Trial Discussion Thread #37 - 14.05.12 Day 30

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It is my opinion that the judge will not rule For Oscar to be evaluated, as the decision will be made after Roux re-examines the witness. I am sure he will use all his skills to water down the psychiatrist's terminology to state that his so-called generalised anxiety disorder may have influenced some of his actions but he still retained his mental faculties. In so doing, I think Roux will negate much of the impact of her evidence and therefore will still be seen as a win for Nel.

Of course, Nel may decide to continue his cross examination and may yet extract further concessions regarding the danger Oscar poses to society. In which case, my previous statements would no longer be valid.

I agree.
I have alerted a mod, so hoping the new thread will open in time....
Sorry, I just edited my post to put @JacqueSteenkamp in the quote box. Still figuring out forums *duh!* but it's a tweet from a South African reporter covering the trial.

The youtube is presumably from a member of the public who secretly recorded a conversation at Jocks restaurant which sounds like Roux(?), Wolmarans and Roger Dixon on April 26th about Dixon's testimony and, I assume, the testimony of Wolmarans to come.

Yes, it's the meeting that Nel asked Wolmarans about in trial (someone must have handed the recording to the prosecution) regarding tailoring evidence and Wolmarans said he remembered he had pork chops while conveniently forgetting what exactly they talked about.

I couldn't make out much but I want to listen to it later on. The poster says listen to 1.29 and "Shame on you Wollie" but I generally find it hard to understand Wollie!

Thank you for explaining!

How funny that this recording is of that very dinner that Wollie remembered the menu of! But I guess that is why Nel asked him about that dinner! Wish I could understand better!

Do you suppose whoever recorded this reported to Nel what they said?

Who was this mystery diner? The third man?
The 2am intermittent argument and one hour sounds of an angry female that Van der Merwe testified hearing is one important piece of evidence that the defense has done little to refute.

All the defense and prosecution neighbours in court talked about going to bed relatively early, making it seem as if Silver Woods was that night was a sleepy, quiet suburb.

The defense could have interviewed everyone around Van der Merwe and if they had found someone who was awake and talking at that time, or even had a television on, then they would have brought them forward to show reasonable doubt. But they didn’t.

The only other sound Van der Merwe’s heard were the bangs from Pistorius’ home and his crying.

If the judge believes the testimony of Van der Merwe its very bad news for Pistorius. Now his new diagnosis of a general anxiety disorder may even help the prosecution suggest Pistorius is controlling, likely to overreact and be dangerous in stressful times over anger or abandonment.
It’s appears even more plausible now that an anxious Pistorius was arguing before shooting.

He could have left his home but now it was in his nature was to "fight" with the person challenging him, Steenkamp.

Also, did anyone see that ABC hilariously taglined their video… Pistorius "Defense: Itchy Trigger Finger” ;)

Mrs. van der Mewre's evidence is huge. And I agree that the Defense didn't really do much to discredit her.

I really believe that the reason she heard the intermittent arguing voice from 2am to 3am (and the Stipps did not) is because the argument started in the front of OP's house that her bedroom balcony overlooks.

Eventually OP and Reeva made their way to the bedroom/bathroom area in the back of the house. Enter the Stipps. They are now in direct ear shot across an open lot with windows open. They heard banging at 3am. Bedroom door damage? Toilet door damage? They heard the blood-curdling screaming culminating to the gunshots, then silence. Oscar's cries for help were after that.

Mrs. van der Mewre hears gunshots and then crying and her husband identifies the cries as Oscar. The reason why the van der Mewre's heard only the last set of bangs is because they were louder - they were gunshots. And the reason why they heard Oscar crying is because he moved to the front of the house, down the stairs and opened the front door. He was now close enough for them to hear him.
Here's what I can make out....
Definitely talking about what was said in court!!!!!!!!!!!! And what they did together in sound tests, I think..........and maybe W is anticipating giving testimony at this time.

SBM for space

Wow, that's pretty amazing you could get that. Thanks for typing it out and sharing it.
Wow, that's pretty amazing you could get that. Thanks for typing it out and sharing it.

I listen to/transcribe people talking in different accents for my this was a good test for me! Challenging but I could get some of it. If I spent more time on it I could get more....but this session is about to start and I'm excited (plus it's after Midnight here).
I listen to/transcribe people talking in different accents for my this was a good test for me! Challenging but I could get some of it. If I spent more time on it I could get more....but this session is about to start and I'm excited (plus it's after Midnight here).

That is definitely a skill!
streams anyone? cant get my usual Daily Telegraph or Sky news updates. Chan 4 doesnt work for me?
Thank you. I have been a bit under an illusion then. Oops!
Remember Botha at the BH said that neither of those phones had been used to phone police or paramedics. So as you say why was his phone found there since the one he used to phone Stander and Netcare after dragging Reeva out of the toilet was apparently not in the bathroom and witnesses remember seeing one downstairs on a charger.

I think that phone was left there on purpose to take police attention away from the relevant phone used after the killing.
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