Trial Discussion Thread #48

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Whoa! Less than 2 days where we'll be (us eastern time zone folks) setting our clocks for 3:30 am

Ohhh, I'm so looking forward to Zwiebel's goodies!

A few pages back, someone was asking about the two safes and it was mentioned that a state witness brought it up.

I'm just going through the bail application as I wait until this Thurs/Fri and it was also brought up during the bail hearing on day 2

10:22 - Botha: "[Pistorius]'s lawyer came to the house with a locksmith to open a safe in the kitchen. It had a USB stick with details of offshore accounts."

10:22 - Botha: We asked to have the safes open. There was a specific safe in the kitchen but no key, so they brought a locksmith to open it.

10:21 Botha: "We know that he has offshore accounts and a property in Italy. We know this because we went through his safes."

I wonder how depleted OP's offshore accounts are, and if he still has the property in Italy?

I hope to see OP convicted and go to prison just like us 'common folk' would have to do. No freedom pending appeal.

Whoa! Less than 2 days where we'll be (us eastern time zone folks) setting our clocks for 3:30 am

Ohhh, I'm so looking forward to Zwiebel's goodies!


Me too, atthelake!!!
I have forgotten how long M'Lady et al will take to reach a verdict after closing arguments? Does anyone know? TIA!
I have forgotten how long M'Lady et al will take to reach a verdict after closing arguments? Does anyone know? TIA!
I believe it can be 'several' weeks, whatever that means. 6, 12, 18?? I hope it doesn't take too long.
He probably thought they'd fingerprint her cell and find his prints all over it, so to cover his behind he made up what he thought was a plausible reason...

Hmm... maybe so!

Additionally, what is the likelihood that OP actually found RS's cell phone on the toilet floor and placed it inside the toilet bowl himself thinking (hoping) that water damage would make the last calls RS made from the phone impossible to trace!?!?
Whoa! Less than 2 days where we'll be (us eastern time zone folks) setting our clocks for 3:30 am

Ohhh, I'm so looking forward to Zwiebel's goodies!


Lol, nothing nice in my house at the moment. I'm just staring in astonishment at the packet Mr Z's decided to buy - some sort of microwave hazelnut pudding that's supposed to be served in a teacup? I am deeply suspicious......


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How crazy am I? LOL

New Theory.

The major crack and bullet hole in the bedroom door have bothered me terribly ever since I heard about them.

Ignoring OP’s explanation for the crack as well, total crack, it’s obvious someone wanted to force their way through the locked bedroom doors. Worse, what’s a bullet hole doing in the BEDROOM door? This was a huge bull African elephant in the courtroom that everyone seemed to blithely ignore. Why? It really is astounding. To my untrained eye, the hole looks exactly like the holes in the toilet door.

What if there were FIVE shots fired?

Keep in mind that ear witnesses reported A LOT of screaming / arguing, closer, farther, louder, softer, indicating this long fight roamed throughout the house, finally escalating back upstairs. In the end, OP may have chased her throughout the house with a weapon.

Remember: Reeva had FOUR wounds.

I want to toss out a new theory - you tell me if it’s possible.

#1 Argument. Reeva flees to bedroom, locks door. Enraged, OP tries to kick door open, fires shot through door, misses. She runs to toilet.

#2 Same as above but OP hits Reeva between fingers. She runs to toilet.

After the shooting, OP had time to manipulate the scene. It’s entirely possible he picked up the bullet casing near the bedroom door and hid / threw it away. He did not want to have to explain a 5th casing, as that would entirely destroy his “intruder” story. He could then easily explain the large crack in the door as trying to force it open in order to carry Reeva downstairs and hope everyone pretty much ignored the bullet hole ... which they did.

This where my theory gets very interesting . . .

If, in fact, he did shoot through the bedroom door and hit Reeva in the hand, there would be blood. (Could this even explain the blood spatter on the duvet and wall, if she flung her hand in pain?) This blood was a HUGE problem for OP! How to explain blood at bedroom door when she was killed in the toilet?! This is why he was forced to carry her out of the toilet all the way downstairs - to cover the pre-existing blood trail from her hand wound. Had he not done that, he could have never explained away the hard evidence of a prior bloody fight at the bedroom door.

Yes, Oscar is lame on multiple counts but he’s not entirely stupid.

