Trial Discussion Thread #48

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Also, given the insomniac that OP is, we're expected to believe that Reeva got up in the dark, went over to the bedroom door, moved the cricket bat out of the way, unlocked the door, went on her way downstairs de-activating the alarm, faffed around in the kitchen making herself something to eat, came back up the stairs, re-activated the alarm, went back into the dark bedroom, locked the door and replaced the bat just so that it would come in handy for OP to whack into the toilet door :rolleyes:

The muzzle flash thing that somebody posted a day or two ago is really bugging me too. There used to be somebody on here who had knowledge of this particular gun so I'd also like to hear from them whether it would have flashed as I find it hard to believe that it didn't and it should really have played a more significant part in the state's case. No mention whatsoever of a muzzle flash and yet OP testified very concisely that he knew what a muzzle flash looked like when he came up with the perceived hijacking on the highway. His high attention to little blue led lights would surely have noticed a flash from his gun as he himself said, he kept his eyes open looking between the window and the door.

When I first heard him talk about the "muzzle flash" all I could think was wow what an ego!! Who's to say that it wasn't someone lighting a smoke or a cell phone as someone checked their calls, sent a text(didn't he himself say the light from a cell phone would have been bright enough for RS to have used hers as a flashlight?), heck it could even have been a reporter or a fan trying to catch up with him for a pic... though given that it was supposedly at night even that feeds too much into the ego for me. But to automatically assume it was someone gunning for him.. makes me wonder just who he'd peed off so much that his first and only thought was that it was a muzzle shot. Also, if it had been, why only one shot if they were really after him, why not at least four.... or until they were sure he was dead.
... Could it be that lurking below Pistorius’ affable exterior, there was always a latent aggression? Or that in our desire to champion a man who had overcome so much, we turned a blind eye to his flaws? ... All along, there have been undercurrents of volatility. ... Pistorius is, his friends say, a fun person to be around, but he is also a drinker and a risk-taker with an unpredictable temperament that has long troubled those charged with keeping him under control. ... If Pistorius posed a threat to others, though, the signs were more subtle. There was his description of his relationship with [Vicky] Miles as “very fiery”. “We rowed a lot,” he said. ... Steenkamp’s death suggests violence against women spans class and racial divides. Whatever the outcome of the trial, Pistorius’ flame has been extinguished. He may have done more than any other athlete to revolutionise our view of disability, but he will forever be defined by the tragedy which played out under his roof.
When I first heard him talk about the "muzzle flash" all I could think was wow what an ego!! Who's to say that it wasn't someone lighting a smoke or a cell phone as someone checked their calls, sent a text(didn't he himself say the light from a cell phone would have been bright enough for RS to have used hers as a flashlight?), heck it could even have been a reporter or a fan trying to catch up with him for a pic... though given that it was supposedly at night even that feeds too much into the ego for me. But to automatically assume it was someone gunning for him.. makes me wonder just who he'd peed off so much that his first and only thought was that it was a muzzle shot. Also, if it had been, why only one shot if they were really after him, why not at least four.... or until they were sure he was dead.

I don’t know, Val1, from what we’ve learned about Oscar, sounds like he’s made as many enemies as friends. LOL

However, with this highway shooter story where he couldn’t remember who picked him up (wtfseriously???) - yeah, that was a total freaking LIE to paint himself the terrified, vulnerable victim of previous crimes. 24K fiction. Gotta say - OP would totally suck at crime mystery writing. LOL
After shooting OP says he first took Reeva's phone to make the calls but it was locked and so he got his own phone. Didn't he call Clarice first ?
How would he ever call Clarice/standers from Reeva's phone in which their phone number wasn't prob recorded.. I don't think their number was in his memory he even can't remember his own password lol .. So wtf was he doing with her phone ? Imo he either checked it whether to see if she called someone/police
or he checked her phone before shooting because of his suspects or jeaolusy.. Tailoring again and again and again..
Another thing that's just struck me (I get too many of these moments).

Stipp's - woke up to confirm what they both heard
Johnson/Burger woke up to confirm what they both heard.
Nhlengethwa's - woke up to confirm what they both heard.
Carice Stander - woke up, waited to hear that her dad was up and told him what she heard.
Rika Motshuane - woke up husband to confirm what she heard.

Every single one of them had somebody in the house with them and each made sure to tell somebody they heard something. Yet OP never woke his 'beloved' up to confirm what he heard.

It is also interesting that the Standers lived the furthest away (over 200 metres as the crow flies, I read) and still heard Oscar. I am such a cynic it wouldn't surprise me that they heard more than they said. They certainly heard the dogs barking. Carice slept with her balcony doors open. Who on earth is going to believe that he lived in such fear on that estate, when so many slept with their balcony doors open, and how on earth could Masipa ignore any of the ear witnesses. They may have had slightly different experiences depending on the distance but the story is the same - there was a woman screaming for her life and then shots fired that silenced this. I have long been worried OP might get CH for his crime but the more I go back over the story the more I feel Masipa will be going murder.
Re my post 1090 above. I have since listened to the actual court recording and can see the stenographer (who I have always thought made accurate records), also made plenty of mistakes and has in fact left a lot out. It seems OP came back to spend Christmas with her and he went back to Cape Town afterwards

I noticed that a while back with those Sky 'stenographer' reports, that there were lots of bits missed out .. I don't think they are the actual court stenographer's recording, I think they must've been made by a Sky journalist in the court room. I would really love to have access to the *actual* court stenographer's recordings of the testimonies. Some while back, while I was following the Mark Duggan case here in the UK, I found the actual court transcripts for the inquest online, and they made fascinating reading .. you (I mean 'one' not you personally!) really do need to see the actual words that have been said by various witnesses in court, and not rely on what is reported in the press as, by missing bits out, can put an entirely different spin on things.
The stenographer left stuff out? WHAT has she left out during the entire trial?! That's simply frightening. Geezus, this isn't taking school notes, this is a murder trial! Her mistakes/omissions could help wrongfully send anyone to prison - or free them. I'm starting to wonder about the stenographer's possible bias?!!

