Trial Delayed until at least January

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Lets just see the unedited, full-length version.
The Cliff Notes version was a disaster.
WTH was the state of NC thinking?

Were the ADA's told to keep it short & sweet due to budgetary concerns, since the Cooper trial took, as some may have thought, too much time & too much money (and if so, they should blame the 1st chair of the DT, duh)? Could that be even possible??

Or was it simple ineptitude and/or over-confidence? :fuse:

Aside from the real reason for doing a complete & convincing job -- i.e., :justice: and :pinocchio: ----> :behindbar , the DT needs to get their butts out of the sling in which they put themselves during & throughout the 1st go-round.
:: :furious: :::maddening:
From what has been revealed about JY through testimony during his first trial, search warrants, and emails, I think JY thought he was above everyone - both women and men. JY's actions before and after the murder of his wife and unborn son reflect a man who displayed a sense of entitlement and whose only concern was for himself.

-He slept with two women while his wife was pregnant with their child within a couple of months of Michelle's murder - one of which became an intense emotional and sexual affair
-He wrote an undying love email to a third woman in which he denied being married
-He told a friend of his that he loved Michelle Money and that he wished she was pregnant with his child and not her husband's child
-He told a friend of his that the only thing worse than being married to Michelle would be to be divorced from her
-He wrote in an email to Michelle that he "could kill her" for not letting him get the yard work done on a morning that she had to work
-In the same email, he lashed out at Michelle because his daughter had peed on herself and on the floor and that he was just going to take her to the pool and drink beer
-He told a friend within a couple of months of Michelle's murder that he was done with the marriage
-He told Michelle that he didn't need counseling but she did
-He only agreed to "counseling" if Michelle's sister would be the mediator, therefore, robbing Michelle of a natural ally - her only sister who in this role had to stay neutral
-He added stress to Michelle's life while she was pregnant with their son by arguing about and restricting Michelle's mother's visits with her even though Michelle had miscarried their previous child a few months before
-He told two of his female coworkers that his sex life with his wife was bad
-He told these same coworkers that the only reason his wife was pregnant was so that he could have sex
-He warned at least one of these coworkers that he was a horny man
-He exposed himself at parties in front of men and women while his wife was there
-He told people that Michelle heard noises at night when he was away on business trips, yet he didn't fix the garage door or alarm system
-He never helped LE try to find Michelle's killer
-He refused to help LE by doing a simple requested walk through of the home with his lawyer present to see what had been stolen
-He refused a polygraph exam so the police could clear him and look for the "real" killer
-He never offered a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer of his wife and unborn son
-He stayed in contact with MM even after the murder and had at least one visit with her in Myrtle Beach
-He used pictures of himself with his daughter on a website to get dates with women and exploited Michelle's death by sympathetically describing himself as a widower and single parent
-He would not allow his daughter to receive Christmas gifts from her maternal grandmother and aunt
-He refused to defend himself in a WD lawsuit to avoid being deposed
-When Michelle's sister sought visitation with his daughter, he willingly gave up custody of her to avoid being deposed
-He never claimed the 1MM life insurance policy on Michelle to avoid answering questions
-The only time he spoke about his and Michelle's marriage and his whereabouts on the night of the murder was after he knew what the prosecution had against him and he could tailor his story to fit the facts

JY is a self-absorbed, manipulative liar who was named by the NC judicial system as the slayer of Michelle Young in a civil trial. For the sake of justice and for the sake of closure for Michelle's family, I hope that he is found guilty of first degree murder in the upcoming criminal trial because he deserves nothing less.

I checked the court roster yesterday, and the trial is scheduled for 01/17/12, and Holt is still listed as ADA on the docket. I hope she's been taking lotsa Vitamin B12 and eating nails for breakfast so she'll be ready to "bring it." :maddening:

Instead of eating nails, I think she should try presenting some real evidence.

I'm getting antsy as the 17th is approaching. Looking forward to seeing old friends, and making new ones, on here as the trial begins. Good luck prosecutors, he's guilty as heck so bring your best game!
Were the ADA's told to keep it short & sweet due to budgetary concerns, since the Cooper trial took, as some may have thought, too much time & too much money (and if so, they should blame the 1st chair of the DT, duh)? Could that be even possible??

Or was it simple ineptitude and/or over-confidence? :fuse:

Aside from the real reason for doing a complete & convincing job -- i.e., :justice: and :pinocchio: ----> :behindbar , the DT needs to get their butts out of the sling in which they put themselves during & throughout the 1st go-round.
:: :furious: :::maddening:

Timing could not have been worse, following the Cooper 3 ring circus.
The judge did say in open court the JLY trial would not be a repeat of the overdrawn Cooper case (he said recent, and did not call Cooper by name).

