trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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What the heck is a "linear syllabus?" She is trying too hard to be Einstein. It's not working.

I was an English Lit major & Jodi comes across as illiterate and inarticluate. You can use big vocab words in a sentence, but that doesn't make it a good sentence. She's a poseur.

P.S. here's how badly she misused the phrase "linear syllabus:"

A linear syllabus covers its teaching items once only, a cyclical or spiral syllabus more than once, enabling them to be treated at different levels of complexity. Basics may be introduced on the first cycle, with later cycles providing revision and coverage of more difficult points. ( 1988 ). The ELT Curriculum . Oxford : Blackwell

She's a moron.

What in the live-long day would Ms. Arias know about a syllabus of any kind? Why in the world is she bringing it up?
I was trying to post this yesterday, but the attatchment feature was not working.

I found this SO strange. At the end when she got up, sat back down, then the deputy walked over and she kept rearranging the front of her desk. Then stood this pencil on its head then got admonished by the guard.

Just beyond bizarre. I believe she is ADHD in addition to her 10 personalities.

Yes, pretty strange. Probably admonished by the guard since she, or someone, could impale themselves on the thing. Ah...if only that guard would leave her alone and let her perform her version of hari-kiri!
JA was advanced sexually. She used it to her benefit. Most men, sorry guys, from the age group she was in are into sex and think about it a lot. I heard on some radio talk show or tv that men in the age group from 15 to 25 think about sex in some way every 3 seconds. I guess we could research that but regardless, probably close to true.

I've heard that whole 'men think about sex every 3 seconds, and I really don't believe it is the case. I would definitely notice if my train of thought was being interrupted by sexual thoughts every 3 seconds, and it is not the case, nor has it ever been.

I figure if I were to think about sex in some way every 3 seconds, sexual thoughts would cross my mind 20 times a minute (60mins/3secs=20)

If I am awake 16 hours out of 24 then that is 960 minutes. (960minsx20sexual thoughts a min=19,200)

So that would imply men have a thought about sex on average 19,200 times a day if my calculations are correct. They very well may not be, as I am lousy at math but I gave it my best shot lol.
One of the juror questions to AVL was "Do you feel that being unable to interview Travis gives JA an unfair advantage in telling their shared story of abuse?"

AVL answered she got most of her information regarding Travis from his close friends. I am assuming she is talking about the Hughes.

Am I missing something? All of Travis's friends thought Jodi killed Travis so why 'were they not interviewed? She took the information from two people instead of twenty or thirty?

I am watching the juror Q & A right now and it is exciting to see the jury going in the direction of Jodi is a stalker, manipulator, liar, etc. and "WHY DO YOU KEEP LOOKING AND SMILING AT JODY"??????
Hi all, coming out of lurkdom to ask a question...

Where did the information come from that ja kicked her mother? When/who was on the stand when the jury heard that info? Thanks very much!! :seeya:
it came from day 36 of the trial from doc Samuels....he READ about it....thinking from her happened in April of 2008....I have been reviewing this and do not find any follow up from JW on the matter with him, yet....
She did so much inane rambling yesterday. The questions rewlly exposed how fragiley built her opinion is.

She has got to be hurting this morning. They went after not just her conclusions but her methodology too, a much bigger indictment of her as a professional. Plus, it was one thing when it was Juan questioning her, she could blame his agenda and blood lust as a prosecutor for his criticisms. But this is the jury and they have no agenda but the truth.


Alyce LaViolette's methodology sucks. I'm not talking about the fact that she only interviewed Arias, has been both duped by Arias' Journals and verbal claims, and - maybe unwittingly - encouraged/influenced Arias to even greater excesses.

I can well understand why relatives and friends of TA would not want to talk with Ms LaViolette. It would interest me to know if she made any attempt to do so, though. It's inconceivable that she didn't talk with Arias' family and friends. Again, I'd like to know if she even tried.

It's her 'analysis' of the written materials that gets me. She keeps emphasizing, over and over again, just how much 'reading' she has done. She 'read' oh so many of Travis Alexander's and Arias's texts, emails and IM's, (much of the time not sure of which title went with which form of communication).

Now she's telling everyone what she 'thinks' and what she 'believes' some of the written material means/signifies, but has entirely missed out the method she used to evaluate it all.

