Trial Discussion Thread #35 - 14.05.08 Day 28

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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But wait! There's more:

April 7:
14:44 "He's sitting on the floor of the dock, his face being stroked by his psychologist," Crawford further says.

April 15:
Aimee Pistorius moved to the witness box to hug her brother, and quite mysteriously, Pistorius’s psychologist silently clapped her hands.

OMG , looks like his psychologist needs to see a psychologist ASAP , <mod snip>!

IIRC, it was his aunt who cradled his head in her lap. He's cradled and stroked a lot by several people leading me to post yesterday that he's afforded some very strange soothing or comforting gestures for a 27 year old man but that's just my opinion.

Is that what is known as 'regression therapy'....or.....:floorlaugh:

IIRC, it was his aunt who cradled his head in her lap. He's cradled and stroked a lot by several people leading me to post yesterday that he's afforded some very strange soothing or comforting gestures for a 27 year old man but that's just my opinion.

Ah... I was referring to that incident and being sarcastic :D
OP making a comment to Kim Myers should be treated for what it is - pure speculation. It's amazing how these things are never overheard by someone impartial.

We're already dealing with circumstantial evidence in the trial, I'm quite certain that adding some hearsay to the mix isn't going to help achieve any sensible form of justice.
Guilty knowledge of what though? IMO, there is nothing which justifies OP killing Reeva, therefore her friend need not be made to feel guilty by the killer about anything, no matter what she does or does not know. That, to me, is still blame passing and would be something along the lines "she (Reeva) made me do it and you (Kim) know why I had to do it" which is just ridiculous. Killing another person just because they've done something you don't like (flirted with another man, put the peas on the wrong side of the plate, etc, etc) can never be justified and a person does not have to kill that person just because they are annoyed or upset with them about something, regardless of what it is.

Like I said, I have no idea "of what." None of us do except him and, presumably her. But my point wasn't that she actually does or should have a guilty conscience and exculpatory information. My point was that Oscar apparently thinks she does and, in any event, his comment was not a threat but more a call to conscience. Not worthy of a big bruhaha as if he has said actual scary things or made subtle threatening gestures, etc.

I am behind so not sure if this was addressed but I believe that is to confirm that there isn't a chance you are pregnant.

That's a good point. You confirm my notion that the question is likely to be asked. Someone had queried whether this anaesthetist witness would necessarily know about the menstrual cycle of patients.
I can think of one very macabre scenario in which the enraged OP having shot twice through the door (bullet holes A & B) one of which hits Reeva in the hip. She falls backwards onto the magazine rack. OP then removes the right-most panel enters the toilette with the panel in hand, positions or props the bottom panel inline with the right side of her head/arm (which is now resting near or on the toilette), and fires 2 shots through it ... that would explain:

  • the small diameter of the grouping of the splinters observed around the arm wound, and her forearm
  • the slight curvature of the bullet pathway through the door at bullet hole D as observed by W - this would be due to mobile status vs fixed status of the panel
  • the distribution of the brain matter on the toilette lid - whereas imo, it is somewhat difficult to reconcile the brain tissue pattern of distribution from bullet pathway of holes C or D through this panel fixed to the door
  • the large splinter found in the toilet bowl/basin
  • the large bullet fragment found in the toilet/basin
    [*]the possible 5th cartridge found in the toilet/basin (my speculation)

I know it seems far fetched, but so does the unexplained pellet hole in the bedroom door, the unexplained damage to the bedroom door and locks, the unexplained damage to the bathroom tiles and the bath's metal plumbing cover.

bbm - Someone has probably addressed this already, but W. nixed that, he said during his initial testimony this morning(around 5am? for me) he donned a glove and then fished around in the toilet bowl and found a fragment(one of the "ranger" black talons I presume) and a piece of the tile, no cartridge/casing.
He first opened his bedroom door then he went and opened the front door. He ran back up to his room. On the way in to his room he tried to force open the door. He explains to the Judge that the door to his bedroom is a double door. The main door locks with a key and the other door has a latch at the top and bottom. He “ran in to the door and it didn’t break open.” So he reached down and unlatched the latch and it opened. Here is how the door was found by crime scene investigators.

Doesn't that sound logical?

OK, but I don't think that the hole in the door was ever mentioned, or was it?
But wait! There's more:

April 7:
14:44 "He's sitting on the floor of the dock, his face being stroked by his psychologist," Crawford further says.

April 15:
Aimee Pistorius moved to the witness box to hug her brother, and quite mysteriously, Pistorius&#8217;s psychologist silently clapped her hands.

Clapping her hands ...what a qwack, smh

For one thing, the journos in court report every tear-jerking bit of it, so imo it's a planned sympathy garnering ploy by Team OP.