Jury selection and the presentation of evidence was compromised.
Timing could not have been worse, following the Cooper 3 ring circus.
The judge did say in open court the JLY trial would not be a repeat of the overdrawn Cooper case (he said recent, and did not call Cooper by name).

Jury selection and the presentation of evidence was compromised.

Compromised how? The Judge, prosecutors, defense attorneys and jurors were different. The only thing I saw the two trials had in common was courtroom.

I think what compromised the trial was the fact that the prosecutor presented adultery, partying, and his remaining totally silent as though it is evidence of murder. The majority of the jury refused to accept it and I think the next will share a similar view.
The people of NC were short changed because jury selection was rushed and state's case was the 'cliff notes' version, as they only used 2 weeks to present 3 years of investigation pointing to the guilt of Jason Young.

Thankfully, lessons were learned and the jury selection will be much more deliberate, lasting possibly several weeks. Holt said her case should take a month this time. The Cooper fiasco is now a distant memory.
Timing could not have been worse, following the Cooper 3 ring circus.
The judge did say in open court the JLY trial would not be a repeat of the overdrawn Cooper case (he said recent, and did not call Cooper by name).

Jury selection and the presentation of evidence was compromised.

You said it, JTF -- Horrible timing for all concerned. "Unfortunate" would be putting it far too lightly.

BTW, in my post, I meant to say, "the PT needs to get their butts out of the sling in which they put themselves..." not the DT -- the defensive team obviously did a good job, but the PT just plain blew their opportunity.

Certainly the Judge is to be heeded, but no good judge -- and Judge Stephens is way up there with the best ones (he was a prosecutor himself at one time) -- wants to deprive The People of their right to a full presentation of all the evidence. Maybe the PT was just plain intimidated -- or BH was. Grrrrr. They, and the People of the State of NC are very fortunate that we get another chance.

I understand the PT trying to expedite things, etc., etc., but indeed they did condense their case way-y-y-y too much.

Here's to them doing it right this time -- they do have the evidence, and I hope they also have the ballistics and the b*lls. :maddening:
I'm getting antsy as the 17th is approaching. Looking forward to seeing old friends, and making new ones, on here as the trial begins. Good luck prosecutors, he's guilty as heck so bring your best game!

HiYa, NCEast!:seeya: Good to have you here with us!

We'll have to wait a couple of weeks to see how it goes with the um-ers -- I think jury selection will probably take a couple of weeks. If any of our lists were sent to the PT from our comments, etc., on the first trial, they should get the idea that they left out more than a couple of biggies.

As I have said before, a case is built like a rope -- one individual strand at a time, building and making stronger, strand by strand.

If a DT argument weakens a strand, the rope doesn't disappear, it is still a rope. That is how juries should look at the evidence -- as a whole. If one strand is weak, the jury doesn't toss the whole rope aside. They should test what remains -- if it's strong enuff, even without a strand or two, the the rope should hold.

This case has enuff strands to build a good strong rope -- they just need to do it -- confidently, logically and using all the strands that have been collected for the past 3+ years.
You said it, JTF -- Horrible timing for all concerned. "Unfortunate" would be putting it far too lightly.

BTW, in my post, I meant to say, "the PT needs to get their butts out of the sling in which they put themselves..." not the DT -- the defensive team obviously did a good job, but the PT just plain blew their opportunity.

Certainly the Judge is to be heeded, but no good judge -- and Judge Stephens is way up there with the best ones (he was a prosecutor himself at one time) -- wants to deprive The People of their right to a full presentation of all the evidence. Maybe the PT was just plain intimidated -- or BH was. Grrrrr. They, and the People of the State of NC are very fortunate that we get another chance.

I understand the PT trying to expedite things, etc., etc., but indeed they did condense their case way-y-y-y too much.

Here's to them doing it right this time -- they do have the evidence, and I hope they also have the ballistics and the b*lls. :maddening:

I really am curious what evidence is there that you know the DA did not present to the jury?

And as for rights, I think the defendant also has a right to receive justice and not be railroaded with emotional character assassination the prosecution tried to push as real evidence in the first trial. The Judge put a stop to it and rightly so. It's looking far too much like the Duke LaCrosse fiasco at this point.

The People deserve better and so does the small child who is at the center of the storm.

The prosecution has to prove he returned to Raleigh and they failed to do that.


If I were a juror that's the only thing that would matter to me. Adultery and acting like a jerk are irrelevant behaviors; a lot of people are guilty of both and are not also murderers. The prosecution has to prove that Jason left his hotel room, drove down to Raleigh to kill Michelle, and then drove back to VA. They failed to do any of that in the first trial and I have doubts that they will have new evidence since, as some have mentioned, there was a lengthy investigation in this case. If they had the evidence to prove that he did all of this, why didn't they present it in the first trial? What are they going to spend 6 weeks presenting that they, for whatever reason, declined to present in the first trial?

