trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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And once again ...
From ALV "I mis-spoke"
Professional expert witness ??
Look Jodi I know it's hard for you to read signals that don't tell you that you're the most awesome person in the room, but today was a bad day OK?
Jodi whispering to JW as jurors exit -- probably saying "there's another one you need to get rid of"


He could have done SO MUCH more with the juror questions. He threw away several golden opportunities. So many juror questions gave him an open door to nail her. Instead his only "point" during this cross was Alyce's alleged testimony on behalf of men. Nothing else of substance. Wasted.

I disagree, that was hardly his "only" point.
I thought I just saw Jodi say something to JW like "number 3 and number...??" Am I seeing things?
Don't worry, Mom. She won't read anything, she does not want her established world view challenged in any way.

She is clearly not capable of holding two conflicting thoughts in her head. Her mind is closed, and she has no intention of opening it, ever.

She may as well have her fingers stuck in here ears and start singing to herself.


Get out of my head. :p
ALV will not be here on monday and will be here on tuesday, now judge lets her decide between monday and tuesday. assuming this is revolving around ALV health and dr appts and tests.

Now judge says tuesday for ALV
I wonder how many times ALV "misspoke"? Anyone keep count? Because we know that JA didn't lie to her or anything like that.
ALV doesn't want her to come back, lol.
Alyce is back on tuesday to testify about some issue...
anyone know what?
Getting a straight answer out of this woman is harder than pulling teeth!

I really don't get why she is so incredibly evasive even about things that she had just recently testified to. How can she not see that doing this is only going to make the jury think that she's not at all credible?
uh oh.......this must be something we don't get to see involving ALV.

what??!!? anyone know?

'don't tell me about your personal issues.'

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