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I am puzzled by JP’s apparent concern about MG’s testimony & wanting to impeach her. I would think he would be more concerned about testimony from AB & the Gilberts about telling them TD would die soon and then telling AB he was going to marry LVD and later telling the Gilberts LVD had recently lost a daughter.

I do know MG had some issues with her timeline (in testimony & interviews) that didn’t match what other testimony or cell phone records indicated and am wondering whether that is what JP might be trying to say he wants to impeach her about…that perhaps he thinks Woods was helping her correct some of that??? For example, MG said LVD knew before CV died that he had changed the beneficiary but she called them after he died to try to collect it. But of course both could be true in a way as she did tell MG she was moving to TX to fix her finances before the divorce so maybe she knew CV had changed it but thought she had convinced him to change it back or something.

Anyway, if I were the prosecutor, I think that I would just ask MG about things like when LVD & CD met and the weekend JJ was killed and then LVD asking her to tell LE that JJ was with her and the phone call she recorded. They can get testimony about the castings and the zombie stuff CD was feeding to LVD & the castings group from ZP or AB or SS. I’d limit the questions to MG to be things that can be verified by other testimony or evidence since they know JP is going to try to impeach her.

I think most of MG’s testimony against LVD was far more valuable than it will be against CD though they do need her testimony on some things to show the conspiracy but I’d get as much as possible from other witnesses and keep her testimony as brief as possible and give JP as little ammo as possible since they know he is gunning for her.
I feel like venting a little about Chad, and who knows if it will get deleted! Anyway, just look at all his victims - they were all superior to Chad, even Alex was much better looking.<modsnip> Chad decided to end all their lives just because it was convenient for him to have them all dead. And now he won't even confess and repent like a reasonably decent person would, because he is A GOD, don't you know? Such an amazing being! He makes me puke.
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Interesting. Prior is not LDS. I guess that I assumed he was, but, maybe CD didn't want an LDS attorney. Or maybe he was turned down by several before he went to Prior. Bartholick dropped LVD and CD almost immediately after he knew what he was getting into.

I grew up LDS, seminary graduation. And the more in the weeds Prior goes into how CD went into his own interpretation of the LDS gospel, the more LDS people, if any are on the jury, will be inclined to believe that CD did in fact use religious beliefs to justify killing Tylee and JJ. But, that does not mean he is not guilty. He definitely is guilty. He knew it was wrong.

But Tammy's death, was purely for cash.

And my own opinion, is that LVD wanted JJ dead, to hurt and punish Kaye Woodcock, because she got the insurance money from Charles Vallow's death. And she wanted the Social Security money.
I agree about JJ and Tammy. Why do you think Tylee was murdered? Was it because of money or because Tylee knew too much, or something else?
Wednesday, April 17th:
*Trial continues (Day 5) (@ 8:30am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) & Tamara “Tammy” Michelle Douglas Daybell (49) (died on Oct. 19, 2019 at her residence in Salem, ID; dob 5/4/70). – *Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 55) arrested (6/9/20) & indicted (5/25/21) & charged (5/26/21) & arraigned (6/9/21) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy, 49, died 10/19/19): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): 1st degree murder. Count 8 & 9: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to 2 different life insurance policies he had on Tammy). Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP. (Judge denied removing DP 3/14/24). Fremont County
Trial began on 4/1/24 with final jury selection & ended on 4/8/24. Jurors: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [10 men & 8 women]. Jury will be sequestered during deliberations in the guilt phase thru the penalty phase.
Trial began on 4/10/24. (approx. 8 weeks) Court hours are 8:30am to 3pm Monday-Friday. Trial is being held in Ada County.
Judge Steven W. Boyce presiding. Prosecutors: Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood, Special Attorney General Prosecutor Ingrid Batey & Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rocky Wixom & defense attorney John Prior.

Court info from 6/10/20 thru 3/29/24 & Jury Selection Day 1-6 (4/1-4/6/24) & thru 4/9/24 & Trial Day 1-3 (4/10-4/15/24) reference post #955 here:

4/16/24 Tuesday, Trial Day 4: State witnesses: FBI Tactical Specialist Nicole Heideman is back on stand. She was assigned to research data & phone attribution. Phone attribution is meant to determine the likely primary user of a phone number. Chandler Police Detective Nathan Duncan, responded to the shooting of Charles Vallow.
*Judge Boyce says a motion in liming was filed yesterday by prosecutors. It says John Prior plans to call Rob Wood as a witness & the state is opposed. That hearing will happen after the lunch break. Right now is the hearing to determine whether the hearing after lunch will be sealed & closed to the public. Judge Boyce says the companion case has already gone through trial & we already have a jury so the hearing this afternoon will not be sealed.
*Judge Boyce explains some evidence can be excluded if it is inflammatory & its up to the court to determine relevance to the case. Boyce says he has not gone through the messages between Wood & Gibb. He says without knowing what is in them, he can’t make a ruling completely eliminating it. He says the whole might or might not be relevant. He can’t say until Gibb testifies. Judge Boyce is denying the motion to exclude the exhibit but says he will be watching carefully if there is any relevance to the testimony of Gibb. He says attorneys are entitled to talk with witnesses & get ready for trial – not to change their testimony or not tell the truth but help them.
State witness: Social Security Special Agent Mark Saari. [in January 2020, the FBI contacted his office to determine the whereabouts of JJ & Tylee and to find out if fraud was involved. Saari met with law enforcement & the FBI].
For more info on direct see post #16 here:
Trial continues on Wednesday, 4/17/24.

