trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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Is there anyway I can do this other than Twitter? I don't tweet......but maybe I need to now.

I'm not sure...I think its only through tweeting....hopefully somebody else has an idea....:seeya:
I dont think it matters who the defense calls at this point. These jurors see through Jodi and she is going down.
We can and have all speculated but the truth is, only two people know what happened that day and one is dead, and the other is a pathological liar.

Which is why I tend to discount Jodi Arias' version of events.

What bothers me is how did she know the roommates wouldn't be there at the wee hours of the morning?

Well, she couldn't be sure if you believe her version of the 4:00 am arrival. That's the point. We are to believe that she took all these stealth precautions only to be undone by walking in on a roommate who could testify she was there? Does that seem more likely than thinking she arrived and, laying in wait to observe the comings and goings, and whose car was in the carport or in the drive, made her entry far later than she claimed?

The one roommate really baffles me, to not smell something within at least three days is crazy.

Why? Assuming the odor slowly built up one could make a case for sensory grating. Like boiling a frog, a slowly building odor becomes unnoticed by the person gradually exposed to it. Do you think cat hoarders actually smell the ammonia and urea of accumulated cat pee like someone who appears on the scene with a different frame of reference and no long-term stimuli exposure?

But we don't have to go that far. There was air conditioning. Perhaps a venting evaporative swamp cooler. The decomposing body was in a shower stall down a hallway from a closed upstairs door. The pervasive smell of decomposition might have only become noticeable once the doors were opened and the air circulated to the lower part of the house. Just because there was a strong smell of decomposition after the room was opened and the body discovered, doesn't mean it pervaded the house before that.

There was a doctor at the Boston Marathon and she said that the smell of blood was over whelming and that was minutes after the incident.

So is the smell of some lady's perfume on the bus. The sudden introduction of a strong odor into a situation is significantly different than the case in question.
There is one thing that bothers me about JA brand new spewing of her lies regarding pregnancy and the "Psycho" movie is there for no other reason than to hurt Travis's family. I see her as a coiled snake in a small room, ready to lash out in her death throes. She has been shown to be what she truly is, and there is no where for her to hide. She is determined to destroy anything left of Travis, and anyone he loved. I can not imagine the amount of darkness, hatred and rotting that is inside her. She has been unmasked this week to the world and she finally has to face it.

My sympathies to the Alexander family. They have watched their brother die so many times now at the hand of this evil woman. May you all find some peace in this world that no one believes her and knows her for what she truly is.

She's a psychopath and liar. I don't understand the world giving any of her drama credence. What I find disturbing is all those who are willing to actually discuss it as if there were some truth to it, and to speculate. Every word she utters is to destroy Travis and his family and to manipulate. People seem to be quite happy to be manipulated. She's her best PR and people are being played like violins. Are our lives so empty that gossip fodder is all we crave?

This is the stuff of tabloids and all those 2 headed alien baby stories.
It's not the fact that Dr Drew was comparing the two, it's the fact that Jodi is now claiming (according to the NE) they were actually re-enacting the scene from Psycho because it turned Travis on. (give me a break) What got my attention was the still pictures from the movie side by side with the pictures of Travis in the shower. It was eerie, with at least 3 of them being the exact same poses. This is not the same as others saying the movie and killing were very similar. Now, we have Jodi claiming this as fact.

Agree, there is a great difference. However, if it is not true that Travis had any affinity for that movie, then it is quite possible this new story is just another creation of JA's overly active imagination - taken in part from the discussions on Dr. Drew's previous shows.

The evidence shows he was a willing participant. There are photos to prove it. It was their pattern to have fights and makeup. After the last fight, they stayed in touch. She talked to him multiple times during her drive. It was not something unusual for them or him to have sex or be friendly again after a fight. But who knows what exactly was said. She may have told him something about needing closure or the like. In any event, the evidence shows he was aware she was there since about 4 am when they watched youtube videos together. And about 1pm they took nude pictures of each other, with a KY bottle on the bed, showing they had sex.

