Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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Maybe there's nothing to tell. Kid from nowhereville, going nowhere, etc.

I'm sure her mother or other family member will reveal all in an upcoming book published after JA's conviction.:floorlaugh:

No doubt....i'm sure there will be a few books floating around. :facepalm: Hopefully at least one will have the truth in it.
When Jodi was arrested, with the 9mm and two knives packed in books....was the car rental in her name, what color if known and did she drive 90 miles again to rent?

That is a very good question about the rental car! If she used a very "local" agency for the 2nd rental, that would be huge IMO.

I have a feeling it was done at that point because of all the blood there and because she would have been frantic at that point that he might actually be able to get away or that he was about to drag the fight onto the carpet, which was not part of her plan and she wanted the blood to only be contained in the bathroom. Also the picture of her dragging him back where it clearly shows blood flowing in a waterfall fashion (sorry I don't mean to be crude). What really gets me though is that is Wilmott really trying to say that that blood flowing could really be because of the gunshot wound and not the neck?? That is just absurd, if I knew a throat had been slit and there was a gunshot would, I would clearly be able to reason that the blood in that picture is from the throat.

Yes, I agree. At a certain point, for me, it doesn't even really matter when the gun came into play. The reality is that TA wouldn't have been able to get to the sink and thendown the hallway if he had already been short.

But, I also believe the ME's testimony to be true and as accurate as he can be since TA was not found for a few days.

Sometime between January and May 28 of 2008 JA traded in The Law of Attraction for The Law of Distraction.

This enabled her to surprise and murder Travis, attempting alibis and cover-ups in the 'blowback'.

Then, on July 15, 2011, exactly three years to the day following her arrest, JA then swapped out The Law of Distraction, replacing it with The Law of Destruction.

Her defense would be to destroy Travis Alexander yet again, trashing his character and reputation, while inflicting the maximum possible mental and emotional cruelty upon his surviving family and friends, most of whom by this time had utterly rejected her.

Here is the legal document ":deal: in which she memorialized these threats which she has continued to make good on throughout this trial:


Just read that document for the first displays more of Nurmis taudry language and vicious thinking. IMO. Of course he has to get his favorite term "three **** *****" in there. He may as well wear a t shirt w that on it for his mitigation argument.
I take it a step further- there is nothing that would have stopped her from killing him. God forbid, even if he had consented to marry her, she would have continued the same psycho stalking, jealous behavior. He could innocently talk to another woman and she would have destroyed him in a psychopathic rage.

The only way he could have saved himself was to kill her first. She was a factory defect on a collision course with murder.

BBM = Very well put!!!!!
I am just wondering why everyone thinks she shot him last?

Why bring a gun if you are going to use a knife and us the gun at the last minute?

Why steal the grandfather's gun if you are not going to us it till the last minute?

None of this makes sense.

She stole the gun knowing exactly what she was going to do. Shoot him in the shower and get out.

It did not work out like she planned. Thankfully, because if the gunshot worked the way she wanted, we would not be here now.

She would be scott free.

I listen to these trials everyday. Unfortunately it is my job.

Murders of significant others often involve close-in violence.

How much closer-in can you get than stabbings, slicings and throat slashings?

Then, also as per pre-meditated hate/rage murder, she posed his body, legs apart, nude and uncovered.

She is totally without any redeeming 'quality' whatsoever.

Travis said it best: She was the worst thing that happened to him.
Mikee Daniels has his latest video up!

I think he was excused from jury duty because he mentioned to the arresting officer that he was a juror in the jodi arias trial. Even a DUI remember is considered innocent until proven guilty.

I believe pending felony charges are sufficient even though not proven. Maybe that's why he was in court until yesterday. Possibly waiting for his official BAC to come back so the pros. knew for sure whether they'd be pursuing an agg. charge. In AZ, the pros usually charges all three levels of DUI then drops the ones that don't apply later.

I have a feeling it was done at that point because of all the blood there and because she would have been frantic at that point that he might actually be able to get away or that he was about to drag the fight onto the carpet, which was not part of her plan and she wanted the blood to only be contained in the bathroom. Also the picture of her dragging him back where it clearly shows blood flowing in a waterfall fashion (sorry I don't mean to be crude). What really gets me though is that is Wilmott really trying to say that that blood flowing could really be because of the gunshot wound and not the neck?? That is just absurd, if I knew a throat had been slit and there was a gunshot would, I would clearly be able to reason that the blood in that picture is from the throat.

If you look at that photo closely and believe it is a photo of the back of his head and heck and right shoulder then there is No way that is from the neck wound. Once she slit his throat in the manner it was slit he would not have been able To raise his head at all and if Jodi was dragging him by the hands his head would dangle all the way back. If his throat had been slit at that point his head position in that photo is impossible.