Full agreement!

I think Oscar, Lore, and the Standers had "histrionic" lessons from the same acting teacher.

Very true. What is it with OP's defence team? Poor old Dixon, even. And, apparently, Wolmarans today. They're just all kinds of wrong ... I do like Roux though. I think he's doing the best he can, all considered.
The psychologist on whoop just said 'the arrogance of the ego' could have caused OP to make that 'sleep at night' comment, if he made it. That trapped in the courtroom with no other outlet for tension, he might not have been able to restrain himself.

I think he really did make that comment, b/c really it fits it perfectly with what we know of his personality. I agree with the above assessment.

I also think he checks the blogs/sites/comments, and he is starting to really feel the heat. He went into this thinking he could fool everyone with his acting and lies. He thought he had his whole "story" worked out perfectly.
OP making a comment to Kim Myers should be treated for what it is - pure speculation. It's amazing how these things are never overheard by someone impartial.

We're already dealing with circumstantial evidence in the trial, I'm quite certain that adding some hearsay to the mix isn't going to help achieve any sensible form of justice.

Multiple reports stated KM herself told the family lawyer. Member of police/PT then added they "saw" him say something. Seeing a comment??? All allegedly.

Ambiguous, bizarre and hearsay.
OP making a comment to Kim Myers should be treated for what it is - pure speculation. It's amazing how these things are never overheard by someone impartial.

We're already dealing with circumstantial evidence in the trial, I'm quite certain that adding some hearsay to the mix isn't going to help achieve any sensible form of justice.
Who says it's hearsay?

"Her lawyer, Ian Levitt, told The Independent: "There are witnesses who can confirm this, a reporter sitting behind Kim saw Oscar approach her, and she was horrified. There is no reason reason why my client would lie about this."
Hmmmm. Intriguing point there, Steve . . .

W. called them "Ranger" black talons..... because the black part was identifiable. Where he seemed to part ways was over the weight, apparently the "Ranger" variety aren't quite as heavy as the original and much sought after and highly collectible "Black Talon" but he did refer to both as black talon.
Multiple reports stated KM herself told the family lawyer. Member of police/PT then added they "saw" him say something. Seeing a comment??? All allegedly.

Ambiguous, bizarre and hearsay.
Well, that all depends on whether you think Kim Myers is a liar... or OP... who has been proven to be a liar so many times that I've lost count.
It's creepy imo.

It's like one of our family "friend," about Oscars age, who used to come in and greet his mom with a very long and clingy bear hug, followed by him continuing to have both arms around her and press his head on her arm while she rubbed his head like a pet. Gave me the creeps. Only later I find out from my husband that the guy actually had a drinking problem and was drunk most of the time.
I never said the shot in the bedroom door was from a 9mm bullet.

I am aware of the size difference. I am going to assume Oscar is also aware of the size difference. I am also going to assume that is the reason Oscar hasn't explained the orgin of that hole in the bedroom door.

If it was from the air rifle he could have said it happened days, weeks, or months ago. He did not do that.

He had .38 ammo in his safe that he claims belong to his father but his father did not verify that. Oscar is currently charged with illegally possessing that ammo.

It is my opinion that Oscar was in possession of more than one gun that night.

JMO :seeya:


A trial doesn't work like that I'm afraid.

OP's not obliged to speak about anything in the house unless he's asked, and rightly so.

Questioning is part of Nel's job. That's one of the reasons he's getting paid large sums of money each day.
Just catching up on the trial from today and I've got to say that I'm quite concerned for Aimee, she does appear as though she's cracking up. Carl seems to be in good spirits judging by his tweets lately but I do worry about Aimee. Maybe she is just praying very hard each time I see doesn't look right :(
Just wanted to say thanks so much for all your updates through each day - I also follow a few twitters and nine times out of ten you and Trooper beat them all for speed and accuracy. Now, can I have a piece of that poppy seed cake?

I actually went and got some nice pastries from a Danish Bakery in preparation for the next trial session. I got strawberry blintzes and poppy seed cake and some nice Earl Grey tea to wash it down with.
The defense has managed to prove a few things for me!

-That the location of the magazine rack is not where OP claimed
-That cricket bat strikes can indeed sound like gun shots in certain situations
-Mr Stander on OP's behalf provided witness info to the defense but not the police
-Miss Stander was complicit in removing evidence from the crime scene
-OP can cry like a baby and yet still sound like a man
-Reeva most definitely ate later then 7:00pm
-OP is very sorry for what he did in terms of how it affected him
-The defense has omitted or provided inaccurate info to it's experts to try to fudge the evidence
-There was a witness in the house that is refusing to testify, not even to OP's benefit
-The defense doesn't have much to work with and poor Mr Roux is not being paid enough
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