trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

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I have noticed before that when ere is a day when JW is going to be up on direct or cross for a long period, JA doesn't lower her chair at all or as much. I imagine it is because it is uncomfortable when it's lowered but she puts up with it when JW will be sitting next to her because she wants to appear as small as possible next to her small attorney.
I think that she raises the seat back up because 1. JW is not directly beside her so she doesn't need to look "smaller" and 2. She can't have a clear view of the jury if she doesn't.

Good night folks. Hopefully, I can join the WS round table tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.
Yes, a good day overall, but you are extraordinarily lucky to have missed the yawnfest that was this morning's "cross examination." Boring is not the word for it. The thread was full of new ways to express boredom and frustration. "Make it stop!" was a common refrain, as was "I can't take any more of this, I'm going to actually go do some work."

I myself commented that I woud rather have a colonoscopy. Seriously.

Oh that portion of the thread should be preserved and given its own thread on WS. I'm quite skilled in griping, dilly-dallying, and engaging in unnecessary tasks. I wish I had been around for this!
The fantastic thing is that Dr. DeMarte stuck to her guns and said, "That is inaccurate." Now Juan can follow up on cross and clear it up letting the jury know that Wilmott was the one who was wrong.

Of course, with this delay due to "illness", Wilmott will hear about this and will probably find away to save face during the rest of her cross tomorrow. Something like: she "misspoke".

They jury will not have heard anything about LW being on NG. So Willmott will probably not address her grievous error, imo,
Yes, a good day overall, but you are extraordinarily lucky to have missed the yawnfest that was this morning's "cross examination." Boring is not the word for it. The thread was full of new ways to express boredom and frustration. "Make it stop!" was a common refrain, as was "I can't take any more of this, I'm going to actually go do some work."

I myself commented that I woud rather have a colonoscopy. Seriously.

I wouldn't go that far! :floorlaugh: I did get the house clean and all the laundry done. Hopefully, JW will give it up tomorrow. She is getting nowhere with this witness, other than making a fool of herself!
Oh no .... I didn't just hear that Kato Kaylin (sp?) from the OJ Simpson trial is going to be a guest on HLN tomorrow night???? :what:

Maybe I'm just delusional from the DT style of J. Wilm*tt??? Yep, that's got to be it!!
Am I the only one who is bothered by the talking heads on HLN who called the defense witness Dr. Samuels, but are not referring to the prosecution witness as Dr. DeMarte?

The most glaring example was a pro defense talking head on JVM's show.

He said, "Janeen DeMarte didn't get her Masters degree until 2009."


And JVM failed to correct him by saying it was her doctorate that she got in 2009. Shame on Jane for the oversight.

Could there be a little sexism at play here by not calling a female witness by her proper title? Or, is it because she's only 32?

I'll let you be the judge.

Alexander Family Friend,

Texting info to a prosecutor or to someone to give to a prosecutor is risky during an active trial. Excellent way to create trouble that could multiply, starting with the fact a prosecutor would have to disclose anything s/he received in the way of info/evidence to the court, to the defense, to the judge, and it would become part of the court record. Then the person who sent the info would also be outed. It's just a bad policy to do anything to be inserted in a criminal court case of any size and it's especially touchy in a case with national attention. JM doesn't need any (more) problems. As it is now the defense practically makes hourly motions for mistrials.

Please just trust that JM knows how to try his case and certainly knows how to get information.

I am pretty sure that JM has media watchers, who capture this kind of info for him and will fill him in. JMO
Oh, I forgot -- I should add that Dr. D really does resemble a big cat, like a puma or leopard, and she was looking at JW like, "Hello, lunch!" I mean, JW kept trying to rattle her with absolutely inane minutiae (the copyright questions will go down in the history of jurisprudence as a singularly horrible example of an attempt to impeach a witness), but Dr. D kept giving her this rather fixed predatory gaze as if to say, "you'd be good with barbecue sauce."

1 word: ENVY from the TH's to Jodi, to JW. They are envious of Dr. DeMarte. moo

Am I the only one who is bothered by the talking heads on HLN who called the defense witness Dr. Samuels, but are not referring to the prosecution witness as Dr. DeMarte?

The most glaring example was a pro defense talking head on JVM's show.

He said, "Janeen DeMarte didn't get her Masters degree until 2009."


And JVM failed to correct him by saying it was her doctorate that she got in 2009. Shame on Jane for the oversight.

Could there be a little sexism at play here by not calling a female witness by her proper title? Or, is it because she's only 32?

I'll let you be the judge.
I've been out of town for the last 5 days, and so I haven't been able to closely follow, especially today, but Lenore Walker.....She is a giant in the field of domestic violence, for sure. She has tirelessly toiled on behalf of abused women everywhere, and for that she earns my respect and admiration.

But if I understand this correctly, ALV is the 'expert' witness who is towing Lenore's line, in that, no woman who claims she has been abused or battered should ever be questioned about it. Any woman who claims to be a victim of DV should be believed no matter what. And Jodi Arias is the proof that this is a false policy.

If I'm wrong, straighten me out, please.

yet tonight, on NG, Lenore said she did not believe that Jodi was a victim of DV. BAM!

with the unapproved twitter links. It if is not MSM - DON'T BRING IT HERE.
Does anyone know how many siblings JA has? And where does she "fit in" age-wise? Is she the oldest?
Yes, but JM will.


ABSOLUTELY. I can hardly wait.

He will also school JW, and explain that a Doctoral student taking a year off for a FELLOWSHIP is a positive indication. Fellowships are much sought after and well regarded. It does not make her a 'slacker.'

He will also remind her that a counselor can be 'in practice' and have clients, even without finishing their doctorate license. Look at ALV as one example. She has done so for 30 yrs. JD did so for 3 years.

Here's what made no sense at all to me today----> JW questioned Dr. D about a test that Dr. Samuels had given Jodi and asked her if she had reviewed the questions . She said she had. Then JW start babbling about the test being copyrighted so the questions wouldn't get out to the public because if everyone knew the questions, the test wouldn't be valid anymore. So far, she makes sense. But then she asks Dr. D if she went over the questions and answers with Juan Martinez and she said yes they looked at them together. Keep in mind, while JW is questioning Dr D., she's holding the form with the questions on them and referring to them and waving them around. So here's where she lost me-----she then asks Dr. D why she would share these questions with the prosecutor when he isn't a psychologist since they are copyrighted. Sooooo--what the heck was she doing with the questions then. She isn't a psychologist either.

I'm bringing this forward from 'Rocco', I apologize I'm not savy enough to know really how to forward things like this.

Rocco this is an EXCELLENT point and I wish I had thought of it myself.

If Juan isn't suppose to have a copy or look at this document then why indeed does the DT have a copy.

Good eye.
Oh, I forgot -- I should add that Dr. D really does resemble a big cat, like a puma or leopard, and she was looking at JW like, "Hello, lunch!" I mean, JW kept trying to rattle her with absolutely inane minutiae (the copyright questions will go down in the history of jurisprudence as a singularly horrible example of an attempt to impeach a witness), but Dr. D kept giving her this rather fixed predatory gaze as if to say, "you'd be good with barbecue sauce."


PERFECT! :floorlaugh:
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