Somewhere there is a 5th missing bullet casing.

OK, pick apart my theory, dear sleuthers! :D
Whoa! Less than 2 days where we'll be (us eastern time zone folks) setting our clocks for 3:30 am

Ohhh, I'm so looking forward to Zwiebel's goodies!


Me too ATL. I believe we are in the same time zone. And yes, my alarm is already set. Obsessed, much?? Yes, yes I am. :blushing:
He probably thought they'd fingerprint her cell and find his prints all over it, so to cover his behind he made up what he thought was a plausible reason...

Hmm... maybe so!

Additionally, what is the likelihood that OP actually found RS's cell phone on the toilet floor and placed it inside the toilet bowl himself thinking (hoping) that water damage would make the last calls RS made from the phone impossible to trace!?!?

Fingerprints & DNA

Police investigators rarely attempt to recover fingerprints or pursue DNA analysis when the people involved the crime share a home… it's pointless to do so.

If OP's fingerprints are found on Reeva's cellphone, it proves nothing...

If OP's fingerprints are NOT found on Reeva's cellphone, it proves nothing as well...

Furthermore, OP's statement about attempting to use Reeva's phone was first heard at Trial during his testimony (IIRC)… this means that OP and the Defence had the benefit of a full evidence discovery and therefore knew if Reeva's phone was printed or not and if OP's fingerprints were found on her phone.

We haven't heard any forensics evidence at Trial that could suggest that Reeva's phone or anything else for that matter was tested for fingerprints.

Drowning the iPhone

If the phone had been drowned in the toilet it would have been stated in Court because it would demonstrate that the phone had gone from the toilet bowl to the bathroom floor where it was found by police, and the only person alive and able to do that would have been OP.

The destruction of the phone would NOT jeopardize the evidence of what calls were made… calls are retrieved from Vodacom' servers NOT the phone itself.

The ONLY thing that could be damaged and lost on a phone is the application data like Whatsapp messages… but even that would NOT be damaged by simply drowning the phone.
How crazy am I? LOL

New Theory.

The major crack and bullet hole in the bedroom door have bothered me terribly ever since I heard about them.

Ignoring OP’s explanation for the crack as well, total crack, it’s obvious someone wanted to force their way through the locked bedroom doors. Worse, what’s a bullet hole doing in the BEDROOM door? This was a huge bull African elephant in the courtroom that everyone seemed to blithely ignore. Why? It really is astounding. To my untrained eye, the hole looks exactly like the holes in the toilet door.

What if there were FIVE shots fired?

Keep in mind that ear witnesses reported A LOT of screaming / arguing, closer, farther, louder, softer, indicating this long fight roamed throughout the house, finally escalating back upstairs. In the end, OP may have chased her throughout the house with a weapon.

Remember: Reeva had FOUR wounds.

I want to toss out a new theory - you tell me if it’s possible.

#1 Argument. Reeva flees to bedroom, locks door. Enraged, OP tries to kick door open, fires shot through door, misses. She runs to toilet.

#2 Same as above but OP hits Reeva between fingers. She runs to toilet.

After the shooting, OP had time to manipulate the scene. It’s entirely possible he picked up the bullet casing near the bedroom door and hid / threw it away. He did not want to have to explain a 5th casing, as that would entirely destroy his “intruder” story. He could then easily explain the large crack in the door as trying to force it open in order to carry Reeva downstairs and hope everyone pretty much ignored the bullet hole ... which they did.

This where my theory gets very interesting . . .

If, in fact, he did shoot through the bedroom door and hit Reeva in the hand, there would be blood. (Could this even explain the blood spatter on the duvet and wall, if she flung her hand in pain?) This blood was a HUGE problem for OP! How to explain blood at bedroom door when she was killed in the toilet?! This is why he was forced to carry her out of the toilet all the way downstairs - to cover the pre-existing blood trail from her hand wound. Had he not done that, he could have never explained away the hard evidence of a prior bloody fight at the bedroom door.

Yes, Oscar is lame on multiple counts but he’s not entirely stupid.

Somewhere there is a 5th missing bullet casing.

OK, pick apart my theory, dear sleuthers! :D

The hole in the bedroom door is far too small to be a bullet hole… did you see the bullet holes in the toilet door ?… and the damage caused behind the toilet door to the hard tiled wall ? … the bedroom door hole is much more consistent with an air-pellet fired the from the air rifle.

