Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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:floorlaugh: Then why did he sign up for Jury duty?

If this jury is hung, it will be chaos.

Maybe he didn't think it was going to become as high profile as it has become. I didn't know anything about it until the trial started. What caught my attention was the brutality of it. I've heard of people getting stabbed many times and even there getting their throat cut at the same time, but then the bullet and for his body not to be discovered for 5 days. Unlike the Fl case which was followed intensely from the beginning.
I am just wondering why everyone thinks she shot him last?

Why bring a gun if you are going to use a knife and us the gun at the last minute?

Why steal the grandfather's gun if you are not going to us it till the last minute?

None of this makes sense.

She stole the gun knowing exactly what she was going to do. Shoot him in the shower and get out.

It did not work out like she planned. Thankfully, because if the gunshot worked the way she wanted, we would not be here now.

She would be scott free.

I listen to these trials everyday. Unfortunately it is my job.

I rationalize it in the following way "try have a bullet shot through your head, and then see how 'capacitated' you are". I assume it would be painful. She needed to make totally sure she was going to absolutely kill him. Her track record is full of Plan A, Plan B. I think she realized the gun didn't have enough bullets, after she stole it from the 'faux robbery', and needed a backup weapon aka the knife - which I believe she had likely stolen from an old set she had of Darryl Brewers, or stole one from him when she was in Monterrey.

Plan A was to corner Travis in a vulnerable position. (shower)
The gun either misfired, jammed or got out knock of her hand along with the camera.

Plan B comes into action. She has the knife duct taped to her.
She stabs his in the heart.

Either way----- it is NOT self defense.

This was a rage killing. After she stabbed him in the heart, she could of got help. But no, she didn't. She proceeded to stab him 26 more times, chase him down the hallway, slit his throat, drag him back, and then try the gun again. This time it fired, and it was a nice clean shot.

Jodi lies, but there is some truth to her ridiculous lies.

Somewhere you do not get what I am saying. It is so much easier to shoot someone than stab them.

I have never stabbed or shot anyone, but shooting is so much easier.

Why would she steal the gun in such a crazy manner if that was not her first choice.
She stole the gun with a purpose and that was to kill Travis.

Can someone explain to me why she stole the gun, and did not mean to use it?
The real Jodi is one terrifying creature!

Look what she did to Travis!

Every defense lie was lame to begin with.

I never could believe Travis would jump out of his shower to body slam her on a wet tiled floor.

That is only one of many lame lies Jodi and her DT has panned off on us.

Prayers to Travis's Family and Friends.

Good Night All :eek:fftobed:
I am just wondering why everyone thinks she shot him last?

Why bring a gun if you are going to use a knife and us the gun at the last minute?

Why steal the grandfather's gun if you are not going to us it till the last minute?

None of this makes sense.

She stole the gun knowing exactly what she was going to do. Shoot him in the shower and get out.

It did not work out like she planned. Thankfully, because if the gunshot worked the way she wanted, we would not be here now.

She would be scott free.

I listen to these trials everyday. Unfortunately it is my job.

I've heard many CIA type detectives / investigators as well as profilers say women tend to kill in a more personal manner than men. Women tend to choose poison and knoves over guns, where men tend to go for a quick kill. Of course nothing is ever 100% true to all, so I'm sure one can find exceptions.
Coming in late,dont know if this has been shown,
At the 21:49 mark, the RETURN rental receipt ,bottom left says, SMOKE SMELL.

OK, if that's for the returned car, I wonder why no mention of the floor mats and red stain. If it was for that car, I wish they would have asked him about this. Was it cigarette smoke or fire smoke?

There's so much I want answers to that JM doesn't care about, and that upsets me. :(
Omigosh yes that is crazy...why would it be so hard to have given her the DP in that situation? But I guess it's like they say you never know until you are the one with the life in your hands. That's why we don't get Wilmott or Nurmi, but they believe strongly in what they're doing because it's her life in their hands...I can understand that coming from their viewpoint. Even if Jodi gets DP from my understanding it will be decades before she's actually put to I want her to get DP mainly for the purpose of keeping her locked up 23 hrs a day and not being able to socialize. I am also with you that Jodi will flourish in a "regular" jail...make all kinds of jail friends...share stories...have regular visitors....ugh it just disgusts me. I don't really care that much about the actual death part of it....but I want her to be locked up and by that i mean LOCKED UP.

I have to admit. Until very recently I was STRONGLY against the DP. I guess one of those liberal types who opposed it at all costs. The main reason for that is because a lot of mistakes are made and our criminal justice system is imperfect. If there is even one "mistake" it is too many. I did a 20 page paper in college in my Ethics and Law class about the DP and in doing research kept finding cases upon cases upon cases of people that were found to be exonerated after they were executed. At that time (it may be different now), the vast majority of DP convicts were minorities whose trials lasted a few days and had court appointed lawyers. The types of cases were where an eye witness points the finger at the black guy sitting in the court room saying he is the one that held up the 7-11 and shot the cashier and that was all the "evidence" that was necessary to execute someone. And then we find out years later that the "eye witness's" memory may not have been so good and it was actually someone else. Or we do DNA tests after the fact and figure out the guy we killed wasn't the one. That is too much for me. It's enough for me to say we shouldn't have the death penalty. No other country in the westernized world has the death penalty.

There is also an abundance of evidence that having the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime. If it was a deterrent, we wouldn't have so many murders in this country. People that commit murder aren't thinking, "Oh. I shouldn't do this because I could be put to death." They typically think they are going to get away with it because the alternative of living the rest of their live in prison is pretty bad too.

