Seems there was some confusion regarding the payments. Hope this clears it up.
It also emerged on Tuesday that Pistorius offered a one-off payment of 375,000 rand (£21,300) to the Steenkamp family after Reeva's death, but they rejected it because they did not want to accept blood money".
Nel revealed that OP obtained this money from the sale of his car
However, June and Barry Steenkamp accepted monthly payments of 6,000 rand (£340) from Pistorius, who requested that it be kept confidential, the Steenkamp's lawyer Dup de Bruyn said.
"They needed it. They needed to live," Mr de Bruyn said. "They are now in a position to repay it." Mr de Bruyn told reporters that the couple will not seek further financial compensation for the loss of their daughter.
De Bruyn went on to say that hed done some good deals and they were now in a much better financial position and added that they will not be pursuing a civil case.
de Bruyn has since confirmed that they are in the process of repaying the funds.
Posted by LemonMousse (Link to Dadics twitter a/c still not working)
David Dadic has just pointed out that Pistorius wanted it kept confidential, then "opportunistically" revealed it in open court. The Steenkamps have every right to be furious.
A clearly agitated Pistorius watched over an impromptu consultation between his lawyers and De Bruyn after the statement to the press.
Nels questioning led to the Pistorius family accusing him of giving a distorted picture of the financial agreement with the Steenkamps. They said they would provide a full statement on Wednesday.
How totally disingenuous on the part of OP and family. They probably wanted it to be kept a secret for the sole purpose of disclosing it now, thereby portraying him as a generous person while at the same time making it appear as though the Steenkamps were hiding the fact that were "benefiting" from her death.
My disgust for him and his family is total.
[R6,000 = $US542 £340 AUD622]