*An Order to Show Cause hearing is scheduled on 4/18/24 @ 3:30pm per Judge Steven Boyce. A motion to delay the trial of Chad Daybell was filed late Friday night but little is known about why it was filed and what is contained in the motion. Terry Ratliff, a lawyer who practices in Mountain Home, filed the motion through the iCourt portal. Wendy Olson, an attorney hired by last year to argue for camera access during the trial, was served the motion, along with prosecutors & the defense. Judge Boyce instructed the attorneys not to disseminate the motion & on Tuesday, he signed an order sealing it. Boyce temporarily sealed the motion until he’s able to schedule a hearing to determine whether it will remain sealed “and set the substance of the motion for hearing [on 4/18].”
I agree about JJ and Tammy. Why do you think Tylee was murdered? Was it because of money or because Tylee knew too much, or something else?

I suspect she knew too much, but also they were emboldened by getting away with the murder of Charles. In the end that is why Tammy died as well. They'd already done 3. She was in the way - murdering her was better financially. My guess is when you pulled off one murder, why not keep going?
I suspect she knew too much, but also they were emboldened by getting away with the murder of Charles

I think Tylee knew too much. Otherwise, why not just let her go to BYU. She wasn't a babe in arms, she was a young adult. But she saw too much, especially around the death of CV. She was growing up, she was smart, she had a will of her own. She'd seen too much 'behind the curtain' and was a threat just by existing.

I think JJ, he was inconvenient but it was mostly revenge against Kay and Larry. Pure cruelty and spite, and you can see that in how he was killed. They could have drugged him or shot him in his sleep. Instead, they had him slowly suffocate while struggling to survive.

I think Tammy was in the way. But I think there was resentment, there, too. Same as with JJ - they could have drugged her and spun the same story as they did - been ill, died in her sleep. Instead, she was asphyxiated, and the bruising shows the force used, the struggle for life.

I think all of them, money was a motivator/bonus, too.

Yes, Tylee knew too much. We don't know exactly what happened when Charles was killed, but Tylee did.

You look like a drug dealer with all those phones mom. Tylee called it like she saw it. God love her.

I think once it was decided that JJ would die, Tylee was no longer useful to Lori.

Also, Tylee took on the parental role with Lori. Remember the AZ police interview when Tylee reached out and pressed her mom's hand when she was starting to escalate? It makes me tear up just thinking about it. With Chad in the picture, Lori didn't need Tylee to look out for her anymore. Only room for one "caretaker" in this scenario.

In 2020, Rexburg police detective Ron Ball said in an affidavit that Vallow Daybell's close friend Melanie Gibb described hearing her say that Tylee had become a zombie — a concept Vallow Daybell had picked up from Daybell. Gibb heard Vallow Daybell call Tylee a zombie — after Tylee had refused to babysit JJ — to which Tylee replied, "Not me, mom."

Justice for Tylee!
You look like a drug dealer with all those phones mom. Tylee called it like she saw it. God love her.

I think once it was decided that JJ would die, Tylee was no longer useful to Lori.

Also, Tylee took on the parental role with Lori. Remember the AZ police interview when Tylee reached out and pressed her mom's hand when she was starting to escalate? It makes me tear up just thinking about it. With Chad in the picture, Lori didn't need Tylee to look out for her anymore. Only room for one "caretaker" in this scenario.

In 2020, Rexburg police detective Ron Ball said in an affidavit that Vallow Daybell's close friend Melanie Gibb described hearing her say that Tylee had become a zombie — a concept Vallow Daybell had picked up from Daybell. Gibb heard Vallow Daybell call Tylee a zombie — after Tylee had refused to babysit JJ — to which Tylee replied, "Not me, mom."

Justice for Tylee!
And for that, they destroyed her. Questioned/noticed oddness, managed her mother, and said no. And that was enough.

Interesting. Prior is not LDS. I guess that I assumed he was, but, maybe CD didn't want an LDS attorney. Or maybe he was turned down by several before he went to Prior. Bartholick dropped LVD and CD almost immediately after he knew what he was getting into.

