trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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Could someone please post a link to yesterday's testimony? I spent all day yesterday in airports and on planes and was about to die because I was missing everything!!! Thank you!
3:15 - she "couldn't imagine calling 911 and telling them what she had just done".

What? If she'd been in a fog how would she know what she had just done?

And , friend, how the heck could she be suffering post traumatic stress over an event she does not recall?

According to her, she did not even know she shot him, she thought the bullet hit the wall....remember that little gem? She has no memory of the stabbing. Jennifer messed up when questioning Dr. DeMarte, when she asked, it makes sense, right that Jodi knew something bad had happened, she knew she had shot him, then she sees the blood on her hands.

Woopsie Daisy Jenny.....your client claimed on the stand she did NOT know she had shot him. With all of your voluminous note taking, you missed that one?

You just can't make this stuff up. Unless, of course, you are Jodi Arias, or a member of her team, or the young lady Saki writes about in her short story, "The Open Window".
This is not a case where there was a rape and the victim's sexual history...the jury does not need to hear. I am fed up with how anything against this ridiculous person can't be shown to the jury because it is too prejudicial because the DP is on the table. She is not ever going to be rehabilitated. She got tremendous pleasure out of doing what she did. She butchered another human being because they didn't want to marry her NSFW snatch. I do not believe she is going to get away with this but...I had to rant. She is not worth the taxpayer money being wasted on her.

I was on a jury once (felony, but not DP). We were exceedingly insulted and frustrated by all of the sidebars, knowing that they were most probably resulting in having information kept from us. We wanted to know *everything*...

(p.s. We did convict him anyway)
This is not a case where there was a rape and the victim's sexual history...the jury does not need to hear. I am fed up with how anything against this ridiculous person can't be shown to the jury because it is too prejudicial because the DP is on the table. She is not ever going to be rehabilitated. She got tremendous pleasure out of doing what she did. She butchered another human being because they didn't want to marry her NSFW snatch. I do not believe she is going to get away with this but...I had to rant. She is not worth the taxpayer money being wasted on her.

I'm with you on this one. Its so frustrating to me. For example, yesterday... When they showed the jury the tape of Travis with JA. Here we have Travis speaking to a room full of his friends about a near death experience when a gun was pointing at his head... and JA is just bored as ever. He talks about scared he was, and he does it in such a way (I can tell he was a great story teller). She don't seem to even care about listening. Its weird. She was weird...
IMO, the jury should hear what Travis was saying in the video. It makes me sad that it was certainly okay to play the sex tape and let him be heard in that way... but not in a way where he talks about real life moments that actually happened. It boggles my mind.

1. Yes, and probably did so long before she killed him.
2. Unless I saw actual proof of it (no thanks) I will never believe they had sex that day.
3. Yes, she snuck in.
4. No.
5. By the time he was in fear of his life, she had already stabbed him, he had no phone in the shower. It was too late. :(

Re: Answer No. 2:
In the nude photos taken on the bed that day, there is a large bottle of KY Jelly so I concluded they had sex. Am I wrong?
Beth on HLN now detailing that one of the proposed witnesses has something to do with Jodi's hair color, and photos that were recently discovered.

I think the ME will be allowed to testify to dispute Jodi's linebacker pose that was brought out during the trial, as well as her entire testimony about shooting him first, the positions, etc.
Beth is on HLN saying the hearing today has to do with 5 witnesses the DF team does not want to testify on rebuttal. She says there is a witness to testify as to JA haircolor. Juan must have found the salon if this is true. Beth also said the person from Chase is to testify to JA bank transactions. Gee, I hope the judge lets these people and who ever else is left testify.
FYI... wild About Trial tweeted that they will be livestreaming at 11:00 today...
How can the DT block the ME, Dr. Horn, from testifying in the rebuttal. He was already a witness and is approved by the court and is a main part of this case. What is the legal issue that allows their motion to block him? All I can think is that there is nothing for the ME to rebut. But we have heard the DT set out t heir theory, which conflicts with some of the evidence set forth by the ME, so ?
Beth on HLN now detailing that one of the proposed witnesses has something to do with Jodi's hair color, and photos that were recently discovered.

