trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #137

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The judge told the jury 9:30am before they were excused, then right before the camera went to the seal, she told the attorneys 9:00am

Judge had previously stated court would be in session from 9:30am - 12:30am

bbm: just bumping this up (hopefully the judge is doing that so the jury can actually start on time today)

The concept of a friends with benefits relationship or even a purely booty call agreement is so foreign to her.



I have heard more than one person say this, so I want to point out--this wouldn't be foreign to Alyce; it's the world's oldest profession.

It's things like Travis phrase 'toss the salad,' that are probably offensive to her old fashioned ways. Even Dr. Drew was blushing at that last night, and he's younger than ALV.

Thank you. I'm glad JM touched on the whole Cameron Diaz/Spiderman undies issue. I find the whole 'clean shaven privates' topic a non-issue. It is quite common these days, probably influenced by *advertiser censored*. Also, pardon my language, but no one wants a mouth full of pubic hair when giving oral.

haha.. juan should call a salonz specialist to ask stand and ask how how common a brazilion waxing is.. LOL.. Alice sems to think woman only get Braziliona because the male partner is a pedo what wants little girls...

better yet, I hope someone on the Jury supports a Brazilion! :great: Wonder if Alice has convinced her that her husband must be a pedo that like little girls..
She should also thank her theater teacher because her theatrics are on center stage.

What the heck is a "linear syllabus?" She is trying too hard to be Einstein. It's not working.

I was an English Lit major & Jodi comes across as illiterate and inarticluate. You can use big vocab words in a sentence, but that doesn't make it a good sentence. She's a poseur.

P.S. here's how badly she misused the phrase "linear syllabus:"

A linear syllabus covers its teaching items once only, a cyclical or spiral syllabus more than once, enabling them to be treated at different levels of complexity. Basics may be introduced on the first cycle, with later cycles providing revision and coverage of more difficult points. ( 1988 ). The ELT Curriculum . Oxford : Blackwell

She's a moron.
If someone searched my computer history it could be evidence of so many crimes and moral infractions that people would think I'm surely very sick in the head. It's just research:blushing:

Yeah right.
I believethey could have gone with how Jodie preceived things.
Like due to her "history" she saw things that weren`t necessarily acurate. That way she could still play the victim but they could have avoided trashing the real victim.

Hope that makes sense.

Perfectly good sense.

If someone searched my computer history it could be evidence of so many crimes and moral infractions that people would think I'm surely very sick in the head. It's just research:blushing:

Google your friend.

Hi all, coming out of lurkdom to ask a question...

Where did the information come from that ja kicked her mother? When/who was on the stand when the jury heard that info? Thanks very much!! :seeya:

It was during Juan's cross with Richard Samuels
Hi all, coming out of lurkdom to ask a question...

Where did the information come from that ja kicked her mother? When/who was on the stand when the jury heard that info? Thanks very much!! :seeya:

not sure... I think it was Doctor Samuels?????? (anyone else?)
If this has been seen before apologies...I can't remember where I found it! :facepalm:

It's Jodi's Motion after the State denied her plea offer. She literally threatens the state she will trash TA's reputation, family, friends and church.

Perhaps ALV should have read this before taking the little wall flower under her wing.

It's disgusting. :furious:
I'm not sure I buy that they really targeted juror #5. It's more plausible to me that Nurmi was looking for some reason, any reason, to dump a juror just to save face after that embarrassing episode when he motioned for mistrial and called JC to the stand to testify that the jury had been tainted by Juan signing a freaking cane outside the courthouse.

I'm with you, Schuby-doo. My sixth sense detects a bit of indignation on the part of that juror that seems more consistent with a perceived slight than a reflection of actual injustice. After all, the questioning was, as you say, a means for the defense to elicit any improper responses via polling. They were taking the pulse of the jury and looking for anything in the slightest bit questionable. Based on her behavior (in returning to the courtroom) and her "I have done nothing wrong," statements, I came to the conclusion that she's taken a purely legal matter very personally.

I can't picture this particular judge doing anything that wasn't simply a matter of legality regarding the dismissal, nor allowing personalities to figure in. It might be that JA was suspicious of her, as some have suggested, and it might be that they thought she was the source of some of the more scathing juror questions. But in the end, it was her response to the questions posed to her during that session that resulted in her removal.

