Trial Delayed until at least January

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News just reported still no jurors seated for the JLY trial.
Kathy Taft was inside the beltline, in Raleigh. And Stephanie Bennett was miles to the north of Kathy Taft, probably nearly an hours drive from where the Youngs lived in Apex. I thought you were referring to the *immediate* area. Stephanie Bennett's killer stalked her and raped her prior to murdering her. Kathy Taft's murder was also a sexual assault and murder. The other women in different states were also crimes that included rapes/sexual assaults as an element of *motive*. No one besides JLY had any *motive* to brutally beat to death Michelle. There wasn't a robbery nor was there a sexual assault. What there was though, was 'the worst beating' many of those on the scene had ever seen in their careers in law enforcement. And a toddler who was drugged. And the only time Jason Young had EVER called and asked his SIL to go to his house during the daytime, to retrieve a piece of paper from his computer.

This is the *second* trial, and it's up to the prosecutor as to whether or not a retrial will take place. Can you possibly cite a case of a directed verdict by a judge in a similar case? I'm not familiar with any such instances. And in this area, Judge Stephens is one of the most respected judges, who was also a prosecutor himself. I can't see any chance he would deliver a directed verdict in a case such as this one.

You asked for examples of other cases where women in residences in that area murdered by someone not "close" to them and I gave you two additional cases in Wake County, N.C., where the Youngs resided. They did not live in Apex. I have no idea where you get your information but I do know it isn't any evidence presented at the first trial.

There was no evidence presented to support your claim that Michelle was definitely not raped Such a determination was impossible because the ME failed to perform a rape kit that was requested by LE.

There was no evidence the child was drugged. And according to search warrants from last month, LE still seeks a motive.

I will continue to hold the opinion there will be a directed verdict.

You asked for examples of other cases where women in residences in that area murdered by someone not "close" to them and I gave you two additional cases in Wake County, N.C., where the Youngs resided. They did not live in Apex. I have no idea where you get your information but I do know it isn't any evidence presented at the first trial.

There was no evidence presented to support your claim that Michelle was definitely not raped such a determination was impossible because the ME failed to perform a rape kit that was requested by LE.

There was no evidence the child was drugged. And according to search warrants from last month, LE still seeks a motive.

I will continue to hold the opinion there will be a directed verdict.


Perhaps you should send this to the defense team.
Not once did they mention the possibility MY was sexually assaulted or raped.
News 11 just reported 'still no jurors seated in the JLY trial.' 'Judge Stephens is prepared to go outside the county if necessary to find a jury.'
I do believe the jury will be reminded by the defense that the medical examiner failed to perform a rape kit examination even though it was requested by LE. It really is inexcusable and a disservice to the victim.


"Eyewitness News has learned that the City-County Bureau of Identification asked for a rape kit during Young's autopsy but never got one."
News 11 just reported 'still no jurors seated in the JLY trial.' 'Judge Stephens is prepared to go outside the county if necessary to find a jury.'

That should please the defense greatly.

Glad I checked in here. Didn't realize the trial was getting ready to start! I hope JY gets his just rewards this go 'round.
HiYa, less! Good to have you here! :seeya:
I think the jurors expected more to be proved than just a possibility he left the hotel. It was possible for any guest to leave the hotel at any given time. I think the majority expected proof of his leaving or returning hours later. It was a great distance, required a lot of time and gas. Security video is just as reliable as an eye witness yet none was shown.

As for the toddler's chatter, it wasn't even hinted at by any of the LE testifying so I guess they didn't hear it or believe she saw anything. I doubt they would have allowed her anywhere near her father if they thought she witnessed him killing her mother.

I don't share your opinion things were proved and nobody else had a motive. I don't see Jason had a motive. He was unfaithful but Michelle hadn't filed for divorce. Eight jurors evidently felt whatever was presented wasn't enough. There have been several horrific murders of women in that area by people unrelated to them in any way.

A judge can enter a directed verdict on behalf of the jury if he decides the burden of proof isn't met.



All the prosecution team needs to say about JY not being seen on video leaving the hotel at midnight is that it can be done. By JY's own words, he did exactly that at 7:00(ish) the next morning.
<modsnip> how can "most of us" expect to see him leave and return hours later when he disabled the camera on both those occasions?
<modsnip>, how can "most of us" expect to see him leave and return hours later when he disabled the camera on both those occasions?

Just the Fax, have you heard whether any other defense attorney has been added to the case? What is Boz working on right now, I wonder?
Checking in for a progress report. Hi everyone. :)
Just the Fax, have you heard whether any other defense attorney has been added to the case? What is Boz working on right now, I wonder?

Howard Cummings was added.
It remains to be seen what role David Saacks will have.

All the prosecution team needs to say about JY not being seen on video leaving the hotel at midnight is that it can be done. By JY's own words, he did exactly that at 7:00(ish) the next morning.

Eight jurors expected real proof he left the hotel and returned in the timeframe of the murder. 7 a.m. the next morning is outside that timeframe.

8 jurors formed their own opinions about this case based on evidence. This is the third trial on this case by Judge Stephens so I will not be surprised at a directed verdict.


There was a similar split of jurors in both the Menendez brothers first trials. Yet the second jury's were able to come to a timely verdict. We'll just have to wait and see how this trial progresses.
I'm still in shock over the *brief* cross of JLY. :banghead:

The Judge stopped it when it became obvious the ADA was trying to use partying and adultery as evidence of guilt of murder.

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