trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #143

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JA has been selling her lack of artwork on ebay and her personal webpage.

Can she be required to turn those profits over to the State of Arizona to reimburse the state for the cost of her DT?
one note O/T.

looks like the person who killed the D.A. in TX and his wife, as well as the prosecutor who was gunned down is a guy who was a judge in JP court and was stripped of that, and was disbarred. held on $3 million bond.
no aryan brotherhood. no mexican drug cartel. essentially a 'disgruntled former employee' case after all.

I saw that earlier and thought that he greatly resembled a certain someone who is aiding another certain someone on a Twitter account. :floorlaugh: Whadya think??
The TH lady on HLN is SOOOOO wrong. "This is a huge win for the defense" STHU!

I think they just like to create controversy. Keep the ratings up and people watching the show. Everyday, it seems like there is a 'huge win' for the defense.
The best thing about the stipulation is that Bryan Eye-Guy, no disrespect intended, just can't remember his last name, won't be able to use this 'reflection in the eye theory' in this trial to launch his credentials into a new area. And, no precedent.
eta: In my humble opinion. also It's a best outcome for the State, short of the Judge ruling it out altogether.
Well Fudge! :furious: They brought the jury in, made those poor people wait for almost 2 hours, just to be sent home without testimony again today.

I have never seen such flagrant disrespect for the jury and valuable taxpayer money in my life! :furious:

This trial is a circus and it's not the fault of the media or trial watchers. I'll stop there so I don't get in trouble. :silenced:

Why don't they hold this type of hearing on Fri. Sat or's all so inefficient.
IMO this stipulation fits perfectly with the states theory of the crime. It changes nothing.

If you listen to Juan's opening... He says after she lures him into a vulnerable position under the guise of picture taking.... She then pulls out the knife and plunges it into Travis.

No one ....but people here ...said he was held or forced at gun point or knife point while pics were taken,

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The TH lady on HLN is SOOOOO wrong. "This is a huge win for the defense" STHU!

This same lady said that the killer was arrested 5 days after the murder. And she also said that Juan's demeanor was probably very unpopular with Travis's family and they likely resented him. She is CLUELESS about this trial, imo.
Does this mean JM does not believe JA used a gun in order to get Travis to sit down? Well!

Rose I've never thought Travis saw any weapon until right before she used the knife on him. I think she got him to sit down by telling him the different positions to get into while doing this "photo-shoot" in the shower. She directed him to sit down so she could take his picture.

I think she used tape to conceal the weapons on her body. I think that's why there was duct tape found with all the bedding in washer and dryer.
I am convinced that Juan Martinez knows what he is doing.

It really doesn't matter if she was holding a weapon when THAT photo was taken. The jury knows shortly thereafter she was holding a knife that she used to stab him and slit his throat. They know after that photo that she also used a gun to shoot him in the head.

No where did they stipulate that she wasn't holding a weapon when the photo was taken when he is on his butt with his head cropped out of the photo.


I agree. Jodi's testiphony already indicated she was not holding a gun or knife while she was running into the closet, jumping on the shelf, and getting the gun. So what's the point of the picture? Juan already said it looked like a Mexican Chihuahua or a dog. LOL

The testimony today was quite funny (from Juan's point of view). I believe letting the picture in will make the defense team look <unusual> to the jury.


I am so excited. I actually get to watch about 2 hours of this trial tomorrow instead of watching it strictly via WS. I will probably do both - watch the tube and watch WS.
rebuttal better start tomorrow or i will be pizzed.

DT have wasted enough of the juries and everyone elses time
I am convinced that Juan Martinez knows what he is doing.

It really doesn't matter if she was holding a weapon when THAT photo was taken. The jury knows shortly thereafter she was holding a knife that she used to stab him and slit his throat. They know after that photo that she also used a gun to shoot him in the head.

No where did they stipulate that she wasn't holding a weapon when the photo was taken when he is on his butt with his head cropped out of the photo.


Absolutely he knows what he's doing, KN doesn't though. :floorlaugh:

I think this entire issue is stupidity at its finest. If JA didn't have a weapon in her hand when she took that pic, it was in her pocket and Travis knew she had it.

What a farce on the part of the desperate DT.
I think the imagine in TA's eyes looks kinda like those pics of 'ghosts' people say can't you see the eyes, nose & lips in in pic but to me it looks like a smudge on a window or reflection..

THE ONLY THING I could see of use in the pic was the appearance the shirt was much bigger than the person wearing it which leads me to believe she put on HIS clothes to kill him then threw them in the washer which I would say goes to premeditation?? Yes???
And not only was it smart to avoid jurors seeing whatever they could find in the photo, by stipulating that it shows she is unarmed it begs them to disagree -- and I suspect a lot of them will do precisely that. They will look at that picture and say, "there's no way i can tell whether she does or does not have a weapon by looking at that picture." So in one fell swoop, Juan nullified the utility of the evidence.


I'm confused...doesn't JM agreeing to the stipulation that she WAS NOT holding any kind of weapon in that pic mean that she had no weapon at that time and the jury has to take that as fact. Hence, her getting the gun in his closet becomes more plausible and self defense thereof...omg I am so nervous...please set me straight!!! PLEASE!:please::please:
I hope so Gypseagirl. I trust JM but I don't like it when my long-held theory is destroyed just like that!

This whole thing just tells me the defense team does a lot of reading outside of the case notes and is still convinced that the jurors are seeking outside input. I don't agree with that but, that seems to be their approach. One good reason to not theorize a lot on public threads. ALV definitely didn't work out well and now Mr. Nurmi has the jurors wondering WTH that statement by the judge means now. I suspect Mr. Martinez can chase that thought away quite rapidly however. The sour smell of desperation hangs thick in the air...
It does nothing to diminish the State's case one whit to make that stipulation. They have no way to PROVE that she had a gun/and/or knife in her hand WHILE taking that photo, and let's face it whether she did have a gun/and/or knife in her hand at the moment that photo was taken, it really makes no difference. It doesn't mean her story is true or even more believable, it doesn't mean the murder wasn't pre-meditated, it really doesn't mean anything except that Juan is more than ready to move on to the Rebuttal portion of the case.

I'm sure the jury are thinking...."Okay. So?"

The Defense is just so empty-handed now. They have so little that THIS stipulation is important. Their defendant admitted to the killing. Her testimony pretty much destroyed their defense theory that she is a shrinking violet/abused-and-battered-woman who's life was in imminent danger. She is a cunning, evasive liar. Their 'expert' witnesses were disemboweled on national television. Their cotton candy defense theory has evaporated.

Now Juan will deliver the coup de gras. Thank goodness he took this route instead of wasting more time with the eyeball witness testimony.
OK question for people who are truly paying attention and don't have their time divided by the bombings.

What were JSS's EXACT words?

Did she say the photo doesn't prove she was holding a weapon?

It doesn't SHOW she was holding a weapon?

There is no indication one way or another if she was holding a weapon?

I mean, this is just mind boggling that it was brought up. Who on that jury thought that there was any indication at all what was reflected in his eye??

I am as blown away (maybe bad choice of words here) by this as I am by the bombings. Guess that shows how desensitized I personally am by this type of tragedy. That this could blindside me as much as public bombings!

It was stipulated Jodi did not have a gun or a knife in her hand when that picture of Travis was taken.
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