I think the ME will be allowed to testify to dispute Jodi's linebacker pose that was brought out during the trial, as well as her entire testimony about shooting him first, the positions, etc.
More info... missed it
I am wondering if I understand something correctly. Much has been made, by the DT, of the email exchange between the Hughes and Travis. Was that email from January 2007, which would make it BEFORE Travis and JA were formally bf/gf?

Or were there two seperate email exhanges that were brought up in trial, one before and one after they ceased being a formal dating couple?
Does 54 qualify as old? If so, me too! Let's hear it for the Palmer method! Hip, hip...hooray!

I hope not... I'm 52. I don't want to get old in 2 years! lol!
I haven't used cursive since I was in Catholic elementary school. In my job, we are asked to only print, as our lab notebooks need to be understood for posterity sake, and most people can write legibly in print, many less can in cursive.
Re: Answer No. 2:
In the nude photos taken on the bed that day, there is a large bottle of KY Jelly so I concluded they had sex. Am I wrong?
There are members/posters who take the position that Travis and Jodi didn't have sex on June 4. I'm not one of them. IMO sex was an important part of her murderous master plan.
Still, so many questions.

What was the last argument?

Who is Amy?

Who is in possession of the manifesto?

Where is Jodi's sister now?

What did Matt know?

What did Darryl know?

Did Darryl lied to detectives about the DVD?

Did Jodi get the knives from Darryl?

What does Gus know????

Did Travis share with one of his friends why he wrote the angry email?

Did Jodi log on as Travis from Ca? When? What did she do?

So many more....

What evidence does prosecution have that was NOT allowed into court??
Beth is on HLN saying the hearing today has to do with 5 witnesses the DF team does not want to testify on rebuttal. She says there is a witness to testify as to JA haircolor. Juan must have found the salon if this is true. Beth also said the person from Chase is to testify to JA bank transactions. Gee, I hope the judge lets these people and who ever else is left testify.

I cannot imagine that the judge wouldn't let these witnesses in. Really, Juan had no idea what would need "rebutting" in rebuttal until JA took the stand to tell Story #158. :twocents:
I hope not... I'm 52. I don't want to get old in 2 years! lol!
I haven't used cursive since I was in Catholic elementary school. In my job, we are asked to only print, as our lab notebooks need to be understood for posterity sake, and most people can write legibly in print, many less can in cursive.
The OLD er I get the farther was IT gets

Long time lurker, first time poster. First, I want to say "thank you" to all who actively participate on this board! I don't really have anyone in my life following (okay, obsessing over) the trial with me, so it's been nice to come here to affirm my thoughts/confusion/frustration! For me, I try to use empathy in any of the cases I follow; asking the "whys" and "hows" and what-not. I think it's natural for humans to try to use their own understanding of life, and their own experiences, to attempt to comprehend how something so sordid can even happen. I think this is why I'm so drawn to this case. Travis could be my friend, my brother, my co-worker. He's obviously a great guy who made a detrimental decision on who to date. I can relate to him on many levels. It just tears my heart to pieces to see his family in the court room.

The more I see of Jodi, the more her "crazy" comes to light. I mean, of course we've known there's something wrong, but the mumbling, the scribbling, the giggling, the it me or is getting worse?? Perhaps the length of the trial, while frustrating (especially hearing KN talking about sex ad nauseum), is its own blessing in disguise. Maybe the jury is seeing her "losing it" and revealing her true colors; able to take DM's testimony, apply it, and think "oh okay, now I get it. 2 and 2..." Her weird reactions are just so inappropriate and across-the-board socially unacceptable. You're life is on the line, and you can't even look at the witness (Ms. Reid)???

I know the usual fear is trials lasting this long have the jury sympathizing with the defendant and less likely to recommend DP, but I really think it is the opposite for this jury. Or at least I hope. :please:

At any rate, I'm sure I haven't said anything enlightening, as you all are on top of it! But I appreciate the opportunity to just vent for a moment :tyou: I saw several requests for guests to register, so I did! I look forward to continuing to read all of your insight and profound revelations. Justice for Travis!
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