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Mickey I will agree Lori’s principal motivation in life was money but Charles had that covered. I believe she was sold on Chads religious beliefs completely) hence why she is a fruitcake) but I also believe she thought Chad would become a very wealthy author and they would travel the world and gain more adherents to his beliefs and more life insurance money on others children. Melanie Boudreaux Pawlowski was next in killing two of her children which Chad had already deemed “dark”.
That’s why I think MBP should be charged for conspiracy re: Mr Boudreaux.
Totally agree with this! She HAD $$$ with CV and that wasn't enough, she wanted fame and admiration from the masses as well, all of which she believed CD would provide.
I am puzzled by JP’s apparent concern about MG’s testimony & wanting to impeach her. I would think he would be more concerned about testimony from AB & the Gilberts about telling them TD would die soon and then telling AB he was going to marry LVD and later telling the Gilberts LVD had recently lost a daughter.

I do know MG had some issues with her timeline (in testimony & interviews) that didn’t match what other testimony or cell phone records indicated and am wondering whether that is what JP might be trying to say he wants to impeach her about…that perhaps he thinks Woods was helping her correct some of that??? For example, MG said LVD knew before CV died that he had changed the beneficiary but she called them after he died to try to collect it. But of course both could be true in a way as she did tell MG she was moving to TX to fix her finances before the divorce so maybe she knew CV had changed it but thought she had convinced him to change it back or something.

Anyway, if I were the prosecutor, I think that I would just ask MG about things like when LVD & CD met and the weekend JJ was killed and then LVD asking her to tell LE that JJ was with her and the phone call she recorded. They can get testimony about the castings and the zombie stuff CD was feeding to LVD & the castings group from ZP or AB or SS. I’d limit the questions to MG to be things that can be verified by other testimony or evidence since they know JP is going to try to impeach her.

I think most of MG’s testimony against LVD was far more valuable than it will be against CD though they do need her testimony on some things to show the conspiracy but I’d get as much as possible from other witnesses and keep her testimony as brief as possible and give JP as little ammo as possible since they know he is gunning for her.
Ya know Melani had interest in Chad before he hooked up with Lori. She left her husband and four children for his beliefs. I don’t know the timeline of when he met those two women but he even told Melani they too were married in a past life. If you are raised in LDS, the idea of being married to a prophet must be exciting (I guess). Didn’t Chad tell Melani she should grow close to Lori? Several women were interested in Chad. (Eek!) There are rumors of other women. So bottom line, I wonder if Chad may have slept with Melani. He knows she knows a lot. He must hate her for not lying for Lori about JJ.
As for David, it is my understanding Melani and David split a long time ago. Don’t know if they ever divorced.
ETA: Chad also told Zulema they were married in a past life.
If she had received the insurance money for CV, I think CD would have been left in the dust. LVD probably would have dropped JJ on Kaye, left Tylee, and gone off to Hawaii to find richer pickings than CD.
I don't think so. I think they were into each other for more than money.

Not sure what "long term" means to Lori, but in this case, I would think they were destined to be together long term- through a dozen or so rescheduled endings of the world.

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It's interesting that early on, Alex wasn't part of the team. He was not a believer. Lori told her inner circle that he had not lived multiple lives. It all changed after a couple of months and then he was persuaded to murder Charles.
Had Lori and Alex not moved to Rexburg, perhaps Chad would not have murdered Tammy on his own. It was probably always planned for Alex to do the job, just like he did it with Charles.
Today, we learned a little more how Alex was not coming in broke, either.

Do we know if any of the the Daybell kids got some of the life insurance money from Tammy? Not to imply they were complicit at all, I just think that I'm sure the kids wouldn't have minded getting some extra money for their own kids and/or college careers.

It may be a good thing if they didn't. They'd be ordered to give money back because of the fraud.
It would be hard to say it was insurance $$$ unless there is an explicit trail of messages. The money went to Chad first. He did give his children money, but it would be climb to prove it was the insurance money.
Ya know Melani had interest in Chad before he hooked up with Lori. She left her husband and four children for his beliefs. I don’t know the timeline of when he met those two women but he even told Melani they too were married in a past life. If you are raised in LDS, the idea of being married to a prophet must be exciting (I guess). Didn’t Chad tell Melani she should grow close to Lori? Several women were interested in Chad. (Eek!) There are rumors of other women. So bottom line, I wonder if Chad may have slept with Melani. He knows she knows a lot. He must hate her for not lying for Lori about JJ.
As for David, it is my understanding Melani and David split a long time ago. Don’t know if they ever divorced.
ETA: Chad also told Zulema they were married in a past life.
Can you provide a source for Chad telling MG they had been married in a past life? MG was happily married, until she wasn't. AFAIK, her husband was not on Chad's hit list.
Can you provide a source for Chad telling MG they had been married in a past life? MG was happily married, until she wasn't. AFAIK, her husband was not on Chad's hit list.
It's especially easy to speculate about Melanie G now that Prior has identified her as "the" witness. I do feel there is more tea coming.

I really wonder how cult-influenced she is now. I wonder if she feels regrets she didn't seem to feel a few years ago.

Lori and Chad did blame David for Melanie's phone call to them, asking why they told police JJ was with her. They also blamed Heather.