People seem to want to deny this fact of the case, but it's a fact he knew she was there and they had sex and he was willing. And she didn't have a gun or knife pointed at him during the shower photos, until she started her attack.
Since it has no real importance to the State's case, I don't think it will come out at trial that those pics weren't taken that day. I believe that it will come out after the fact though.

I see two naked people and they're not interacting. I also see two different bottles of ky and a bed that hasn't been slept in. Oh and a guy that looks like he's just woken up being photographed from behind the lounge chair next to his bed. Oh and JA's hair is lighter in her "braids" pic than it was in the pics JM showed of her today. Just say in'

Not one pic of them together that day (that we have seen)
the pic of him was not taken at the end of the bed where he was aware.
It was taken behind him.
The second one he did see.

Not one pic of her was taken by him "over her" on the bed.
She wasn't all comfy and posed in his bed.
No sexy poses. She was perched on the side of the bed all awkward...

That camera was on the back of the chair beside the bed.
And seriously who takes pictures AFTER THE ACT?
Isn't it usually a FORE PLAY kind of thing?
That leads into the act?

There are 2 taken from above her, and from different positions around the bed. There was nowhere to set a camera in that position for those photos.

She hurt him worse than the death of his father.
His friends would SPIT on her. She was a sociopath.

And not welcome in his home or bed IMO

Sure, he would let her in. She slashed his tires in December 2007, long before the killing, and he saw her many times after that. For whatever reason, he had a hard time refusing her.
TRO, Preliminary Injunction, freeze those funds. And the family has evry right to a civil action but I wonder if the Prosecution wants them to wait. Given the low brow DT I'm sure they would get it into testimony somehow, at least at sentencing that Travis's family is trying to get money and that's all they really care about etc. I think the family won't do anything to mess with their ability to get the DP. I totally understand and once she is convicted I assume (even though i know better) AZ has a Son of Sam law which would prevent any further monetray gain.

I was just saying if his family would start a civil suit then the judge could put a freeze on any profits she could make. I don't know why they haven't started a suit yet?
Good night folks. My IPad is almost dead.
Hoping for another good day tomorrow.

Team Alexander!!! for Travis and his family.
Can tanisha copyright anything to keep anyone from profiting! Don't throw anything at me please! I just am curious?

Gloria sounded pissed! She said JA killed Travis and now she is going after his family. They are all victims and she should not be allowed to continue to victimize them.

She said it is obvious that it is Tanisha and there are more than one.
This might get ugly!

I think JA needs to be given a cease and desist order.
Let Tanisha sell the pics and keep the $$ or burn them in front of JA!!
Is there anyway I can do this other than Twitter? I don't tweet......but maybe I need to now.

CNN breaking news alerts for your cellphone would probably be ok. Given that all the parties have to be in court for the reading, there'll probably be a reasonable amount of time between the jury reaching a verdict (oh please, oh please no hung jury) and the verdict being read.
I REFUSE TO WATCH HLN AFTER DARK BECAUSE OF ALL THE MISINFORMATION GIVEN OUT! I have been changing the channel back and forth tonight. Judge Karen said that Travis was sleeping with Deanna during the same time period he was sleeping with Jodi. She talked about Lisa being 19 or 18 when Travis was in his late 20's, and she made that seem horrible. Does she realize that Jodi, at 22, went with 42-year-old Darryl? Darryl was old enough to be Jodi's daddy! It seems like Travis was the only decent person that Jodi dated. Travis and Deanna broke up in 2005. Deanna said that she did not have sex with Travis after both she and Travis talked to their bishops. Travis didn't meet Jodi until the fall of 2006--way after he and Deanna broke up. I'm sick of all the sex talk on ALL the programs on HLN. We need to remember what this trial is all about! JODI ANN ARIAS KILLED TRAVIS VICTOR ALEXANDER IN COLD BLOOD!!! There was no self-defense! This was not a crime of passion! This was a pre-meditated murder! It seems as if everybody is participating in the character assassination of a good Christian man who backslid but was trying to go back to the life he knew God wanted him to live.
I dont think it matters who the defense calls at this point. These jurors see through Jodi and she is going down.

I think the jury are probably already leaning one way or another. I just hope they are not like the Pinellis 12 or I'll scream (people will hear me screaming in Europe).

