trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

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Man, this is worse than a trainwreck! Someone needs to stop Willmott, she is just NOT making any sense.

For me, I feel loose when I'm tipsy. Drunk is slurring of words and having trouble walking straight all the time!

The subject matter was discussed on direct which was a lack of doesmtic violence.

Her career is being made with this case. She is excellent!

Seriously. That IS all they've got!!!!

I remember being very disgusted by Baez's performance during the casey anthony trial. He came across as smarmy and oily to me. The jury loved him, though.

I don't think the actual performances of any of the attorneys here is out of hand and I don't think it will affect, too much, how the jury feels about the attorneys and thus, how they feel about the case.

The defense isn't going to be lost on the demeanor of the defense attorneys during trial. It's going to be lost via the incredibly overwhelming and utterly irrefutable evidence that jodi planned and did murder Travis Alexander in cold blood.

It's just performance. No different than what Mr. Martinez did with the defense experts. In fact, he was much harsher and snarkier: "Do you have problems with your MEMORY? Can you not remember what was just said one second ago?"

We tend to only find it unprofessional when it's coming from the side we hate!!!

Fantastic response by Dr. Demarte. She is very, very sharp. Incredible to watch.

I am too. I can't say enough about this witness. It's not easy not to be tripped up by such questioning but she is unshakable. It's so clear she's telling the truth.

Family and Friends are more aware of one's behavior than the person engaging in the behavior mostly due to the defense mechanism denial followed by other various ones they use.

That is what Dr. D was attempting explain. When I start an assessment with the family about the drinking occurring in their loved one; and if there were youngin's (like 4 or 5 yrs old), I would talk with them. Boy are they honest!! They tell you like it is while Mom just cringes hahahahaha They haven't learn the "Don't Talk" rule in families affected by Alcoholism and/or Drugs.

Professional Opinion.
Calling someone a "freaking *advertiser censored*" is so abusive it justifies murder. Is that what JW is trying to say? Hmmmmm

I should have been put to death about 40,000 times over then.


(I didn't use the word "freaking")

OMG - Re-watching the HLN part of the trial - Willmott asks question...
Dr D - I cannot answer that question yes or no

Willmott - so, that's a "no" then, rigggghtttt?


That's a fave moment for me. That should be added to the Willmottisms.
That is pretty excessive, Imo, and I would guess above the norm.

Really? I've done that. LOL.
Especially since I have unlimited text messaging, I'll have whole conversations via text. Mostly short sentences but even if you send just ten texts every hour it works up to a large number.
Someone mentioned 80,000 texts, emails, etc - but I think it was way more than that.
I think they had around 80,000 texts, 150,000 emails, and I don't know how many instant messages.
So if two people have hundreds of thousands of written communications, in addition to phone calls, and in-person conversations one string of messages that express that Travis is hurt and feels Jodi is evil in several different words is like .1%? 1/2%? Maybe not even?
Yes, that's infrequent. Even if there were a few other messages in which he expressed anger or called a name - it's rare. Unless Willmott is saying Travis said Jodi was evil or a sociopath many, many times.
Now how many times did Jodi stab Travis? That's a pattern.

BBM I simply cannot wrap my head around these numbers!
Not really. They knew each other for almost two years. That's somewhere in the range of 110 messages per day. There are people that I text with more than 100 messages per day.

That would lead me to believe they weren't together most of the time.
Three questions:
1. Why does Jenny wear the 'That Girl' hairdo?
2. Not to meant as ugly, but does DR. D color her hair? I have never seen hair that black. My
Son has black hair too.

3. Where is Weebles?

Like this kinda black...?

It feels like there has been a sudden upheaval in the courtroom today! JA suddenly emerged from her 'foggy migraine' with the exact hairstyle as Dr. D....and her Defense lawyer is mirroring the style of the Prosecutor. Their new strategy seems to be: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Juan has got to be loving this!