'There was a lot of written material', is where her analysis began. 'I read a lot of it' is where it apparently ended.
The intention was absolutely humiliation. I wonder where publicly scolding and attempting to humiliate another falls on the continuum of abuse?

I totally agree. The way she responds to Juan, who I'm sure she thinks of as her abuser, is so passive aggressive and mocking. I don't condone violence of any kind but if I were in one of her anger management classes I would want to punch her. Is this how she conducts herself in her daily practice? I bet she gets a lot of repeat customers.
Huh, JA "tweets" through DB apparently, ""A certain amount of scourging is necessary for the development of the human soul." - Edgar Cayce"

scourge (skûrj)
1. A source of widespread dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war.
2. A means of inflicting severe suffering, vengeance, or punishment.
3. A whip used to inflict punishment.
tr.v. scourged, scourg·ing, scourg·es
1. To afflict with severe or widespread suffering and devastation; ravage.
2. To chastise severely; excoriate.
3. To flog.

I think it's revealing that she quotes Edgar Cayce as an inspiration. IIRC, he vvas a fake psychic and con-artist. (Sorry about the spelling--my double-u key doesn't vvork, hence the double-vvs.)
The judge told the jury 9:30am before they were excused, then right before the camera went to the seal, she told the attorneys 9:00am

Judge had previously stated court would be in session from 9:30am - 12:30am

Oops..I stand corrected. In that case, there may actually be 15 or so minutes of Alyce-tyme. That's ok..I will be waiting. With my coffee..

Feeding the tiny horses, giant dogs, and gianter cow right now..Darlene, my 2,000lb Black Lab
Has the defense ever looked at a current issue of 'Playboy?' The women are mostly completely waxed. Hef's girlfriends are completely waxed when they pose in the magazine. His wife is completely waxed. Last time I checked, the magazine is geared toward heterosexual males who are not homosexual pedophiles. 'Playboy' is pretty tame compared to other adult entertainment out there.


I would venture a wild guess that someone on the DT has.
If this has been seen before apologies...I can't remember where I found it! :facepalm:

It's Jodi's Motion after the State denied her plea offer. She literally threatens the state she will trash TA's reputation, family, friends and church.

Perhaps ALV should have read this before taking the little wall flower under her wing.

It's disgusting. :furious:

Unfortunately, Alyce would simply see it as another example of Jodi "not wishing to harm Travis." Sadly, she seemed to be willing to harm him rather grievously at a later point, but that seems quite lost on dear Alyce. :seeya:

My question to 'ALV would be how many male abusers have killed their ex-GF while soaking wet and nude?

Juror question: "Did you read or view any interviews involving Travis's friends and family?"

Anyone else think that Nurmi will demand another round of interviews with the jurors, purportedly to find out if seeing interviews with F&F triggered this question? His job for weeks has obviously been to try to obtain a mistrial, and after yesterday's juror questions the DT will become even more desperate to do so.

Didn't the jury hear Juan reference the Det Flores interviews with parents? iirc, he wasn't allowed to elaborate much but mentioned them on cross to Samuels? I may be wrong but that's in my head..will dig and see if I can find
Good morning all..Just back to W/S so please forgive if this has been asked..The defense keeps making a mockery of Travis' virginity..Could it be that he WAS a virgin before this temptress(JA) came along? His circle of friends were mostly people from his Mormon community and they knew the vows of chastity. Seems Jodi did everything to entrap him from the beginning..That could be why he behaved the way he did with his "first timer"..

JW was writing quite a bit during juror questions yesterday so be prepared for JW/ALV Travis bashing most or all of today. :banghead:

I wish she would figure out that going over each and every question for the second time alienates and bores the jury. She wants to go back and retort to each and every point that she feels is negative towards Jodi, ALV & the defense. It doesn't do anything but agitate the jury (I'm projecting my reactions here). Bad move, Willmott.
BBM: OMG! LOL.. Did you read about toss salad prior to writing this.. :floorlaugh:

Dr Drew said to check out the slang on urban legend.

The only salads I know how to toss contain lettuce and tomatoes.

I'm old fashioned that way.

