bit late daylight savings has ended for me, ..
you did not check..
Nel.. but you were aware of security and improvements at Silverwater ??
Oscar.. I was aware of improvements, a home owners assoc.. I would get an incident report, but I wasn't aware of which specific things done..
Nel.. did you notify the home owners assoc of what improvements or extras.. you wanted.
Oscar I never went to a meeting. I was away..
Nel. tell me about your security system.
Oscar. it ..speaking about the sensors on the wall. the beacon, the batteries..
Oscar sounding quite normal, a little bit cranky, but doing ok.
Nel quite a few things we have to look at here.. you last painted your house 2010..
Oscar.. I cant remember, the developer didn't use very good paint, I had to have it redone.. .. around 2009...
Nel.. lets see. around 2010??
Oscar.. no. around 2009. or even 2010...
Nel.. no we have to be exact..
Oscar. Iit must have been after, I got it done independently. not thru the developer..
Nel. you say, there was a possibility they took the sensors off..
Oscar.. there was a possibility.
Nel. so did you check?? did youknow??
Oscar. they may have. they could have..
Nel. well this is a change of your evidence... why??
Oscar.. I don't remember changing my evidence.. if mr nel will show me..
Nel. I 'll show you gladly..
Nel.. 'they do not work with wiring.. when painted they change all the sensors..'...
Oscar.. this is a different incident.. two diff incidences..
Nel.. this is a big mistake.. a demonstration of a mistake you COULD not make..
Oscar.. I was speaking of 2 diff times.. once in 2012 , once in 2010.. when the lights were taken off.
Nel.. your telling me, in Feb 13.. you DID not know?? you didn't check??
Oscar.. I came home late.. there was nothing I could do..
Nel.. this is the problem with tailoring evidence.. there is NO way you can misinterpret my questions..
Oscar.. I haven't tailored evidence....
Nel.. you gave no evidence that you tampered with your wiring.. you gave no evidence about work done on your home..
Oscar.. ifmr roux didn't ask the question.. I don't know why it didn't come up..
Nel. its no use blaming mr Roux again.... its not as easy as that..
Oscar.. I didn't make
Nel. so your evidence is,, they took off ALL the sensors off the wall, 2010 and being security conscious, you checked all your alarms often..
Oscar. .yes. someone came out to check it was working..
Nel. so . .you had someone come out and you were convinced your alarm was 100%?
Nel. and in 2013.. you did not know of any malfunction of your alarm??
Oscar.. no I was not aware. .sometimes I had to use the keypads..
Nel. but somewhere we have to work in the de activation of your alarm.
Oscar.. I de activated my alarm when I opened the front door.
Nel. so.. you didn't put this in evidence.. you make calls to mr standar.. you make calls to netcare.. you remember to de activate your alarm?
Oscar.. its a habit, I do it every day..