I guess we will see what happens in the coming weeks...
If I were a juror that's the only thing that would matter to me. Adultery and acting like a jerk are irrelevant behaviors; a lot of people are guilty of both and are not also murderers. The prosecution has to prove that Jason left his hotel room, drove down to Raleigh to kill Michelle, and then drove back to VA. They failed to do any of that in the first trial and I have doubts that they will have new evidence since, as some have mentioned, there was a lengthy investigation in this case. If they had the evidence to prove that he did all of this, why didn't they present it in the first trial? What are they going to spend 6 weeks presenting that they, for whatever reason, declined to present in the first trial?

I guess we will see what happens in the coming weeks...

I agree. It took years to arrest him and I think that's because all they had was the shaky witness from the convenience store who seemed spaced out at the trial. I'm really interested in how this goes down because of all the corruption tied to the justice system in that area over the years. Nifong, corrupt crime investigators, innocent guys spending years in prison because they were railroaded by the good 'ol boys.

Cougermom, how is the justice system in Florida?
Last trial I saw down there was a sham.
Instead of eating nails, I think she should try presenting some real evidence.


They did present real evidence. Along with motive, means & opportunity. Sneaking out of his hotel room, leaving the doors ajar, tilting the cameras so as to not appear on video, drugging the toddler, and on & on. He's a wife killer.
Timing could not have been worse, following the Cooper 3 ring circus.
The judge did say in open court the JLY trial would not be a repeat of the overdrawn Cooper case (he said recent, and did not call Cooper by name).

Jury selection and the presentation of evidence was compromised.

I agree, the judge should not have set any sort of restrictions, nor made these sorts of remarks IMHO. I was extremely disappointed when I heard that. Each trial should be taken on it's own, not connected to any other trial.
Nor do I.
However, it does go to show motive for murder.

The jury must look at ALL the evidence. IMO that's exactly what doomed that trial down in Florida. The jury took each piece of evidence on it's own, rather than the sum of the total of circumstantial evidence, resulting in no justice for a dead child.
HiYa, NCEast!:seeya: Good to have you here with us!

We'll have to wait a couple of weeks to see how it goes with the um-ers -- I think jury selection will probably take a couple of weeks. If any of our lists were sent to the PT from our comments, etc., on the first trial, they should get the idea that they left out more than a couple of biggies.

As I have said before, a case is built like a rope -- one individual strand at a time, building and making stronger, strand by strand.

If a DT argument weakens a strand, the rope doesn't disappear, it is still a rope. That is how juries should look at the evidence -- as a whole. If one strand is weak, the jury doesn't toss the whole rope aside. They should test what remains -- if it's strong enuff, even without a strand or two, the the rope should hold.

This case has enuff strands to build a good strong rope -- they just need to do it -- confidently, logically and using all the strands that have been collected for the past 3+ years.

:seeya: Hi ya guys, long time no see. I certainly hope this time around, the prosecution grows some. And if Jason Young takes the stand again, let's hope the cross exam is far more intense. The first time around was a total disappointment. Was hoping to see a new addition to the defense team.:maddening:
They did present real evidence. Along with motive, means & opportunity. Sneaking out of his hotel room, leaving the doors ajar, tilting the cameras so as to not appear on video, drugging the toddler, and on & on. He's a wife killer.

What real evidence was presented that proved opportunity beyond a reasonable doubt? Video stills showing him walking down a hotel hallway located hundreds of miles from Raleigh isn't conclusive proof he even left the hotel. The stairwell camera is now a red herring since it covered a fire exit door that, according to testimony, was impossible to open from the outside after 5:00 a.m.

I don't believe it is unreasonable for a jury to expect to see hotel security video that proves he left the hotel and returned hours later.

They did present real evidence. Along with motive, means & opportunity. Sneaking out of his hotel room, leaving the doors ajar, tilting the cameras so as to not appear on video, drugging the toddler, and on & on. He's a wife killer.

I don't agree with you nor did nine jurors. I don't blame jurors if they were offended by such conduct on the part of prosecutors who failed to convince nine people he even left the hotel.

I do believe if the Judge really thought he's a wife killer, he would not have been granted bail.

Well, sports fans, it's on!! It'll be a while before they allow the camera(s) to roll, however.

JTF, are you in the courtroom already?! We know that this is The One for you...


A snip from WRAL today:

"Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens has said that he expects jury selection to last several weeks because of extensive media coverage of the first trial and has stated that he hasn’t ruled out the possibility of going outside Wake County to find jurors.
Opening statements are tentatively scheduled for Feb. 6."

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