Trial Discussion Thread #19 - 14.04.07, Day 17

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Anyone else see today as a joke? This pathetic creature whining up there about everything on earth and not one mention of the issue at hand...he murdered Reeva. If this is to get sympathy it is backfiring big time with me and my guess is the judge is thinking the same. At what point is Roux going to get to the day????? And adjourning because Oscar did not sleep...tell me this is not happening. Another big fat joke. Guess Nell could not do much but if they try this again as he will be wailing when they finally get to the murder...they better just keep going I don't care if he is flat on his face on the floor heaving.
Well that would explain why he didn't need to be security conscious but then why on earth when hearing someone in the toilet didn't he presume it was Reeva . If he had his external alarms on intruder shouldn't have been his first reaction to a noise in the toilet disabled or not JMOO
I have no doubt Nel will make all points necessary in his cross examination if today's performance is anything to go by and no doubt we will here from a defence Psychologist.
If he is to convince a judge that his state of mind justified him shooting through that door then I think they are going to need to be an awful lot better than the pathologist today :)

I really don't know the answer to that yet. It seems to me that OP's irrational fear regarding security seems more to do with either his personality or fame or a combination of both. It doesn't excuse anything though.

I've never thought the place he lives wasn't very secure.


...despite what Viper thinks
Anyone else see today as a joke? This pathetic creature whining up there about everything on earth and not one mention of the issue at hand...he murdered Reeva. If this is to get sympathy it is backfiring big time with me and my guess is the judge is thinking the same. At what point is Roux going to get to the day????? And adjourning because Oscar did not sleep...tell me this is not happening. Another big fat joke. Guess Nell could not do much but if they try this again as he will be wailing when they finally get to the murder...they better just keep going I don't care if he is flat on his face on the floor heaving.

He's infuriating!

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I'm very curious to hear what he has to say about why didn't push the alarm button. That is one thing that bugs me. The only logical thing I can conclude is tunnel vision, going around OP's story, of course.

That has always bothered me which is why I was trying to find out whether the security guards are armed or not . If they are armed and he forgot to press the panic alarm ( which has always been automatic to me as my first line of defence when scared ) then why not shout to Reeva to call security . It is well known response times can be slow for police . On site Security would probably been there within a minute or two .
If they are not armed it explains why he would say police
This I am sure will be discussed on cross exam
Perhaps during the time of him picking her up from the toilet floor and carrying her to the ground floor her pants were pulled up again by him?

I also get that people don't want him to speak of Reeva in the manner that he is. In a way I think because he was the only other person there that night he HAS to paint the picture as he remembers it, regardless how others perceive this to be or comes across to the public. This is purely his version of how events panned out and to him, the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth.

No, there is matching hole in the pants.
I think hearing OP coming towards her and yelling out "Get out of my house" and "Reeva call police" would make her say something to OP. But then I don't believe his story at all and believe that Reeva ran for the toilet room to get away from an already ticked off OP and that she was yelling/screaming/crying for quite some time.


Possibly. However it is equally possible her instinct would be to hide and not draw attention to herself. I think that would certainly be mine.
Possibly. However it is equally possible her instinct would be to hide and not draw attention to herself. I think that would certainly be mine.

Her position in the bathroom kind of suggests this to me (standing and listening through the door).
Possibly. However it is equally possible her instinct would be to hide and not draw attention to herself. I think that would certainly be mine.
That would be my instinct as well and certainly wouldn't have been moving around in that toilet when hearing footsteps coming towards me .
My heart might be pounding but I would be frozen on the spot .
Just caught CNN playing OP talking about the times he had been a victim of crime. Man was that scripted or what! He had it all memorized, all of the many incidents and he sounded like he was reading it all back from a piece of paper. Definitely a huge difference from when he spoke about "his life." Saying true things and saying what you practice to say just does not work well for him, the DT have him loaded up with too much material. If a casual observer can hear the difference, I wonder how he actually looks when he is doing this, to the judges?
I know...and your point is?
I'll make a point, if I may.

He was paranoid about intruders breaking in, despite all that heavy security, and yet still chose to leave his balcony doors open.
O/T - Peaches Geldof is dead at the age of 25.

Was also just reading, so shocking and her poor boys! Naturally, I've seen more than one comment where people have naturally assumed OD..I mean really!
What I find difficult to stomach is that SA press has been reporting (so I understand) that he has been seen out partying in Jo'burg, getting drunk, being rowdy etc, holidaying with friends, he has a new girlfriend (who I understand has been attending court), etc and yet he turns up at court saying he finds it difficult to get through the day or night (my words not his). Something doesn't ring true.

This is a press report from April 2013, yes! just two months after killing Reeva. It isn't the one about him being rowdy. I will look for that too.

Here is another one. Still not the one I read about him sporting a beard and letting his hair down.

Natalie Meintjes wrote: “Just met and had lunch next to the Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius. Uh no big deal.”
Cafe owner Jerome Simonis said: “Oscar came to my restaurant a few times while he was here on holiday and seemed fine to me.
"He was relaxed and happy, as everyone is here.”
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I would like to add that he probably does need to get out and about. What I don't like is in court he presents himself as a pious wreck playing to an audience. Would the real Oscar Pistorius please stand up.
I was asking why the point was referred to me?

...if I may.
I put it to you... that you may.

ETA. Went back and read the post, and Viper was replying to your own post. I thought maybe it was directed at the wrong poster, but no. Now excuse me while I watch the BBC replaying OP's blubbering apology!!
Was also just reading, so shocking and her poor boys! Naturally, I've seen more than one comment where people have naturally assumed OD..I mean really!
Really sad. And just yesterday she tweeted a picture of her and her mum Paula Yates, captioned 'me and my mum'. Terrible to lose a child. Thoughts are with her family.
Just saw this now..amazingly, didn't even make the news back then! And she was pregnant :( . Striking similarities.

Ingrid Oellermann, The Witness

Durban - A KwaZulu-Natal man will have sympathy for the plight of Oscar Pistorius, who is expected to take the witness stand soon to explain his allegedly “mistaken” shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day last year.

Siyabonga Mdunge, 37, of Hilton, who describes himself as a businessperson and preacher, was also charged with murder after shooting and killing his wife, Thobile Emily Mdunge, three years ago in the mistaken belief that she was a burglar.

His legal team negotiated a plea bargain with the State last year - just days after Steenkamp was shot by Pistorius in Gauteng - and Mdunge was given a wholly suspended sentence of eight years' imprisonment on condition that he is not again convicted of murder or assault during the five-year period of suspension.
More at the link
Possibly. However it is equally possible her instinct would be to hide and not draw attention to herself. I think that would certainly be mine.

I think mine too. We forgot that Reeva had been victim to a home invasion already and was so traumatized by the event, she and her mother went for counseling for some time to get over it. I can only imagine the fear she felt if she indeed did hear OP shouting there was an intruder.
That would be my instinct as well and certainly wouldn't have been moving around in that toilet when hearing footsteps coming towards me .
My heart might be pounding but I would be frozen on the spot .

Not making a noise.

It will be interesting to hear OP's description of the "noise" he heard in the toilet.
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