Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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The qualifier "I'm not saying he deserved it or anything" concerns me, too. But for the opposite reason to yours, I think. I hear this qualification used again and again because the speaker is anticipating the wrong words being put into his/her mouth. It's a preemptive move, lest someone accuse them of excusing Jodi.

That Travis, like any homicide victim, didn't deserve to be murdered is a given. That he was "just a guy being a guy" is not. Some of us are not satisfied with the pass men are given to behave in ways that women would be condemned for. We think men can do better--much better--and that the world would be a better place if we stopped making excuses for them.

What has this to do with the sadistic slaughter of Travis Alexander?
I don't understand the diminishing of Travis. He had a sex life. We have too much information about it. I am not aware of anyone making him out to be a paragon of anything.

Why is it even a question that JA had no right to slaughter him???

She planned the murder and carried it out and there are no extenuating circumstances. Period. Why are we still debating Travis' character when everyone keeps insisting that it has no bearing on his murder?

Well, actually, a big part of Travis' schtick in his motivational speeches was referring to himself as a "30 year old virgin" in a sort of "aw shucks" way. Emphasizing how his faith and chastity were indicative of the character he possessed, and therefore his success. Sadly, he possessed those traits even without the whole "virgin" thing and I hate he felt pressured to lie about it that way.

So, in effect, Travis perpetuated a false image of himself. I am ONLY referring to the statement you made saying nobody made him out to be a paragon of virtue. Not "deserving" to be murdered-so no flames, please.

It makes me have that much more respect for Deanna's frank honesty. No matter what it cost her. I am in awe of that girl.
I cried out when I nicked my thumb cutting onions today.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE NO-ONE HEARD the screams of fear, pain and anguish coming from that bathroom at 5:30 pm on a Wednesday afternoon??? Kids were home from school, people coming home from work, walking dogs, picking up mail, loading up the van to head to soccer practice....You have to expect that JA was screaming in rage, Travis was crying out in agony, there was a gunshot. I just don't get it.

Please let there be justice for Travis soon.

People live noisy lives -- air conditioners, loud tv, music, kids, etc. Remember, this entire killing took only slightly more than one minute!

In the end, it really would not have made too much difference. Travis was mortally wounded and died so quickly -- there was no saving him, unfortunately and tragically. Perhaps they could have caught Jodi a bit sooner and saved some police work, but she'd eventually probably have come up with this same kind of defense.
Gun first or knife first?

Does not matter. Whichever weapon she used first, it did not kill him. So if she used the gun, there are still 29 stab wounds and a throat cut through to the spine. If she used the knife first, TA was dead or dying when she shot him in the head.


This is one guy with a horse in this race. His bias is obvious before he's even taken the stand! :floorlaugh: JM will highlight that bias, he'll have Geffner tell the jury that he's a friend and colleague of ALV, that he has edited at least one of ALV's books and that another trial court sanctioned him and found him to be nothing but a hired gun. No jury is going to find him credible.

I still don't understand why the defense would get someone like Geffner. I guess they ran through the list of U.S. psychologists and he was the only one willing to help the DT? What does that say? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Ita, I think the reason he is willing to get into this case is money and Attention and the reason dt are calling him Imo is because he is willing to look at half the story. Ja's half which is based on lies.

He will not be willing to look at TA's story. Sorry but I have no respect for him already
I do have the link to them. If it's ok with mods to post, otherwise can PM them to you

Please also post such links in the "Media and Timeline Thread"--please note that this is a NO DISCUSSION thread. And whether here or there, I implore you all to clearly and in bold font denote if a link will lead directly to graphic photos.
BBM : I hope this is the case.

And as much as I dislike the defense team , you are correct, they did what they were supposed to do and tried the best they could. I don't like it though.

I don't believe that. Not only in this case but others, (CA, OJ e.g.).

I believe our forefathers meant the court system to protect the innocent not to let the guilty go free!!! Defense lawyers use every dirty trick in the book (to let a known killer get off). Just let the the state try half the things they get away with, and they cry fowl. My opinion only. I am not saying there are not decent defense lawyers out there. But this defense team went way beyond what they needed to do to give one a fair trial. You are expected to get a fair trail not a perfect trial, so I read. Again my opinion only.
If someone else has already said this, please forgive me.....
Am I following JW correctly when, in her final questioning, she asked the ME all about the neck wound and wouldn't the neck wound be incapacitating enough that he would not be able to hold his head up...
In her closing - is she planning to argue that Travis was holding his head up in the picture where Jodi is dragging him down the hall? That's what I gleaned from her question. What do you think?