Once he fell to the ground gravity, depending upon how she drug him around,would obviously direct the blood flow from his 20 others wounds in the direction he was drug. So say she drug him. By his feet back to the bathroom,the blood from the chest wound is going to be pulled up his body and down his neck from gravity.

Sorry for typos but typing on this iPad Is a beotch.
No doubt....i'm sure there will be a few books floating around. :facepalm: Hopefully at least one will have the truth in it.

I really hope that no Arias family member profits from Travis's murder, and with the Son of Sam law I believe they can not.
I still think the knife was a hunting knife. I have really good kitchen knives, and I keep them sharp. And I have to struggle to cut up a chicken. In my common experience, kitchen knives would make inflicting the kind of injuries JA inflicted on TA extremely difficult. I have to deduce she brought along a hunting knife. More premeditation.

If you smell smoke, it's just the gears turning in my head. I too am of the opinion that she likely used a hunting knife. Question is...where did she get it? Are DB or MM known hunters? When she was arrested and they found the knives in her rental car, didn't she say she had to return one to MM?

If I were a juror, I would watch my back. At this point, I believe they are being followed. imo...
Thank you. So, clearly after Samuels and his self help book arrived and shortly before ALV (August 2011 was it and there had been 6 DV people prior to visit ?).

What Law do you think might be next ? :D

The Laws of Incarceration and Execution
I'm really not sure. Part of me questions whether she was even going to try to get him to take her to Cancun. She had a LOT of evidence of premeditation, as you said. Why go to all of those lengths if you aren't sure what you're going to do? But, maybe it was 'better safe than sorry'?

For the most part, I think she knew Travis was done with her and she decided he had to die. Cancun or not. Because none of her tricks would work anymore. He was on to her. He saw the real Jodi. She couldn't hide anymore.

It's these little things that we'll probably never know that drive me wacky. :scared:

Yes I agree it didn't matter about whether he took her to Cancun. At that point she had already began to "devalue" him. In her mind she hated him at that point...she would probably not have wanted to even go with him to Cancun at that point...she had already turned against him. I believe this strongly.
One thing that hasn't been brought up a lot aside from her actions after the murder, is her relationship with Ryan Burns and the POTENTIAL she saw in that relationship. Based on her interview with Flores, I got the idea that saw RYAN now as the one who would give her happiness, marry her, perfect life with kids. She had replaced Travis with Ryan. She talked numerious times about their (meaning HER) plans to further their relationship, she had already planned out "fun" things for them to do in SLC like go hiking, go to museums, etc.. I remember her talking about SLC like she had researched it. It is my belief that if she had a plan to in some short time move to SLC. After all who believed she would stay in Yrecka for long? I personally think she just "moved" back to Yrecka because she was already planning Travis' murder and she knew she had to move away to be able to pull it off without suspicion. She was doing the exact same pattern to Ryan that she had done with Travis. I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT ALYCE WOULDN"T SEE THIS, being privy to all the thousands of documents she had on hand...while any normal person would see this just as I have just based on a couple of interviews with Flores and based on what I know of her stalking of Travis. Alyce was so obviously biased she put on blinders to the OBVIOUS. She already had her stalking plan for Ryan in the works!! Hello Alyce you are so dumb, I'm sorry, I just had to say that. Maybe that 30+ years of experiece doesn't add up to jack **** if you are so blind to reality.
I don't even want to think about it because I thought the same thing with FCA and we all know how that turned out. The only thing that got me through that trial was the hope that I'd get to see her face when the jury found her guilty and her world ended. Now she's sunbathing and vlogging on an island somewhere (not really, don't know or care where she is.)
If JA isn't found guilty of 1st degree I think this is it for me following these cases. I am way too emotionally invested!


I know "wifey" .... I have written before that I am almost making myself sick following this trial. I just have a sick feeling in my stomach as things are drawing to the end. I am so paranoid about victims getting justice with today's jurors, multi-media and corrupt defence attorneys throwing so many lies and so much spin into their cases. Something really, really needs to be done about that. I digress ....

But ... anyway ... I just wanted to express that I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. I can't understand how she won't be convicted of premeditated murder and given the DP. But I am still sick about the FCA case and still can't understand that either. I do, however, believe that this jury is very smart ... something I don't believe the FCA jury was ... they didn't understand the "reasonable doubt" instruction. They would only convict "beyond ANY doubt". Breaks my heart. That is one who should no longer be roaming free on this planet. Poor little Caylee.

OMG ... my emotions are out of control. I can't wait till this is over. I need to get my life back. Sorry for venting ... but you guys on this board are the only peeps who will listen :scared: Besides, I'm sure I'm not alone in this panic-stricken state .... okaaaay ... eeeaaaaaannnd ... breathing slow and deep .. ... and ... again ..... :eek:kay:
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