trial day 48: REBUTTAL #145

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Stanford-Binet Scale of Human Intelligence

IQ Score
145 and over Genius
120–144 Exceptional
110–119 High Average
90–109 Average or Normal
80–89 Dull Normal
70–79 Borderline Deficiency / Mild disability
50–69 Moderate disability
20–49 Severe disability
Below 20 Profound disability
Donovan isn't sitting next to JA's mum today. JA's mom has a relative to one side but not the other. Is D on jury duty or have they fallen out?
Wilmott up and down like a jack in the box with the objections. <sigh>

I'm gonna send her a hollah and a dollah so she can buy a clue.
But Arias can't do this!


Ahhh... I love this!!

My dog is such an underachiever.
What do you think the jury thinks about how everytime Juan is up with a witness that there are 50 objections and they are all overruled. 98% of the time.

What are they thinking about how Wilmott always needs to approach because Juan is decimating her case?????

I was trying to remember the last time JM asked to approach-- I can't remmeber one - has he ever
I can hear my Mom yelling at JA. Stop being disrespectful. This is a courtroom. Sit up straight & pay attention!
Oh, I've never found an IQ score to be something worth bragging about at any rate.
Well I don't want to sound shallow, but she does NOT have a higher IQ than mine either,lol.
Man, I've never see Wilmott so angry! WOW! And Jodi is in full sociopath mode today - disassociated, petulant, disconnected, irritated... good times, peeps, good times.
119. Oh my.

I actually cringed for her.

Sorry, JA. Mine's considerably higher than yours and I've NEVER put myself on par with Einstein.
119? mine is 140 and I ain't no eistein. JA must feel more naked now than she did when photos of her anatomy were on display.
Can anyone tell if Alyce Laviolette is there in the audience?

Well, we do know she's smart enough to copy from a notebook, what she wrote yesterday on to a loose leaf of paper.

Must be copying for the hand off.

Well, I'm smarter than Jodi, does that make me smarter than Einstein? Methinks not!
Fyi - ALV may actually help JA when it comes to her possible Appeal after she's found guilty....? ALV wasn't a Mental Health Expert but everything else holds true. I hope it's okay to post this?

In Awkal v. Mitchell, 559 F.3d 456 (6th Cir. 2009), a capital murder case, the Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals held that defense counsel's decision to call a mental health expert witness whose testimony on cross-examination devastated the defendant's only defense (that he was insane at the time of the crime) constituted ineffective assistance of counsel. The court also found that the Ohio Supreme Court mischaracterized the expert's testimony as helpful and erred in failing to recognize how harmful the decision to call the expert had been to the defense.

IMO, that ain't gonna' happen here. Not a chance. That would only happen if ALV had testified that jodi was capable of murder, or something like that.

I knew that the MMPI was going to be introduced by Dr. DM. This is a comprehensive testing instrument for its intended purpose (largely PDs). With that said, the MMPI has a component that assesses veracity of individuals responses to ?'s....can't wait to hear the findings on this component. :great::great::great:

Yup! That's why I was suspicious when I heard Dr. Samuels hadn't used it.

wow.. She just sounds like an honest, smart person. No wavering, this is the truth you are listening to.

it is Refreshing..........

Hi friend!!!

I love how Juan Martinez keeps saying DOCTOR Samuels. Too funny!

It is funny! He's showing what babies the defense are. He calls his own expert Miss Demarte.

I had unexpected company and just tuned into the trial...My question is... did Jodi ever take the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)??



I dunno about Dr. DeMarte. She's smart and appears to be very prepared, which is a refreshing change, BUT there's no getting around the fact that she's relatively young and may not come off as "wise and worldy" enough to the jury. I was very surprised that she hadn't heard of Your Erroneous Zones. It's old and outdated, but it's a major grand-daddy of self-help books. Maybe it just shows how old I am ;(.

She is young but comes off as competent. It is not important for legitimate psychologists to be familiar with pop-psychology self-help books.
"Is there such a thing as being labeled a jerk?"
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