I think I'm going on a tangent here. But in the past few years I've been leaning more towards the DP. When I see really truly sick human beings, like Jodi Arias, that have taken another person's life and they should not be allowed continue to live their lives and seek out happiness. Another example I can think of is that punk kid a few months ago who killed another teenager and wore a shirt saying "KILLER" to court for his sentencing and flipped off the parents of the teenage boys he murdered. That is disgusting.

OK. I'm really rambling. But I guess I'm having an awakening moment because I really feel that Jodi Arias should not be allowed to live in prison after what she has done and have the tax payers support her because I am so sure that she is a horrible murderess. I feel really dumb and stupid, but I started crying today watching the trial and knowing they were showing Travis's autopsy photos and his family had to look away. For the first time in this case I truly empathized with the family and cannot fathom what they are going through. I couldn't stop crying for a half an hour. I felt so dumb because this has nothing to do with me and I've been watching the trial as something interesting, but it hit me today for some reason and after my emotional reaction and stepping into the shoes of Travis's family I really want to see Jodi get the DP.

I guess I feel like if it is so certain and so sure, like it is in this case, the DP is not a bad thing. But at the same time so many mistakes are made and that is inexcusable. Maybe as technology progresses we can make it so that if we don't have hardcore DNA evidence, no one can get the DP. That would be a bit of a start. Maybe.
So you think he was trying to pull a Reese Witherspoon?
Officer, you can't give me a ticket. Do you know who I am? I am Juror 8 in the Jodi Arias Trial.

Lol! I'm just glad none of them are talking until after the trial...can you imagine if they had started talking as they've been excused? I think that's very good of them b/c it's my understanding that they are free to do whatever they want once they're excused.
BBM~ It's funny you mention that.

Travis had no ammo, therefore no gun on the shelf that Jodi magically did her leap onto. Jodi lies....lies...lies:facepalm:

It's kind of strange that they would just have enough bullets left to keep the gun loaded. Most people have a box with some still in it? I wish I would have been able to watch more of this trial myself. I would think the gun evidence would be important to help prove premeditation. Juan knows what he's doing though, I think he has gotten 14 convictions for the death penalty or LWOP can't remember which, maybe a little of both.
I think she was getting ready to shower and said goodbye to her.

She snuck back in when she thought it was safe. imo

JA says he leaves his watch and ring on the kitchen counter unless he's sleeping. With all her lies we've endured, this stood out as an unrehearsed or spontaneous reaction or response to Det. Flores

Does this say to anyone else Travis never went to bed? Would he have taken off his ring and watch in the afternoon, while JA was still in his house?


I didn't realize this until I read it on WS, but I KNEW Jodi had reminded me of some long-ago creepy murderess. Now I remember...:D
I see many questioning about the knife, where did it come from, why would she steal a gun but no report of a stolen knife, etc. Let me just say, she didn't slash tires with her freshly manicured fingernails folks. She already had a knife and was used to using it.
Can't blame him for drinking. :cautionDrunk:

Just shouldn't been driving.

Oh BAM that might be it because I just heard Beth Karas on HLN today (I believe it was her, forgive me if I'm wrong)...she said yesterday or maybe day before an ARMED POLICE OFFICER went into JSS chambers and she thought it was strange b/c he wasn't a witness or anything. OMG that juror must be so mad at himself after all those months of his life gone and he didn't even get to be in deliberations!
OK, if that's for the returned car, I wonder why no mention of the floor mats and red stain. If it was for that car, I wish they would have asked him about this. Was it cigarette smoke or fire smoke?

There's so much I want answers to that JM doesn't care about, and that upsets me. :(

Are you talking about the first rental car she took on the trip to murder TA? If so, the missing floor mats and red stain were talked about. Columbo said that he thought she had kids in the car and thought they were Kool-Aid stains. I don't remember hearing anything about the smoke. I also remember JW asking JA about the floor mats during her testimony and she lied and said the rental car didn't come with floor mats.
We cannot explain alot of things. The killing happened in 62 seconds.

One things for sure... Jodi regretting putting the camera in the washer.

How the heck did that camera go off while JA was obviously dragging Travis? I never could understand that. Even if the camera was upside down, I don't see why the camera ended up behind her (more towards the bedroom end of the hall) and why it was even touched twice accidentally in the middle of the murder? :banghead:
I rationalize it in the following way "try have a bullet shot through your head, and then see how 'capacitated' you are". I assume it would be painful. She needed to make totally sure she was going to absolutely kill him. Her track record is full of Plan A, Plan B. I think she realized the gun didn't have enough bullets, after she stole it from the 'faux robbery', and needed a backup weapon aka the knife - which I believe she had likely stolen from an old set she had of Darryl Brewers, or stole one from him when she was in Monterrey.

I actually like your theory of that she actually saw that the gun only contained either 1 bullet or maybe just a few to begin with, and so she chose to just keep that in her back pocket as backup while she stabbed him.
I've heard many CIA type detectives / investigators as well as profilers say women tend to kill in a more personal manner than men. Women tend to choose poison and knoves over guns, where men tend to go for a quick kill. Of course nothing is ever 100% true to all, so I'm sure one can find exceptions.

OJ Simpson used the exact same method of butchering not one but two people in the same vicious hateful way as she did
There is no question that she tortured him given the nature of the injuries. These were slices and stab wounds ... some were 1/4" deep, but long and others were deep. He had cuts on his hands, abdomen and chest, bruises on his legs, abraided lacerations, tearing of the skin on his heals, lacerations on his knee: abrasion - post mortem injury (all others anti-mortem) ...

gruesome ...

Then, back injuries and the back of the head.

What put Jodi into such a rage?
That he had moved on?
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