I have heard more than one person say this, so I want to point out--this wouldn't be foreign to Alyce; it's the world's oldest profession.

It's things like Travis phrase 'toss the salad,' that are probably offensive to her old fashioned ways. Even Dr. Drew was blushing at that last night, and he's younger than ALV.


Just shows how fake Dr. Drew is, he has been the host of Loveline for many many years, as well as Celebrity Rehab with sexual addicts, he has heard all this and more before.
And she means that literally and figuratively. I think *she* has family of origin issues re: abuse and I think she may have had abuse in previous relationships, perhaps her marriage.

When she said she was "old-fashioned", she didn't say it in a way that excuses why she couldn't bring herself to ask Jodi about more explicit sexual details. She wore it as a badge of honor.

We all construct realities to some extent and when you're a kid it can be your only escape. Her generation had a different view of "proper" things to talk about in public and "improper" things to ask another person. She never made the distinction between being an advocate for an abused person and being a dinner party guest. You have to ask the hard questions as an advocate. You don't ask personal questions at a dinner party.

She needs everyone to always say "please" and "thank you" and to do everything you say you're going to do and her standards for behavior for men in "relationships" are completely different from her standards for women.

And she brings those personal beliefs about acceptable social behavior to her weird belief that Travis was an abuser because he didn't call Jodi back on occasion or he had sex with her and immediately left or he didn't say please or he raised his voice to her or he was rude in an e-mail or he insulted her or said negative things about her family.

Seriously lady? If we physically struck back with Jodi-esque force at every man who failed to remember an important date, chose football over going out to dinner, told (as opposed to asking politely) us to bring them a towel or were just plain crummy boyfriends, it would be a bloodbath.

The concept of a friends with benefits relationship or even a purely booty call agreement is so foreign to her.

And for some reason she thinks Jodi's 5 month sexual romp with Travis was a committed relationship that should have led to marriage if only TRAVIS hadn't foiled Jodi's plan by breaking up with her and seeing other women.

Since I'm already into a thesis, I'll just say that I think Jodi ran this hustle on Travis after he told her he didn't want anything serious with her: "No, no, I agree with you. I don't want a serious relationship either. Let's just hang out and if it goes somewhere, great. If not, we're still great friends" ...:rolleyes: He was naive and inexperienced so he took her at her word.

She made a telling comment earlier when JW was questioning her about Jodi's sexual boundaries that she (meaning DV Lady) "may be comparing my boundaries to Jodi's". Shouldn't the evaluator separate herself and her issues from the person she's evaluating? She doesn't get to make moral judgments in her role AS A CRISIS INTERVENTION/CONFLICT RESOLUTION/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVOR ADVOCATE.

She could even somehow see Jodi as representative of what she wishes she could have done to a man who truly abused her (or even behaved in a way that she defines as abusive) or maybe she wishes her mother had been able to take action against her father ... whatever the issues are with DV Lady, there is no arguing the issues are there. And glaring.

Long-winded way to say DV Lady is totally projecting. :D

The defense team should have seen this bias in spite of their glee at having found an expert willing to testify. JW is a death penalty approved attorney so surely she's seen this kind of desperation to save a client thing before.

The defense team should have had another psychologist or therapist come in to confirm DV Lady's findings or at least put her through a tough grilling about her assessment. I would have, especially knowing Juanderful would be the prosecutor.

I'm stepping down from my soap box now and going to get a much needed cup o' joe.

This is a great post! Thanks and Welcome to Websleuths :seeya:

I would love for Juan to be able to ask if she is for or against the death penalty, if that is allowed.
I've heard that whole 'men think about sex every 3 seconds, and I really don't believe it is the case. I would definitely notice if my train of thought was being interrupted by sexual thoughts every 3 seconds, and it is not the case, nor has it ever been.

I figure if I were to think about sex in some way every 3 seconds, sexual thoughts would cross my mind 20 times a minute (60mins/3secs=20)

If I am awake 16 hours out of 24 then that is 960 minutes. (960minsx20sexual thoughts a min=19,200)

So that would imply men have a thought about sex on average 19,200 times a day if my calculations are correct. They very well may not be, as I am lousy at math but I gave it my best shot lol.


And I innocently reply...teen boys take a lot of showers....:what:

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