I'm done here. Going over to the Observers thread.
Thanks for all the great posts.
See you in the AM. :seeya:
BBM: Yeah, that's what I thought also..

Also.. IMO.. When taking pics like that, isn't there usually a pic of him putting it in .... something like that:blushing: but the photos see are the end product?

I am having a hard time thinking that Travis even took that pic of her ... Wondering if the camera was set up and she did that herself?

Two have not been shown. I believe Juan Martinez when he said in his OS:

But Martinez said photos recovered camera found in the washing machine along with the sheets from Alexander's bed pointed to Jodi Arias.

The photos recovered were time stamped. The first set snapped in the early afternoon.
"Not only was he very much alive. He was involved in these photographs with a woman. And yes, they were both sinning, because they were going at it. They were nude and yes they were engaged in sexual relations in these photographs," said Martinez.
What the hay kind of point was Nurmi making today when he asked Det.Flores if he had taken measurements of this and that and that and this shelf? Huh? Was there a point to it all? Did I miss something? Also - What was he getting at when he interjected his measurement questions with a question about JA's IQ?

What a lame cross.

I kept waiting for a point to be made but none was forthcoming.

He was just talking. Slowly.


You described his cross examination perfectly. I am still giggling over about it.
If they wouldn't take these four to five days off every week the trial might be over by now. That's one thing I have to say about Judge Melvin Berry is he did push that trial to be over. Judge Stephens seems to love side bars and days off.

I would think most jurors, if not all, have already made up their minds to JA's guilt. Stranger things have happened, but they could possibly come up with a verdict by the end of day on Friday. It's possible.
Evening! New here, but have been perusing for a while. I noticed, as I'm sure you guys have long before me, that Jodi had blogged about an obsessive impulse not long before the killing. I wonder if she is now ultimately gratified? There's no filling that deep chasm of emptiness, IMO.

"I cannot ignore that there is an ever-present yearning and desire that pulses within me. It throbs for gratification and fulfillment....Yet somehow, I don't believe that all of the wandering in the world will lead me to its attainment. Somehow, I know it's right here inside of me. This yearning I have is perhaps the yearning for it to explode into expression. To be fully expressed would be would mean ultimate gratification." Jodi Arias, Personal Blog, May 10, 2008.
I got the sense that she was in competition with Travis and his blog. Don't know why, but it just hit me that way.

The evidence shows he was a willing participant. There are photos to prove it. It was their pattern to have fights and makeup. After the last fight, they stayed in touch. She talked to him multiple times during her drive. It was not something unusual for them or him to have sex or be friendly again after a fight. But who knows what exactly was said. She may have told him something about needing closure or the like. In any event, the evidence shows he was aware she was there since about 4 am when they watched youtube videos together. And about 1pm they took nude pictures of each other, with a KY bottle on the bed, showing they had sex.

People seem to want to deny this fact of the case, but it's a fact he knew she was there and they had sex and he was willing. And she didn't have a gun or knife pointed at him during the shower photos, until she started her attack.

Actually it is not a fact as there are no pics of them together naked on the bed. There are also no pics of them in the act of having sex. What one person believes to be fact is not fact without clear proof. Does it appear that they may have had sex, yes but again there is no proof that they did. We have only one person of the couple alive, the other is dead. The one that is alive is a known liar AND a murderer.

There is also no way of knowing if Jodi did or did not have a knife and/or gun pointed on Travis when he was in the shower. Once again, there is no proof one way or the other. Just because one believes it to be true, it is not proof.
hiya *waves*

i'm one of those lurkers that you all keep refering too...and today i'm taking the plunge. i was trying to catch up on the last thread, and wow you're already on page 11 in this one!!!!

i just had to bring this over from the previous thread, b/c i just about cried...

Missionary from the Skeptical Community

What's more, what's a dog to do? For all we know in the hours after the murder the dog might have reacted, but even that reaction to stimuli will become extinguished over time. Continually alerting would be the dog equivalent of banging its head against the wall.

but in other news, i've really enjoyed reading your comments, and have a great deal of respect with the way discussions are held, ie. aiming the venom where it belongs!

looking forward to joining in!!!
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