Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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IMO, what Travis did or didn't do really would have little effect on JA and what she ultimately did. She is not normal. Anyone who expects JA's actions to depend on the actions or behavior of Travis Alexander or any other human being is forgetting that this is a psychopathic BPD killer.
Respect from Travis was not, is not, nor ever would be an altering variable in what JA has done, or would do. It just does not compute. You can't begin to even plot her on a graph of what happens when you treat someone a particular way. Travis was the unlucky one. Someone else would have been her victim someday, one way or another. And it would have zero to do with how they treated her. IMO.
Important info: By looking at the photo I can deduce the gunshot was postmortem. In the pictures I have seen all antemortem GSWs to the head: 99.9999% have been perfect circles as was the wound I see in that photo. They look irregular to a point of distinction, some even elliptical from (the way it was explained to me) swelling from blood filling the are surrounding the wound. Once exsanguinated when the skin begins to retract the wound is irregular from the expansion/contraction of the skin. When there's no blood flowing in normal amounts to the forehead area the swelling doesn't occur. Psych is my realm of fascination and where I usually make my most significance on this forum.

I have been on hiatus since the Gabriel Johnson debacle but Artsy1, Smart Blonde, and of course JBean (shout to all!!!) I was once known by DaneBramage.

Thank you for posting this.
What do you all make of this Nancy Grace interview with TA's friend Duane Tolman? He was a witness, so not just HLN making things up. He states he was in a restaurant with TA when a robbery took place there and the robber held a gun up to TA's temple. So confusing to me...dream or real life?

I don't know WHERE peeps are getting that this was a dream? This really happened to TA!
Nothing has been verified. JSS only said juror #8 has been excused. There have been several speculations on Twitter. I am sure he will tell us all if he wants to. I am not going to even try to guess.

It was Juror #8. The one called CEO. Took many notes. Around fiftyish. There has been no official word but I believe it was by twitter that there was some conflict with his job. he anticipated the trial to be over and of course the projected date Jurors were given didn't happen. Katiecoolady has expressed she is not worried by this latest release. I think she may know why???? Seems benign to me at this point.

I would have to guess he may be in the Military...
perhaps the National Guard?
It "sounds" like he had a commitment on May 15th

I know he is older but perhaps a training exercise?

They worded it a little differently too. "EXCUSED from this case"
He was reported to be clean cut, and well dressed.
Could be Military I guess.

I don't think it was anything "bad,
he took lots of notes so it appears that he took
his job seriously.
If ya have commitments with the gov IMO
the court would release you for "duty".

Juror 11 was "excused" for health reasons.
Juror 5 was "removed" or "dismissed" for speaking out.
Juror 5
"Judge Sherry Stephens told the remaining jurors that they are not to speculate why the woman was dismissed."
Juror 11
"The judge says juror #11 has been excused from further participation in the trial because he is ill"

see the video.
JM says/mouths twice "It's good"

[ame=""]JODI ARIAS TRIAL COVERAGE JUROR 8 EXCUSED! 4.25.13 PT. 5 - YouTube[/ame]
If you notice, when they are in court JW leaves her bag well out of the reach of JA- she puts it on a chair close to the desk where the mitigation lady sits.. :rolleyes:
Good grief, maybe we can add Kleptomaniac to JA's list of issues? I keep wondering how many petty crimes like shoplifting etc she has gotten away with, while she gradually escalated to commit this horrific slaughter. Because I am SURE she has gotten away with stuff before, and was lulled into a false sense of security and narcissism that she could literally get away with murder. Thank goodness for forensics.
I am wondering if Juan can/going to bring in the manifesto if there is a penalty phase!

I want to read that Manifesto so bad!! Only crazy people write manifestos! It would truly give us a glimpse into the mess of narcissism and psychotic fantasies in her ugly, twisted Einstein mind.
Who has used the phrase "just being a guy" in relation to this murder? What "pass" has Travis (or any man) been given to "behave in ways that women would be condemned?"

That sounds like 1970's ALV BS to me. Men and women are equally free to do whatever they want in a relationship. Women can now become men and have babies and go on Oprah. There is no rigid societal standard in our current culture--my God, our society is so sexualized that I'd love to know where these "condemned women" are hiding. Did these ladies not see the "*advertiser censored* Walk" parade passing by? JMOO

Travis had a mutually pleasing sexual relationship with a woman that turned out to be a psychotic murderer.

Travis did not do one thing wrong, except continue to allow a stalker to have access to his home and bed. And he paid a dear price for that.

The FULL BLAME goes to Jodi Arias. I don't give a hoot that she loved "**** in her face" as she said on the stand. She's not on trial for that. So she likes to put candy in her nether regions...I still do not give a flying f!

She is only being condemned for slaughtering a human being. Nothing else.


Liebs :ditto:
You are really angry :therethere: and so right. I think we are all angry and hope JA gets what she deserves. Maybe we all need the next 5 days off.
I have been troubled for some time as to why JA tried to con the Prosecutor into taking a plea deal (manslaughter) or she would be 'forced' to divulge all of Travis's 'dirty little secrets' thereby dragging his good name through the mud with her vicious lies.