That bullet would have been recovered by police… after going through the door, where did that bullet go ??… IIRC the sunglass display case is right behind that door and would have seriously been damaged from multiple fragments of the expanded and/or shattered Black Talon bullet.

No other bullet empty casing was found.

No other bullet was missing from the magazine clip.
Lol, nothing nice in my house at the moment. I'm just staring in astonishment at the packet Mr Z's decided to buy - some sort of microwave hazelnut pudding that's supposed to be served in a teacup? I am deeply suspicious......

LOL… Yes it does look somewhat suspicious… BUT my experience is that Dr Oetker's products are usually pretty good compared to other brands.

Good luck with it !! :)
Well an athlete heavy drinker will have a more efficient metabolic rate than the usual mortal so he could be breaking down 2 drinks per hour. So by the afternoon he could have been 0.00 BAC. This could account for his terrible memory on the stand? Just like everything else he could be lying about the booze factor too.
He just lost a major sponsor that day (The bad news he texted her about his meeting at lunch). His boozy party with his mate in the afternoon with his new upwardly mobile friends. He then meets his new upwardly mobile GF and his insecurities start to play on his mood and has a few more before she says something about abuse to women in SA... her speech the next day.

I don't know but given that evidence of blood testing he could have been impaired by energy drinks and booze with a penchant for womanly control, MOO and total speculation but more sense than the bump in the night version.

So that was the bad news that day? Why did a sponsor drop him? This was before the shooting! Another great mystery! LOL

(So, like a massive d#ck, he gets drunk and takes it out on Reeva?)
So that was the bad news that day? Why did a sponsor drop him? This was before the shooting! Another great mystery! LOL

(So, like a massive d#ck, he gets drunk and takes it out on Reeva?)

There is no evidence to suggest that the "$h!tty news" OP received that day was a sponsor dropping him.

However if it was that, the poor sportsmanship OP displayed at the 2012 Paralympics when he accused the Brazilian winner of the 200-meter event of cheating surely made some sponsors cringe and possibly prompted one of them to drop him.

There is no evidence to suggest that OP was drunk… furthermore, he was in period of training when alcohol consumption is prohibited by the training regimen.
Whoa! Less than 2 days where we'll be (us eastern time zone folks) setting our clocks for 3:30 am

Ohhh, I'm so looking forward to Zwiebel's goodies!


It's 3:30 am for my lake too !!

For these much anticipated Closing Arguments, maybe we should be reserving our seats in advance!! :)
I believe it can be 'several' weeks, whatever that means. 6, 12, 18?? I hope it doesn't take too long.

No waiting. I fully expect My Lady will render a GUILTY of MURDER verdict immediately after prosecution and defense arguments! LOL :D
No waiting. I fully expect My Lady will render a GUILTY of MURDER verdict immediately after prosecution and defense arguments! LOL :D

Wishful thinking on your part, Lux !!! lol

Seriously, my belief is that, even if Judge and her Assessors should reach a verdict after a couple of days, they will delay announcing it... due to the importance of their decision, they'll make sure there's no hint of their not having given enough thought to the verdict. Grrh... know I'm not expressing this well, but hope everybody will know what I'm trying to say.
Wishful thinking on your part, Lux !!! lol

Seriously, my belief is that, even if Judge and her Assessors should reach a verdict after a couple of days, they will delay announcing it... due to the importance of their decision, they'll make sure there's no hint of their not having given enough thought to the verdict. Grrh... know I'm not expressing this well, but hope everybody will know what I'm trying to say.

My guess is that it will take much more than a couple of days… Masipa and the assessors will have to deliberate, reach a verdict and then write that judgment.

I expect Masipa will set a date in mid-september for the reading of the verdict.
No waiting. I fully expect My Lady will render a GUILTY of MURDER verdict immediately after prosecution and defense arguments! LOL :D

LOL… Heck, if it were up to me, M'Lady would render a GUILTY of MURDER verdict immediately after prosecution's arguments… why bother with the Defence's arguments ??… it will be more of the same nonsensical drivel we have already seen and heard at Trial in an desperate attempt at spawning some shred of doubt in Masipa's mind.
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