Trial Discussion Thread #48

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That was me. I am very pleased to be wrong. I had seen some newspaper reports that we may not be able to watch. Your link seems to say otherwise. For me closing arguments will be very, very interesting. I can't wait :happydance:

I am still not sure that we will be able to watch in real time. I wonder if they will video and audio it, and replay it later?
OP asked to see Mandela. I am amazed that was granted by anyone. Another publicity stunt IMO. Poor lovely Mandela was suffering from advanced dementia and I am sure he knew not what he was being asked to do. I cannot believe he would have seen OP if he knew of Reeva's murder.


I'm absolutely gobsmacked to learn this .. for goodness sake's let's get this creep locked up, and soon!

I'm absolutely gobsmacked to learn this .. for goodness sake's let's get this creep locked up, and soon!

I agree. I sure hope My Lady knows about this. It will surely disgust her. :judge:

I'm absolutely gobsmacked to learn this .. for goodness sake's let's get this creep locked up, and soon!

OOPS Zuma says it was he who thought of it - but that smacks of Pistorius clan interference to me. If you read the earlier link it does say Zuma says it was his idea so perhaps I over egged my comment. Apologies all round.
Oupps, is there a new thread somewhere?
Anybody knows wether Nel's closing arguments will be televised and when?
Thank you!
OOPS Zuma says it was he who thought of it - but that smacks of Pistorius clan interference to me. If you read the earlier link it does say Zuma says it was his idea so perhaps I over egged my comment. Apologies all round.

No matter whose idea it was, OP should have shown Mandela the respect he deserves, and stayed away. Why bring the scandal to his door?
He's been the state's saving grace. When he first rattled through the state's case and ended his witnesses, I honestly thought "Is that it? Is that all the state have?" but how wrong I was! Nel had the foresight to know he couldn't put Hilton Botha on the stand, he knew he had to get around the police 'tampering' (or lack of it ;)) and he absolutely knew that OP would destroy himself in the witness box. I'll bet Marcia Clark and Chris Darden wish he was on their team when prosecuting OJ!

I was thinking of OP's 'celebrity' status the other day and how he could very nearly have got away with this completely were it not for Hilton Botha - who knew there was something wrong with OP's story. If any of those police officers were OP fans, he could quite easily have been believed and been allowed walk free.

I found this article about OP visiting Mandela where his family were "annoyed and disappointed" because he wasn't allowed to take his gun with him!

The article was posted on 26th September 2013 so was only a few months after Reeva's death and his family think OP should have been allowed
to take a lethal weapon into the home of probably the most loved man on the planet? What I'm getting from that article is the implication that OP must have still had access to guns if they had to broach the subject with Mandela's security in the first place. If his family were so afraid of
the 'crazy crime' in Jo'burg then one of them could have taken along a gun and sat in the car until OP's visit was over - or used the armed security guard whose apparently stood outside OP's bedroom at Uncle Arnold's every night since Reeva was murdered. :rolleyes:

The quote I found most alarming in that article was:
FInally the authorities are coming to their senses and allowing Oscar’s life to return to normal,” said the spokesperson.

Seriously?? That Zuma also tried to put OP and Mandela on the same step doesn't sit well either... connections/money/power, I just hope it doesn't lead to acquittal on the basis that OP had been one of SA's "heroes". Thankfully the judge has been known to throw the book at those who have betrayed the public trust and can only hope that she stands firm.
I don't think we know yet, Susza. Apparently the written statements by the state are turned in to the court tomorrow. But then the defense gets a copy, and then submits theirs in writing. A week or so later, they give them publicly in court. Is that right?
The quote I found most alarming in that article was:

Finally the authorities are coming to their senses and allowing Oscar’s life to return to normal,” said the spokesperson.

Seriously?? That Zuma also tried to put OP and Mandela on the same step doesn't sit well either... connections/money/power, I just hope it doesn't lead to acquittal on the basis that OP had been one of SA's "heroes". Thankfully the judge has been known to throw the book at those who have betrayed the public trust and can only hope that she stands firm.

What about "Hopefully he can start competing professionally as well once we sort out this trial thing."


ETA Wait !!!! Looking at the comments below the article, it seems that it might be a satirical piece, a joke.
What about "Hopefully he can start competing professionally as well once we sort out this trial thing."


ETA Wait !!!! Looking at the comments below the article, it seems that it might be a satirical piece, a joke.

Sad that it sounds plausible though :rolleyes:
You could also add this: His agent - liar (OP doesn't want others to see his prosthetics i.e. airplane)
You could also add this: His agent - liar (OP doesn't want others to see his prosthetics i.e. airplane) to the list Greater Than posted (#70)
I wish I felt more hope that the Judge will convict OP of murder but she appeared to protect him too often during Cross by Nel where I felt it was up to his DT to do so if they thought it was necessary.
What about "Hopefully he can start competing professionally as well once we sort out this trial thing."


ETA Wait !!!! Looking at the comments below the article, it seems that it might be a satirical piece, a joke.

I did wonder why I hadn't seen anybody here mention anything about it :blushing: I feel suitably embarrassed now :D
I wish I felt more hope that the Judge will convict OP of murder but she appeared to protect him too often during Cross by Nel where I felt it was up to his DT to do so if they thought it was necessary.

That was 100% to ensure that snivelling little worm of a man doesn't have a chance of an appeal or mistrial due to her demeanour in court.
That was 100% to ensure that snivelling little worm of a man doesn't have a chance of an appeal or mistrial due to her demeanour in court.

Your right I should have more confidence the Judge will do the right thing :)
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