trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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Wilmott really needs to just sit down. The jury is obviously offended with the attempt to sell Travis as an abuser and Jodi as a victim. Stop the bleeding, Wilmott

AMEN!!! She needs to step back and accept she has done all she can do. Anything else is just inflicting more damage and not helpful to her client.

Game Over.
Been having an internet problem wit at&t all day
Got a feed in time for juror questions
Got all excited then lost my feed again
Can anyone throw me a bone to tide me over?
Oh sorry dont want to be abusive
Aren't the rants by TA at JA more consistent with being ticked off and reactive to something JA has done?
Then come back and say 'nothing further!' Seriously, the jury has listened, they've rejected and it simply can't be changed now.

Lol, seriously. You can't save this case but my god don't sink your whole career along with it.
I can.not.wait to see what Juan does with the verbal tirade vs. killing three times over question. It will be epic. . .EPIC. . .

I honestly feel a little sorry for her. She's been publicly humiliated and out-lawyered, saddled with a dog of a case (a term we legal types use when referring to a case that will be difficult to win), and I think she knows it. As much as I dislike her style and the smarmy, petty games the defense team has played, Willmott's got no choice as far as what side she's on, and is doing her best -- with what appears to be a limited skill set and little experience -- to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

That being said, I find her mannerisms as grating as the next person. The only great suit she seems capable of handling is the one she's wearing.[/QUOTE]


Great Post
Hi all : Just tuning in - did Jodi place the two water pitchers in front of her or were they like that?

I posted a bit back. I think they were intentionally placed there to block the camera's view of her coloring and sudoku games.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial

Willmott laughs and can't get a question out. She seems completely out of her element. The judge calls for a 10 minute recess. #JodiArias

Watching wilmott in action, makes me think that when the verdict is handed down shell need a straight jacket.:floorlaugh:
I hope any talking head that was disparaging Juan eats a boat load of crow today.
I don't like this because I don't want JA to come back and appeal based on lack of defense attorney. We need Wilmont and Nurmi to fight for her. Her lies are so stupid IMO and the jury see's the facts and the truth

I think they have went above and beyond with their fight for her.. look at what they had to work with?

Flores said in his interrogation that he has NEVER had this much evidence against someone.
Ack, I didn't realize that! AV is making it sound like this occurred during teenagehood, not the same year as the crime!

Another lie and manipulation by AV.

Must not have been covered in teh extensive packet of "evidence" the DT cherry picked to provide her with.

Here's my problem with this expert. An Expert Witness is putting their name and reputation on their opinion when they sign on. Any professional worth their salt is going to ask to see ALL and not simply accept whatever bits and pieces are handed to them. If the "evidence" she was provided seemed light on info regarding TA or substantiation to the stuff coming out of the defendant's mouth, A real expert evaluating a situation SEEKS out more info, SEEKS to fill those gaps.

This person did not do that. That is all I ever needed to know about her evaluation, her qualifications and her opinion in this case.
Ok so since it is recess I have a question for you....

Who is crazier JA or FCA?

I personally like FCA's imaginary friends better than JA imaginary abuse. Do you think FCA is at home listening to these lies going this girl is crazy... or do you think she is like I would have stuck with the ninjas myself.
Anyone watching on Wildabouttrial - you can rewind 30 mins so you can go back and hear/see things again.

It Wilmott's dismay...this will be memorialized on youtube.....FOREVER!! :rocker::great::floorlaugh:
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