trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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I don't like this because I don't want JA to come back and appeal based on lack of defense attorney. We need Wilmont and Nurmi to fight for her. Her lies are so stupid IMO and the jury see's the facts and the truth

For the record, as someone who has reviewed and researched countless such motions over the last 10+ years, I haven't seen anything yet that would raise a cognizable claim of "ineffective assistance of counsel."
My 16yr old cousin hits my aunt and there is nothing normal about that. Hitting your parents at any age is disgusting..I think Jodi hit her mother as an adult as well. I hate the way she tries to make it not a big deal. Anyone who hits their mom in teens wont think twice about doing it as an adult.

My Mom would somehow - and to this day I don't know how - grab both my arms and hold them both behind my back...with ONE HAND!!!! It would happen so fast I didn't know what was happening until it was done - LOL!!

Try as I might - and I was bigger than her - to get free, I couldn't. Ever.

The last time this happened I was about 20 years old (yeah, we had a contentious relationship).

And she proceeded to wash my mouth out with soap!!!!! All the while, I was doing everything in my power to get away from her. Wasn't gonna happen.

SuperMom Strength is what I called it.
she is actually making it worse with her tone too... she would have done better to use a polite voice toward the jury... THESE WERE THEIR QUESTIONS AFTER ALL

Agree! It's like she is annoyed that they asked such things and gives the impression that she thinks they are stupid. This can't be going over well with them.
on the pedophilia claim-he likes little boys and girls. I'm thinking that is not a good thing to shove in the face of this jury right after you bemoan poor Jodi's "character" being "assassinated" really, they have the tone deafness to discuss Jodi being character assassinated and then call the actually assassinated victim a non-discriminatory pedophile who likes both little boys and girls.

I know she must be beyond frustrated but you've got no choice but to respect the jury. It does no good to get angry at them and punish them with more of what they've clearly rejected.

Wilmott really needs to just sit down. The jury is obviously offended with the attempt to sell Travis as an abuser and Jodi as a victim. Stop the bleeding, Wilmott
I don't like this because I don't want JA to come back and appeal based on lack of defense attorney. We need Wilmont and Nurmi to fight for her. Her lies are so stupid IMO and the jury see's the facts and the truth

Her case will never be overturned on appeal imo.

I have read for years when the defendant testifies the appeal diminishes.

And I'm sure the others weren't on the stand for 18 days like Jodi.
I wonder if Alyce is wearing underpants that says "Jodi's" across the butt, and Jodi has some that say Alyce's.

As an aside, many women when they get married have undies made that say Mrs. X or X's wife. I don't see this as being possessive, like at all. But according to the DT that is something nefarious.

I still think it was Jodi who had the shorts and sweater made that said TA's across them.
Oh by law she cant interview ta's family but she sure can walk upnto Samantha in court!!!!!!!!

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And slowly murder Travis with her lies day after day. ALV is an awful person.
She believes Travis deserved this because he said very mean things.

At the beginning, I knew nothing about the circumstances of this case. After the opening arguments, I believed TA was emotionally abusive and there may have been merit to an emotionally abused defendant who "snapped." The clincher, which I just could not shake, was him calling her the 3-hole thing (I can't even repeat that, I find it so offensive). I found that extremely quintessentially degrading.

HOWEVER, after hearing the whole story, I TOTALLY GET that TA was exasperated by JA's manipulation and what I believe to be terrorism and probably threats of blackmail. And I also understand co-dependance. I believe she talked him into anal sex, saying "it's not really breaking the rule of chastity," and then, once he experienced so much uninhibited sex, he became very attached to it. He did hide her, that wasn't nice, and he did say mean things to her. But in total context (sorry for using that word), he was exasperated and angry. Did he respond in a mature fashion? No, he took the low road, using name calling and emotion. But so what?????? It has absolutely no bearing on the defense trying to justify a murder as self-defense.

Too bad Alyce couldn't have been objective enough to see past the nastiness of their emails (she needs to cruise around Facebook just a little bit and see how people talk!!) and her naive notion that the phone sex scenarios were perverse. She cannot see the forest for the trees.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Willmott's body language after the sizzlebar was not that of someone that was extremely happy. Hand on hip. #JodiArias
Yesterday, ALaV testified about Falsity's initial stance toward her relationship with Travis. ALaV related a "Takes Two to Tango" attitude of equal responsibility for what happened. That certainly does not square with the claim of self-defense. ALaV also implied that she corrected that notion. This seems like a fertile area to dig into.
Ok question for the board. Hypothetically If someone is dating a woman and she has a sweet soft spoken voice and she sounds like a young girl and the man tells her you sound like a 12 yr. old girl. does that make them a pedophile?... sounds like ALV is saying if you suggest something like that its abnormal and you are.

There's a reason cheerleader, schoolgirl etc. costumes are big sellers at Halloween, guys like 'em and girls wear 'em. It's a fantasy, maybe not for everyone but certainly NOT deviant...imo.
Ok so since it is recess I have a question for you....

Who is crazier JA or FCA?

I personally like FCA's imaginary friends better than JA imaginary abuse. Do you think FCA is at home listening to these lies going this girl is crazy... or do you think she is like I would have stuck with the ninjas myself.

you just made me spit chicken club sandwich all over my keyboard.
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