I grew up LDS, seminary graduation. And the more in the weeds Prior goes into how CD went into his own interpretation of the LDS gospel, the more LDS people, if any are on the jury, will be inclined to believe that CD did in fact use religious beliefs to justify killing Tylee and JJ. But, that does not mean he is not guilty. He definitely is guilty. He knew it was wrong.

But Tammy's death, was purely for cash.

And my own opinion, is that LVD wanted JJ dead, to hurt and punish Kaye Woodcock, because she got the insurance money from Charles Vallow's death. And she wanted the Social Security money.
I think Tammy's death was also largely to allow Chad to grow his harem. He wanted to marry Lori and did not want to divorce Tammy. The money mattered, perhaps more, but I think wanting to marry and not divorce was a significant fantasy-boost factor.

I think Tammy's death was also largely to allow Chad to grow his harem. He wanted to marry Lori and did not want to divorce Tammy. The money mattered, perhaps more, but I think wanting to marry and not divorce was a significant fantasy-boost factor.

Yeah, I think nonLDS are mostly unaware of how polygamy is alive and well in the mainstream church...but in the afterlife.

So, a widower who loses his wife and remarries to someone who has never been married in the temple gets to be married to both wives in the afterlife.

Women only get one temple marriage. The exception is if they are able to get a temple divorce, which is VERY difficult. They only grant it in exceptional circumstances, for example, if your spouse is excommunicated.

Another reason for Tylee's death is that they could not get rid of JJ with Tylee still around. She would have created all kind of problems had JJ disappeared. She loved JJ like he was her own.
Yeah, they had to kill Tylee first. Even if she had gone to BYU and boarded, she would have been Skyping JJ every day. They were that close. And unlike Kay and Larry, she had direct knowledge of CV's death, not just suspicions. If JJ wasn't reachable, I really do think she might have called the police if she was at college and out of her mother's home, at some remove from her influence. And I think they knew that. They couldn't risk it.

I think of the kids, and of Tammy, and I think of the dead pets. Both the numerous pets in Chad's pet cemetery despite their short tenure in Rexburg, and the pets Lori had Alex dump in the desert for her when she got bored of them.

They say that how someone treats animals is a good indication of how they will treat human beings.

Yeah, they had to kill Tylee first. Even if she had gone to BYU and boarded, she would have been Skyping JJ every day. They were that close. And unlike Kay and Larry, she had direct knowledge of CV's death, not just suspicions. If JJ wasn't reachable, I really do think she might have called the police if she was at college and out of her mother's home, at some remove from her influence. And I think they knew that. They couldn't risk it.

I think of the kids, and of Tammy, and I think of the dead pets. Both the numerous pets in Chad's pet cemetery despite their short tenure in Rexburg, and the pets Lori had Alex dump in the desert for her when she got bored of them.

They say that how someone treats animals is a good indication of how they will treat human beings.

I just deleted my whole post.

All I can say is :(

RIP Tylee. The world needed more like you.

Agent Heideman was not asked to review Gibb and Warwick's internet searches.

As to why they were not subpoenaed for review by Heideman, well maybe it's because the kids weren't found in their backyard(s) and there may not have been enough evidence to justify getting those records from them. Could be wrong but I think you do have to pay for these internet records.

For what reason would the state want to frame" Chad for this when there's supposedly so much evidence implicating other people? **

** There's several people I think should catch charges or at least are morally bankrupt but I also don't think they had a direct hand in the murders.
Yes, Tylee knew too much. We don't know exactly what happened when Charles was killed, but Tylee did.
I think that Lori also harbored a weird mixture of jealousy and resentment for Tylee. Consider:
  • Tylee is/was youthful, she didn't need pounds of makeup to look pretty, had her whole life ahead of her
  • But Tylee was also on the overweight side, which I highly doubt is part of Lori's "perfect" image
  • Tylee some had health problems (pancreatitis and ovarian cysts, notably) and a kid with health issues that requires consistent doctor visits and medication would cramp Lori's new style
  • Tylee was becoming more independent, and though we have unfortunately not gotten to see a lot of Tylee's communication(s) with her friends and family, there is evidence to suggest she wasn't entirely buying what mommy was selling (PaP, AVOW, 144K) "Not me, mom!"
  • While one would think that Lori might be OK with Tylee striking out on her own so she wouldn't cramp her style, she also didn't want her out of her control, which is why she did not simply allow her to go to BYU-I (or any college) or go live with Summer (for example) who told Lori in the heartbreaking jail phone call she would've gladly taken her in
And last but not least:
  • Lori wanted Tylee's social security check, probably her Jeep too (seems like Lori took advantage of Tylee's money a lot, and Colby also came to her for money sometimes). Lori sent Colby some money pretending to be Tylee at least once after she died (Colby reported thinking that Tylee wasn't texting in her normal tone)
  • Tylee was too close to JJ, and she would've questioned his disappearance and lack of Skyping availability fiercely (so she had to go first)
  • Tylee knew too much
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