outweigh his? Our system has gone too far to the rights of the criminal and too little to the rights of the victim. I will be so glad when this is over. It is making me have feelings I don't like to have.

As uncomfortable as the invasion of privacy is, I'm glad they brought the tape in. Up until then I thought maybe Travis was secretly terrorizing his "dirty little secret." That tape was a real tipping point for me, not the sex part, which wasn't even that kinky if you ask me, but the interaction between them before and after, there was zero indication that he was anything but a completely normal, well adjusted, outgoing guy.
I'm curious if ALV was interviewing Jodi during the same time frame as the good Dr. S. It's clear she lied to him during that period so why would she be truthful to ALV.

Dr. S testified Jodi said she shot TA in the closet and so did ALV. Is this just a coincidence???

That was probably her story at the time...then changed it to fit forensic evidence a little closer.
IN my opinion the comment Travis made was in reference to a girl pleasuring herself and reaching climax for the first time. Icky, of course but not far outside of average dirty phone sex talk, Especially if Jodi liked to play the little girl.
It's the only recording of their intimate discussions that we've heard. We have no idea of how their fantasies came about. He made no reference to wanting to have sex with a child or to see a child sexually:moo:

They were role playing in my opinion and in that role play Jodi was the dirty little girl.

ALV mentioned a couple times he said he wanted to "pork a little girl" on the sex tape. I never heard this. Like you said, only the comment about her sounding like a girl having her first orgasm. Those two statements are not interchangeable.

Did he actually say he wanted to "pork a little girl" or is ALV being misleading?
That is one thng about the jury questions that has me on edge. Wondering if a question will out the fact someone watched something or read something.

I was thinking this question was more along the lines of those witness testimony by Lisa Andrews, Mimi Hall etc. Not sure if the jury saw the testimony by Chris/Sky Hughes. They were referring to the fact these witnesses testified TA was never abusive as far as they were aware and that JA was stalking him.

I could be totally wrong though.


That question didn't bother me. I felt it was a question to flush out that ALV only spoke to JA and JA only and when she talks about people other than JA she is basing her opinion on hearsay.

I felt great after hearing the questions. It was obvious ALV made a negative impression on the jury and they did not find her credible. Although the TH's on HLN probably found the questions DT supportive.

Good point! Maybe JM can bring those up during rebuttal! :twocents:

Agreed. Especially since JA made a big deal of how TA thought the braids were 'hot' after they played the tape in court. She made it sound like she never wore braids till TA made her.

Right-O. Closing arguments are going to be the bomb.

Just my two cents, based on having been married to her male equivalent, but here goes.

Psychopaths do not have any real feelings for the people in their lives. They only serve to fulfill a need for them at the time. Psychopaths also have many different people in their lives that they maintain different personas with. That is the main reason why they do not allow their families and friends to know one another. (Jodi's family never even saw a picture of Travis till after he died.) They are maintaining different stories with each set of people they know. That is one of the reasons they have lives in several different cities or states in this case. They can create whatever persona they want without fear of others knowing.

A psychopaths worst fear is to be exposed. If everyone they know gets together and begins to exchange stories, their scam is up. Travis had IMO found out something about her that she feared he was going to expose. I believe she figured this out in the time frame of the text that said she "was the worst thing that ever happened to me."

Psychopaths are masters at being whoever they need to be to get what they want. I think once she decided she was going to kill him she spent the next few days playing on his sympathy for her. She wormed her way back in enough to get him to let her in to his home. She toyed with him all day like a cat toys with a mouse. Why???... Because it was fun for her. She did what she had to do to make him feel safe with her around, the whole time knowing that she was going to kill him. I don't think he knew what was coming till that last picture in the shower of his face close up.

Most of the men in her live up until Travis seem to have been less than decent people, therefore, they may have not been able to have the impact in exposing her that Travis would have had.

Jodi realized that her welcome was over in Arizona and that is why she left. Had Travis of not threatened to expose whatever it was I believe he would still be alive today. Sadly I believe that Travis actually cared for her at some point and was compelled by his big heart to keep on trying to get her to be a better person. I don't believe it was some sort of sex addiction that kept him coming back. (Honestly I don't understand all the fixation on sex, he was a 20 something year old man, after all. I don't know any 20 something year old man that does not think about sex at least 10 times a day). But whatever he discovered in late May was the last straw for him.

My guess is that Jodi had been getting away with petty crime for all of her life. Her ability to manipulate people into thinking that she was someone other than who she was emboldened her to believe that she could have gotten away with this. IMO IF the camera had not been found she quite possibly would have gotten away with it.

Now that her first and second stories are able to be proven lies, she had to come up with one more. It was her only chance. Her ability to sit there and watch Travis's family be harassed and hurt by her accusations, and continue to be snarky and obnoxious shows that she never cared about Travis at all. She is one evil person, and she should be used to teach young men and women for that matter that there is true evil in this world and you need to be careful not to get sucked into their evil web.

Great post!!! I wanted to properly thank you, and everyone else, who responded to my question last night about why JA exploded on TA and not on any of her previous BF's. Thank you all!

All I can remember is her Mom flew to AZ in April to help Jodi move. Jodi got angry with her and told her to leave. Hopefully I'm not making a mountain of a molehill it just seems to fit a pattern (as ALV would say) of being manipulative and mean towards her Mom. Perhaps JM brought it up from the police interviews?

I can't even imagine either of my girls...Ug!!

Is it just me wondering if Jodi got mad because mom suggested she 'see someone' over her 'issues'? Wouldn't this be around the same time that Jodi's friend called in the middle of the night to say Jodi needed help. Also SA says they were glad Jodi moved back to Mesa so she could be near family. Just a theory.
Yes, I agree. She was creating a power struggle where there was none.


I don't even think it's an appropriate thing to say to someone in her group. You tell children to take time outs, not adults.

In fact, AVL early in direct described one feature of "abusive" communication style as being the tendency to take a parental tone and infantalize the abuse victim, chastizing them as it they are children. Apparently it's ok to use this "abusive" communication style in her groups.
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