Hello everyone! I'm a newbie but a very long time lurker. I have no ideal how to post a new post (duh) so I biggie backed on this one lol, hope that's ok. I luv this site and luv all the comments. I am here everyday and everynight lurking. Just want to say I hope there is justis for Travis and thanks for having me :)
EXACTLY! One of the things I noticed was in one of the "abusive" text message exchanges, Travis is livid about something Jodi did to him. He is trying to communicate to her that what she did was unacceptable and her response to the whole thing was something along the lines of "Is that a photograph or a drawing?"

My BPD mother did this all the time! If she wanted to communicate her displeasure (read: jealousy) about a person in my life that she felt got too much of my attention, she would do something lilke this on the phone:

Me: "My freind Sheila is having a baby! I'm so excited!"
long pause
Mom: "I'm making soup!"

It is designed to convey a message that they think whatever you're talking about is unimportant and they aren't even going to respond like a normal human being.

Here's the rest of the conversation:

Me: "Did you not hear what I said?"
longer pause
Mom: "Well. I don't just don't know HOW to talk to you since all you do is get angry with me."


Not to sound all women-hating and stuff, but I think this passive-aggressive poking is mostly something some women do, if only because social norms being what they are, some women can get away with it and generally like to act like they are the only adult in the room ("Well, I just don't know how to talk to you.." What a martyr).

Now, I'm the kind of guy who has been accused of the "abuse" of walking away from an argument. I was raised in a family where people didn't raise their voices. My father is a stoic Italian and my mother is British. Occassionally their might have been exasperation, but I never saw my parents yell at each other and the sort of sustained scream-fest other families had? Never.

One of the worst things pop psychology did was to convince people it was healthy to let out their anger.

So, because of that I refuse to stand there and have someone yell stuff at me they may or may not mean, and I'm not going to say things which can and will be used against me the next disagreement.

So, my text responses were kind of snarky.

I think I do see a bit of Travis Alexander's "family of origin" issues in when he finally gave in to provocation. Maybe he didn't learn how not to be "unhealthy" when he was being driven crazy.

However, all in all, especially seeing how Jodi Arias' operates -- imagine being in a relationship with her -- I think Travis showed remarkable restraint.
Was I imagining it or did JW smile when Dr. D pointed out she couldn't interview Travis because he's no longer alive?

I'm sure I saw her smile. It really startled me.
Yeah, for some reason this witness has really gotten under JW's skin, and she wants to best her. Of course her job IS to best her, but what I am seeing from JW is really emotional.

The way I see it is JW morphs exactly like her defendant, which is sad actually. JW wants to be like JM and JA wants to be like Dr. D and JW.
Did anyone catch the mumbling bi*t% under JW's breath yesterday when she turned her head? Is that true? It shows that JW is as immature as the murderer.
They don't look like twins for no reason, they must have more in common.
One last point I reiterate, JW is being beat by Dr.D and she is so angry. She realizes she has nowhere to go. Give it up JW while you can still walk away without totally trashing yourself or getting in any deeper. JA isn't worth it !! :rocker:
OMG - Re-watching the HLN part of the trial - Willmott asks question...
Dr D - I cannot answer that question yes or no

Willmott - so, that's a "no" then, rigggghtttt?


FGS!! I understand what Dr.D is saying and I have no education! She is trying so hard to trap Dr..she is fumbling all over the place. Cut off your nose to spite your face! :seeya:
cleaning his house and snooping...
keeping TBS on him....
still pounding out all those communications? How?
Something else to be sad about, if KM has to take over and we have to sit through his loooonnnnnggggg draaaaaawn oooouuuuuttttt questions again. just sayin'
Exactly ... "How did you feel when Sheriff Joe took away your golf pencils and gave you crayons instead ?"

In the same "vein":

Gotta share this one: on the stand RECENTLY, was asked by the defense Atty (seasoned & very very capable):

SO dr.......WHY did you wait so long before performing the autopsy on the DEFENDANT??????

NOPE, I did NOT giggle or snicker, just answered that I'm still waiting, Sir since the defendant is viable and sitting next to your associate at the defense table.

Judge called a RECESS.....or a least I assume that's what she said! :)

omg i could not have held in my laughter :floorlaugh:
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