trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #157

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That same defense attorney said ' ALL Juan proved was that the gas can was not returned to THAT Walmart---but there are several in the area.'

Ummm...Mr Defense Attorney sir, the defendant SWORE under oath that she took it back to THAT specific Walmart. End.Of.Story. :liar:

Exactly. And if they want to argue it was another Walmart--give Juan the store number & he'll trot the records lady out from THAT store. They can't win with that one.
JM is said to know juries. He must know that they're cooked. I know I am. Enough all ready.

In many other countries in the world she would have been put to death within weeks or months of the murder.

She did it. She is not remorseful. Travis Alexander never hurt her. She hurt him, toyed with him, manipulated him, stalked him, invaded his privacy, stole from him, debased his religion, walled him away from his friends, hacked into his financial and personal records, took advantage of his generosity, bad-mouthed him to his friends to earn their confidence, insulted his friends and Travis by ignoring his friends when in their company with him, texted and called him relentessly- every few minutes, even seconds apart if he did not answer him immediately or say what she wanted him to say, hid in his closet to spy on him, came into his house uninvited, accused him constantly of things he hadn't done, planned to murder him, murdered him in a way to cause him the maximum amount of pain, enjoyed tormenting his family and friends immediately afterwards and to this day, and SMIRKS in court as JM reveals what no doubt is the tiniest amount of the evil she has done and is.

I know JM is saving the best for his closing argument, and I can't wait. She is unbearable. I don;t care if she lives or dies, but she should NEVER be let loose, and NEVER again be allowed to interact with the world.. not with people, or magazines or TV or radio, or letters. IMO, justice for Travis means taking away her life but forcing her to stay alive until she dies in prison.

End of rant.
If he is allowed, my bet is Nurmi is going to go after Deanna and ask her to go over every sexual interaction she ever had with Travis. Yuck. That just seems wrong.

Even I don't think he's dumb enough to head down that road. Oy!
Which is WHY I pray the DT doesn't get another bite. This thing could go on till the 12th of Never. If I lived in AZ I be pizzed that 1.5 million has ALREADY been spent on the Killer. Pathetic.:furious:

I live in AZ and have 3 family members who work and pay taxes here. Grrrrrrrrr
In honor of Walmart helping to send JA to death row, I will be purchasing a gas can this weekend.

:seeya: You might want to purchase 3 of them ... :floorlaugh:

A girl never knows when she may need them !

Defense had filed a motion to prevent the State from demonstrating the weight issue with the shelves in Travis's closet. Could be that. Also, the demo was done in Travis's former home, so there might be video or photos to accompany any testimony. Detective Flores was involved in making this happen.

YAYYYYYYYY I have been asking about the shelves forever. I won't prolly get what I wanted, which is Jodi climbing and tipping over the shelves, in a mock shelf/closet in the court room. Oh well, close enough.
Exactly. And if they want to argue it was another Walmart--give Juan the store number & he'll trot the records lady out from THAT store. They can't win with that one.
They can't. JM asked her if she took it back to the same Walmart and she said that she did.
Arias looks down and writes whenever there is anyone on the stand that she does not like because they are on to her...especially females. Notice how she only looked up and showed any kind of emotion when the guy was on the stand this AM?

Probably thought she could "win him over" with her expressions so he wouldn't anything bad about her.

I think your absolutely right! There explains the longing looks, the fake tears..any pathetic attempt to save her murdering butt. But the evidence is what speaks volumes to this jury. And the jury is on to Jodi and her lies so I noticed she doesn't even try to give them her little "angel" looks anymore when they stand for the jury. They probably don't even look at her except to show their disdain and disgust for her lying straight to their faces. God willing, they are going to make sure Jodi pays for this horrible act with her life.
i bet ja hates when girl witnesses are on the stand like deanna and they have highlites or a current hairstyle. i love it. meanwhile shes looking like the wig w her greased together bangs

And how about the Tesoro girl? She does some serious body building. Jodi's like, "I wonder if the prison will give me a set of workout equipment. I can look better than her. Mark my words".
I hate it when Joey Jackson has to play defense lawyer for Jodi, sometimes he can hardly keep a straight face. lol
Deanna had so many things Jodi did not have.

She had...
A sense of self.
Was secure in herself.
Goals and dreams.
A faith.
The ability to move on with her life while still loving Travis.

And still...
She had Travis' love and respect. :heartbeat:
She had Travis' family's love and respect. :heartbeat:

And now...
She has Naps. :hug:

That is what you get when you stay true to yourself but you are a big enough person to still love the one who may love you but is still dealing with their own insides. That takes A LOT of courage and self worth to do. It's NOT easy. Jealousy gets in the way a lot of times and you have to over come it.

Jodi had none of the things Deanna had and now she has nothing at all.
Not even the BMW. :lol: (sorry I just love throwing that in any chance I get).

One thing that really struck me about Deanna's testimony, given what a remarkable young lady she appears to be, is the fact that Travis did not want to get married at the time she did.

With that said, how can anyone believe for a single second that : a) Travis ever asked Jodi to marry him or; b) that Jodi was even remotely close to marriage material or; c) that Travis ever even allowed that thought to enter his mind with regard to Jodi.

JMO - it demonstrates even further, the manipulation, lies, and evilness of Ms. Arias, phoney journals and all.
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