It's crystal clear now that JA deliberately and with malice of forethought set Travis up with the all of the nude photos, sex recordings, emails, texts, etc.... very early in the game. She saw $$$ signs right away. Travis was the very first man in her life with assets and unlimited future POTENTIAL. He was highly regarded in the Mormon community, as well as PPL. She had struck pay dirt! Eureka!!!

Using the only 'talent' she possessed, her body, she hooked Travis. Some people are 'hooked on phonics'....Travis was 'hooked on sex'. Jodi knew that he didn't 'love' her - but she wanted a 'return on her investment', i.e. an insurance policy. She had accrued an arsenal of blackmail material in the event he tried to leave her. She would ruin his reputation in PPL and the Mormon community. She had nothing to lose, but Travis had everything to lose. It was a game of high stakes poker.

Toward the end of their relationship, I believe JA realized Travis was having financial problems, facing foreclosure, etc. She also realized there was nothing in terms of a big 'pay-off' had she followed through on her blackmail scheme. She was forced to move back to Yreka because Travis dumped her and she had no means of support. The gravy train had left the station. She needed to re-group.

After JA returned to Yreka, Travis discovered that she had been 'scamming' him - thus the raging text message on May 26. He threatened to expose her for whatever it was that sent him into such a fury. Jodi knew the jig was up. She had to do something...asap! The murder road trip was hatched.

In the back of her mind, I believe Jodi thought she could get away with murder. But in the event she was caught, she had her arsenal of Travis's 'dirty little secrets' to spring on the court and Travis's family. She even had nude photos of herself and Travis taken on the day of the murder! (She must have been hysterical when she couldn't find the camera in her rush to leave the murder scene.)

I hope that this jury judges Jodi Arias not only on the heinous crime she committed, but on her evilness. Her actions before and after the murder were equally as horrific as the crime itself. Evil not only visited itself on visited itself on the Mormon community, Mesa,the court, the jury and everyone whoever came in contact with this devil. She does not deserve to live!

you are giving Jodi too much credit. she's not smart enough to plan ahead that far. she never expected to get caught for this murder. she thought she'd get away with it.
With all due respect I haven't seen that in anything that has been posted today. Admitting that the relationship was mutually unhealthy and saying that the circumstances could be used to educate, is neither condoning the heinous acts or blaming the victim.

He didn't deserve what he got in any way shape or form, people are just thinking critically about the circumstances that preceded the act.

No, people are talking about things that have nothing to do with the slaughter and are irrelevant.
I think he was trying to placate her, I think he thought he'd just get this visit over and done with .. he certainly doesn't look to enthused in any of the pictures :)

ETA: It's impossible to understand ..

Could be, but one does wonder about the photos taken.Knowing he wasn't changing his plans and was still going to Cancun with would think he would worry about what she might do with them knowing she was a Psycho or at the very least he knew she was a few fries short of a Happy many questions but whatever he was doing or thinking he didn't deserve what he got....and she deserves the DP...IMO
You are most likely correct. JW, basically, is her babysitter, for the duration of the trial. I would make certain, if I was JW, that JA had zero access to any personal information about me, or my family. She scares me almost as much as Manson.... if not more so, spooky, dead eyes. :eye::eye: I would have a difficult time, if I was JW, letting her get so close to me, having her look into my face so closely. I would require strong medication, maybe more than one kind. :gasp:

I agree. She really scares me mainly because I really had a tough time figuring out how sick she really is. The way she fooled Travis is just the way she has fooled others. When this trial first started, I did not realize how bad she was and thought maybe she just went into a murderous rage due to anger. Only after watching her very closely and watching her behaviors did I realize how sneaky she is. It was more than anger with her. It was jealously and vindictiveness.

That is what really scares me. I could see being fooled by her just like Travis was fooled.
What do you all make of this Nancy Grace interview with TA's friend Duane Tolman? He was a witness, so not just HLN making things up. He states he was in a restaurant with TA when a robbery took place there and the robber held a gun up to TA's temple. So confusing to me...dream or real life?

If you have seen the video they have shown all this week where Travis is talking to a group of guys, and JA has her head on his lap - if the sound
were turned on you would hear him talk about his being mugged, and the fear he felt with a gun at his head...
No reason to leave after. Many more cases. Unfortunately sigh......

Does anyone know when the next trial will be televisied by HLN? And whose on trial?
Mod Note: These are graphic images and will come up immediately at the link with no buffer to click through first. :tyou: -Ynot

i think this was them

please be warned these are graphic

Ok, I googled and couldn't find any NEW photos.

Tulessa - Here they are (GRAPHIC WARNING!)
I have to speak to this because I saw a TON of posts about it while I was frantically trying to catch up the other night:

Travis was NOT recounting a real-life experience in that video clip. He was telling his friends about a DREAM he'd had. :facepalm:

Sorry, not directed at you! Seems a bunch of peeps and HLN got that one wrong. :blushing:

I'm not at all surprised about anything HLN gets wrong.

However, I have watched that video on youtube several times. It sounds like Travis is recounting a real-life experience, horribly, with a lot of unconscious prescience. Travis talks about his life flashing before his eyes and "mustering up despair in [my] retina." He also talks about calling his phone and saying: "I'm the guy you stole the phone from."

If you have a link or source of why you say it is a dream, I would appreciate that. TIA
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