Don't worry, Lux .. those were not the actual court stenographer's transcriptions .. they were made by a Sky reporter in court :)
So closing arguments this week - and here is little something I picked up from the person buying OP's house. He clearly is not doing it for Mawkish reasons and he also clearly is not a fan of OP.

Scroll down to where the article mentions the buyer, Louwtjie Lourens. Despite some people thinking this was a 'crime ridden' estate - Louwtjie clearly doesn't :)
After shooting OP says he first took Reeva's phone to make the calls but it was locked and so he got his own phone.

Snipped for brevity :)

Now, I am sorry if this has been pointed out in the 47 other pages on this trial, but this is where another lie is exposed in his version. Reeva had an iPhone, so if his version is true, when he picked it up and tried to unlock it he would have seen something akin to this photo:


IPhone users will be familiar with this screen and the button in the bottom left hand corner, which inexplicably OP ignored. Which is surprising as he is also an iPhone user.

Ergo - he could have used Reeva's iPhone to call the Emergency Services. However despite that being the quickest route to summoning assistance, he chose to abandon the phone & fetch his own iPhones, yet didn't make his first call to the Emergency Services anyway.

Does he expect a court to believe this?
I noticed that a while back with those Sky 'stenographer' reports, that there were lots of bits missed out .. I don't think they are the actual court stenographer's recording, I think they must've been made by a Sky journalist in the court room. I would really love to have access to the *actual* court stenographer's recordings of the testimonies. Some while back, while I was following the Mark Duggan case here in the UK, I found the actual court transcripts for the inquest online, and they made fascinating reading .. you (I mean 'one' not you personally!) really do need to see the actual words that have been said by various witnesses in court, and not rely on what is reported in the press as, by missing bits out, can put an entirely different spin on things.

Yes, I think you are right.
Hello everyone, long time lurker here! Just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to the admin and insightful comments from all the posters. Have been watching this trial since day one, even while on holiday. It's been one wild, fascinating and educational ride.

There's something that's been bothering me re: Reeva's stomach contents. Yoga can speed up the metabolism and as Reeva did her yoga before bed, her stomach would have been empty.
I have question on the issue of OP talking and screaming at Reeva to call the police. He was asked many times what he said, and he only said that he told her to get down and call the police.

If someone told you to call the police, you would say "and tell them what". Reeva would have heard him for sure (since he screamed it, while he says she was in the toilet).

No one would just tell someone to call the police, they would have to say more details, like what the person should do.

digestion is a chemical process; yoga may speed up (if so) by a few percent
Hello everyone, long time lurker here! Just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to the admin and insightful comments from all the posters. Have been watching this trial since day one, even while on holiday. It's been one wild, fascinating and educational ride.

There's something that's been bothering me re: Reeva's stomach contents. Yoga can speed up the metabolism and as Reeva did her yoga before bed, her stomach would have been empty.

Welcome. Remember, we don't know 100% if she did yoga or not. This evidence was given by OP and his evidence is unreliable.
Hello everyone, long time lurker here! Just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to the admin and insightful comments from all the posters. Have been watching this trial since day one, even while on holiday. It's been one wild, fascinating and educational ride.

There's something that's been bothering me re: Reeva's stomach contents. Yoga can speed up the metabolism and as Reeva did her yoga before bed, her stomach would have been empty.

:welcome: SurfDiva

I agree with wb180, did Reeva do yoga that night? She might have the night before but who knows about Feb 13. :thinking: :dunno:
This has been an interesting and sad trial especially thinking of Reeva and how she was desperately crying out for help. Such a shame that she met and became involved with such a dispicable, cold, calculating liar as Oscar Pistorious. May the Judge see this and hold him responsible for what he did. IMO
Whew! Thanks, Jay-jay! :D

Mind you, I suppose it's always possible that the court contracted the Sky reporter to do that job for them :eek: .. blimmin hope not! :scared:

I'm picturing all the journalists tapping away on their computers as I remember having seen them on the benches in court (presumably one of them being the Sky one) and then there was the woman (women? I only remember seeing one ..) sitting at the front of the court with a massive great screen in front of her and she seemed to be typing everything verbatim .. also recall that Judge M had to stop proceedings on one occasion because 'the machine' wasn't working (the machine seemed to be the court stenographer's one), so I think we're ok ;-)
Hello everyone, long time lurker here! Just wanted to say a very big THANK YOU to the admin and insightful comments from all the posters. Have been watching this trial since day one, even while on holiday. It's been one wild, fascinating and educational ride.

There's something that's been bothering me re: Reeva's stomach contents. Yoga can speed up the metabolism and as Reeva did her yoga before bed, her stomach would have been empty.


:welcome4: :wagon: :balloons:
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