I've just always had the feeling that she took that personally and continues to do so -- but I've never bought it. I'm not saying she's consciously inflating her own importance, but in the larger scheme of things I can't see an organized campaign directed at one potential deliberating juror (who may never have actually deliberated anyway) in the midst of a difficult legal exercise.

I have heard more than one person say this, so I want to point out--this wouldn't be foreign to Alyce; it's the world's oldest profession.

It's things like Travis phrase 'toss the salad,' that are probably offensive to her old fashioned ways. Even Dr. Drew was blushing at that last night, and he's younger than Alyce.


BBM: OMG! LOL.. Did you read about toss salad prior to writing this.. :floorlaugh:
I was trying to post this yesterday, but the attatchment feature was not working.

I found this SO strange. At the end when she got up, sat back down, then the deputy walked over and she kept rearranging the front of her desk. Then stood this pencil on its head then got admonished by the guard.

Just beyond bizarre. I believe she is ADHD in addition to her 10 personalities.

ETA: How do y'all post screenshots at regular size, not a thumbnail. Y'all are so fast at it. Do I have to use a 3rd party site?


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Good Morning,
The afternoon after lunch session was suppose to resume at 1:15, the parties ended up in chambers for quite sometime and there was a long delay. This leads me to believe that there are going to possibly be some "bombshell" questions this morning. When juror questions were read for Samuels, the Judge told the jurors that if their question was not read that they were not to speculate why. She did not tell the jury the same before beginning to read juror's questions to ALV. I also think the defense may have tried to have the questions regarding ALV smiling not read. The two questions regarding such, imo, were very damning
What the heck is a "linear syllabus?" She is trying too hard to be Einstein. It's not working.

I was an English Lit major & Jodi comes across as illiterate and inarticluate. You can use big vocab words in a sentence, but that doesn't make it a good sentence. She's a poseur.

P.S. here's how badly she misused the phrase "linear syllabus:"

A linear syllabus covers its teaching items once only, a cyclical or spiral syllabus more than once, enabling them to be treated at different levels of complexity. Basics may be introduced on the first cycle, with later cycles providing revision and coverage of more difficult points. ( 1988 ). The ELT Curriculum . Oxford : Blackwell

She's a moron.

Linear syllabus versus a Non-linear syllabus? She's making up stuff and trying to use words that make her sound like Einstein.
I have heard more than one person say this, so I want to point out--this wouldn't be foreign to Alyce; it's the world's oldest profession.

It's things like Travis phrase 'toss the salad,' that are probably offensive to her old fashioned ways. Even Dr. Drew was blushing at that last night, and he's younger than Alyce.


I agree. In a clinical sense, i.e. medical professional, it isn't old fashioned. I would hate to think that no one before JA and TA did some of the things they did. I am uncomfortable with slang, but the medical terms not so much. It is what it is.

Its the slang part that would be hard to not be embarrassed by imho. Especilly since, for me, when the younger crowd talks about certain things like toss the salad, it just sounds ugly. kwim?

The docket is up for 09:30 starts for Monday and Tuesday next week. There's nothing yet for W-F. I guess it'll go up later today...
Does anyone know what happened there? Its been part of the story I can't find much information on.

Other than there was a disagreement and mom said the heck with it she is going home?

Initially I was thinking that she sent her mom home because she was staying after all no matter what.


I would like to know more as well as know who the male friend was that called her mom to tell her JA needed help. I really wonder if TA was the one that called mom and is why mom felt the need to come down to help JA move her home so they can get her help. It just seemed like something was different about that male friend calling.
haha.. juan should call a salonz specialist to ask stand and ask how how common a brazilion waxing is.. LOL.. Alice sems to think woman only get Braziliona because the male partner is a pedo what wants little girls...

better yet, I hope someone on the Jury supports a Brazilion! :great: Wonder if Alice has convinced her that her husband must be a pedo that like little girls..

Has the defense ever looked at a current issue of 'Playboy?' The women are mostly completely waxed. Hef's girlfriends are completely waxed when they pose in the magazine. His wife is completely waxed. Last time I checked, the magazine is geared toward heterosexual males who are not homosexual pedophiles. 'Playboy' is pretty tame compared to other adult entertainment out there.
The judge told the jury 9:30am before they were excused, then right before the camera went to the seal, she told the attorneys 9:00am

Judge had previously stated court would be in session from 9:30am - 12:30am

Pretty sure Katiecoolady said she called the jurors back and told them all 9 am start at the end. Valerie ran after them to stop them. But we know they won't start on time anyway lol.
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