trial day 48: REBUTTAL #147

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WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Courtroom is empty, spectators were let in early and they are asking many questions out loud to Valerie. #JodiArias

BBM: I agree ... her facial expressions were very telling, IMO.

JMO ... but I think that Jodi was paying attention to every single word that Dr. DeMarte said about her ...

But, Jodi "pretended" that she was NOT paying attention to her by trying to look busy and look important :waitasec: she's NOT, but she gives the appearance that she is by trying to play "paralegal" ...

Again JMO, but no way is Jodi NOT going to listen to what anyone has to say about her ... whether she likes it or not ...


I have never found Jodi attractive. As a woman, I just have different tastes in what I find attractive for women. I have made numerous comments about her appearances in court, as looking very homely and plain jane (usually one is coached to look like this). One day, her makeup was very obvious for some reason. She also appeared very aged to me which im sure what she has done and her time behind bars and lack of real world hygiene has contributed to that.

however, yesterday when DD was talking and being crossed by me, Jodi all of a sudden appeared as a little lost girl in awe of a person she wished she could be. She looked like she was sitting there jealous of the accomplishments of this well spoken intelligent beautiful woman. At some points I saw rage, at other points I saw a true "im nothing" come across her face. I saw a different Jodi yesterday and I could only sit there and laugh that she will never be what DD is because she is simply a pathetic loser.
Went looking for how old JW is and she got her law degree in 1995..and I found there is a Jennifer Wilmont that has a rap sheet in PINELLAS county, Florida. Not her, but funny connection back to Casey isn't it? Like the skater dude named Victor Arais and another that has a photography business.
Ummmm. ok. Yep.

She is not a therapist! We all agree on that. what does that have to do with his trial as she is an expert in evaluations?!

Is this post trying to convince or convey?

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ITA in case the rest of my post makes you wonder.....
But she is a therapist and has the license to prove it. :great:
She also understood what the role of forensic evaluator meant when clearly Dr.S and ALV did not.
Science, even pseudo sciences are evolving at a rapid rate. In health sciences practitioners are expected to be life long learners and understand the new text book they buy today is already 4 years out of date.
Good thing they didn't need to call an expert in social media or instagram. They might have needed to put a phonebook on the witness seat for the expert and then explain to them what a phone book even was. :twocents:
There has to be a method to Juan's madness. I haven't figured out what it is but I just know there's a reason for it.

I always thought he did that so he didn't have to admit it into evidence

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Good morning!

Ok, you've all read this before.....As I say every morning:
Never in my life supported death penalty (I am 67) . Always strongly protested it.........until now. Death Penalty for JA!

Agree wholeheartedly! The only word to describe JA is EVIL. Her scurrilous actions before and after the heinous murder are equal to the crime itself. The premeditation, the rendevouz with J. Burns, the 16 page letter to Travis's grandmother, the flowers, the Memorial, etc. She stabbed Travis in the heart over and over with her blatant lies about pedophilia and choking her til she was unconscious - denigrating the man she murdered. It's despicable beyond all measure. Hopefully the jury will grant her wish - the DP!
OMG I can't believe I"m hearing this!

JW: "ALV got her masters in 1980. You probably weren't even born yet, so you wouldn't have been around to supervise her, correct?"

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

That statement was so passive aggressive and argumentative. It really just made the DT look worse IMO.
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
I heard one spectator ask about Alyce and what happened to her showing up on Tuesday. Valerie was not allowed to answer. #JodiArias
I may have dreamed this but I could have sworn that Dr Samuels mentioned about border line personality however he didn't consider it worth anything and went with PTSD.
Wonder who the next witness will be. I really don't think JW's cross of Demarte will be that long.
Why is that cat wearing high heels and lipstick? :what:

This should be your siggy


Hope that didn't blow margins, mods. Please delete if so.
I do wish JM had played her age as an advantage against the old fashioned, outdated, behind the times ALV.

Then again, it appears DD doesn't need help and probably deals with this all the time, even in her profession.

Anyone else think she's a genius? I said before, reminds me of Sheldon on the Big Bang!!

I don't think he needs to make an issue of age, because of itself, it can be discriminatory... older jurors, etc. ALV and RS haven't kept up... and other older professionals certainly can and do. JW may be turning off younger jurors, or objective jurors with this tactic. Competence and clarity speaks for itself. This witness comes across great, imo.
I may have dreamed this but I could have sworn that Dr Samuels mentioned about border line personality however he didn't consider it worth anything and went with PTSD.

He diagnosed her with personality disorder "not otherwise specified"
Ok, got my seat, got seal (using on IPad or computer). Laptop up and running, HLN on but muted. (The back up plan) IPad fired up on WS.

Are we getting a new thread?
Not necessarily. Remember, a lawyer works with his/her witnesses before they get up on the stand. Thus the direct should flow freely and seamlessly. A cross is intended to get into the meat of the witnesses' testimony and test it for truth and accuracy. That could take some time (see, e.g. ALV's cross). Just as the THs were criticizing JM for not making his points more directly, JW could have easily made her points about DD's youth and experience in three or four questions. The jury can hear and see that DD is young. JW is wasting time with her valley girl inquiries into DD's CV,IMHO.


I haven't heard that expression in years. Yes, that's what JW reminds me of, a valley girl. :floorlaugh:
I may have dreamed this but I could have sworn that Dr Samuels mentioned about border line personality however he didn't consider it worth anything and went with PTSD.

you and me both... he did say something about blah blah personality disorder? I heard it too...
ALV worships at the altar of Lenore Walker. Does anyone remember that Lenore Walker was listed as an expert witness for the defense in the OJ Simpson case? Yes, Lenore Walker was prepared to testify that OJ Simpson was not an abuser, despite the fact that he pleaded guilty to one such offense, there were photos of his wife with a black eye, and he had beaten her in front of witnesses. That about says it all.

That is a major eye opener. Thanks.
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