R: Dr S refers to 3.12 approx
O: I've marked out how far I walked on my stumps...as far as I remember, it was about five mins before I hit the door with the bat that I fired my weapon.
R: So consistent with the time of 3.12..
So now we know why Oscar took his slow time "feeling" his way all around the bed for Reeva after he shot Mr. Intruder (to use another poster's word...hope you don't mind!).
He had to somehow make it to "5 minutes."
So while Oscar is giving his bed a pat-down, he doesn't think to just reach to the MIDDLE of the bed and feel if there was Reeva there? Or better yet...how about just turning on the bedroom light??
This is crazy and ridiculous.
No way. I'm calling it right now that the judge will give down a GUILTY verdict. There is no way his story makes any kind of sense.
No reasonable doubt, IMO. Guilty. And the verdict will be Guilty.