I agree with you. And going by her questioning of Dr Horn first time around, she's going to argue imo that exhibit 162 aka the drag pic shows Travis with arm up and head elevated. She's gonna argue the blood seen pouring down his back was from the gun shot to his head and he was alive when the camera accidentally snapped Arias's pant leg. iow Travis was still a threat to Arias and the jury has to fill in the blanks as to what happened next and why Travis was stabbed 29 times and had his throat slit from ear to ear. :stormingmad:
I should of known better than turn on JVM... she's always has the loudest Defense attorneys on there..sending me running for the Tylenol

She's too manic on TV. Can't watch her, I get the heeby jeebies. :scared::floorlaugh:
No, I wouldn't. And I wouldn't have sex with the whack job, either.

But that's just me. :twocents:

Hate talking about the victim, but I have to agree with you...about the sex part with the monster on that fateful day....I haven't wanted to bring that up but I must admit I've wondered about it and WHY Travis why ??
Why didn't the prosecution bring this entry up?? Any idea?

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I wonder about that too??? I noticed the blocked out section. I would hate to think that this was another thing the judge Ruled to be "too prejudicial", especially since this trial is mainly composed of words from JA's mouth or Journals...those words sure deserved to be heard by the Jury, and can't imagine Juan choosing to not bring those words IN
Is it really "crying"??! I think maybe she thinks she's Tabitha from Bewitched and she's trying to "mute" whoever is talking at the time!
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: HHHHilarious!
I have to speak to this because I saw a TON of posts about it while I was frantically trying to catch up the other night:

Travis was NOT recounting a real-life experience in that video clip. He was telling his friends about a DREAM he'd had. :facepalm:

Sorry, not directed at you! Seems a bunch of peeps and HLN got that one wrong. :blushing:

Thanks I did not know it was a dream!
Well, actually, a big part of Travis' schtick in his motivational speeches was referring to himself as a "30 year old virgin" in a sort of "aw shucks" way. Emphasizing how his faith and chastity were indicative of the character he possessed, and therefore his success. Sadly, he possessed those traits even without the whole "virgin" thing and I hate he felt pressured to lie about it that way.

So, in effect, Travis perpetuated a false image of himself. I am ONLY referring to the statement you made saying nobody made him out to be a paragon of virtue. Not "deserving" to be murdered-so no flames, please.

It makes me have that much more respect for Deanna's frank honesty. No matter what it cost her. I am in awe of that girl.

Can't help but think that religions should revisit their codes or philosophies or whatever they want to call them in this area. This is 2013. Expecting young single healthy people to refrain from sex is unrealistic.

Maybe this slaughter of Travis will wake someone up somewhere in some religion and realize that the slaughter of one of its faithful makes it time to get up to speed with the year we are in.

One can only hope. If Travis didn't feel it necessary to keep his sex life secret who knows he might be alive today. :(
I understand what you mean, I've done it too. I guess we employ mechanisms to help us through a very disturbing time. I've had nightmares about JA and wake up every morning with this trial on my mind, as well as go to sleep thinking how it will go tomorrow. I'm very sad for the Alexander family and for Travis' life being cut short when he had such love of life and so many things he wanted to do.

Really liked your post. I'll add that now I am totally desensitized to many sexual maneuvers! That said, I never want to hear the phone sex tape again. I will miss JUAN! He is so professional and gallant and wise.
Also, I will miss coming here to follow along with the daily trial doings. It is time for it be over but I still will miss you all. You are sharp, witty, and awesome correspondents.
Quote of the day....

"It's simple geometry"


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And what is great is that FINALLY Jennifer stated "I'm not disagreeing with you on that". A COMPLETE 180 from what she tried to insinuate on cross in the States CIC. She tried to say that the bullet NEVER went through the brain. She went round and round with Dr. Horn on this fact.
Hate talking about the victim, but I have to agree with you...about the sex part with the monster on that fateful day....I haven't wanted to bring that up but I must admit I've wondered about it and WHY Travis why ??
Maybe she threatened him, or maybe she promised it would be the last time she would bother him and that she'd leave him alone to get on with his life if he'd have sex with her one last time for 'old time's sake'. In the photo of him lying on the bed nude, he looks unhappy.
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