What a world view. Bodies dying and disappearing all around them, and they think people like DW and HD are responsible for the authorities getting involved.

Chad probably used his "Goddess" and "married in past lives" lines on several women and none fell for it as hard as Lori did. She was uprooting her whole life in a matter of 2-3 months! She wanted or needed to be important in the church. I guess she was just bored with her life with Charles. All JMO.
Can you provide a source for Chad telling MG they had been married in a past life? MG was happily married, until she wasn't. AFAIK, her husband was not on Chad's hit list.
There may be multiple sources for this, but the first that came to mind was this Nancy Grace interview with Julie Rowe. Now, we have to take everything she says with a grain of salt but I don't see where Julie lying about this would be profitable for her.

Around 1:08 Rowe tells Nancy that Chad told Melanie G. they were married in a past life. Prior to this she (Julie) states that Chad would hit on her and also told her she was a past wife. I doubt this is the only instance where she has claimed this.

Consider that Tammy was taking Zoloft, and Chad was with Julie as a "business partner" of sorts (their books) for a long time before he met Lori. MOO Tammy suspected he was cheating with Julie and became depressed but didn't have the wherewithal to confront Chad and/or leave for reasons we can only speculate. 2 + 2 = 4. MOO.

I wouldn't say Chad is hideous or anything but how this guy manages to pull this many women into his circle, spirituality or not, is beyond me.
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It's especially easy to speculate about Melanie G now that Prior has identified her as "the" witness. I do feel there is more tea coming.

I really wonder how cult-influenced she is now. I wonder if she feels regrets she didn't seem to feel a few years ago.

Lori and Chad did blame David for Melanie's phone call to them, asking why they told police JJ was with her. They also blamed Heather.

What a world view. Bodies dying and disappearing all around them, and they think people like DW and HD are responsible for the authorities getting involved.

If it's speculation, then it shouldn't be stated as fact. DW probably saved MG from even greater embarrassment. IMO she finally took her blinkers off when Lori threw her under the bus.
Can you provide a source for Chad telling MG they had been married in a past life? MG was happily married, until she wasn't. AFAIK, her husband was not on Chad's hit list.
This was before Lori’s trial began. I want to say it was from Hidden True Crime. No her husband was not on the hit list. She was not happily married. If so, you could believe Lori was until she wasn’t. Or everyone is until they aren’t. I’m not speculating. I just don’t see the interest in Chad these women have had. Unless because HE exalted himself. What I do know is she left her husband with FOUR children to raise, one of them autistic. And she was looking….hooked up with David Warwick because they shared those crazy beliefs.
This was before Lori’s trial began. I want to say it was from Hidden True Crime. No her husband was not on the hit list. She was not happily married. If so, you could believe Lori was until she wasn’t. Or everyone is until they aren’t. I’m not speculating. I just don’t see the interest in Chad these women have had. Unless because HE exalted himself. What I do know is she left her husband with FOUR children to raise, one of them autistic. And she was looking….hooked up with David Warwick because they shared those crazy beliefs.
HTC often have their own anonymous sources. In this regard I wouldn't necessarily take it as fact. The dissimilarity in MG's case is that she didn't try to kill her husband for insurance money. She got a divorce.
There may be multiple sources for this, but the first that came to mind was this Nancy Grace interview with Julie Rowe. Now, we have to take everything she says with a grain of salt but I don't see where Julie lying about this would be profitable for her.

Around 1:08 Rowe tells Nancy that Chad told Melanie G. they were married in a past life. Prior to this she (Julie) states that Chad would hit on her and also told her she was a past wife. I doubt this is the only instance where she has claimed this.

Consider that Tammy was taking Zoloft, and Chad was with Julie as a "business partner" of sorts (their books) for a long time before he met Lori. MOO Tammy suspected he was cheating with Julie and became depressed but didn't have the wherewithal to confront Chad and/or leave for reasons we can only speculate. 2 + 2 = 4. MOO.

I wouldn't say Chad is hideous or anything but how this guy manages to pull this many women into his circle, spirituality or not, is beyond me.
Thanks for the source. JR previously claimed that a husband in Arizona chased away Chad after finding text exchanges with him on wife's phone. JR stated that she got the information directly from Chad. She did not name the woman at that time.
There may be multiple sources for this, but the first that came to mind was this Nancy Grace interview with Julie Rowe. Now, we have to take everything she says with a grain of salt but I don't see where Julie lying about this would be profitable for her.

Around 1:08 Rowe tells Nancy that Chad told Melanie G. they were married in a past life. Prior to this she (Julie) states that Chad would hit on her and also told her she was a past wife. I doubt this is the only instance where she has claimed this.

Consider that Tammy was taking Zoloft, and Chad was with Julie as a "business partner" of sorts (their books) for a long time before he met Lori. MOO Tammy suspected he was cheating with Julie and became depressed but didn't have the wherewithal to confront Chad and/or leave for reasons we can only speculate. 2 + 2 = 4. MOO.

I wouldn't say Chad is hideous or anything but how this guy manages to pull this many women into his circle, spirituality or not, is beyond me.
I think there are likely important strands of truth in that interview, too.

Too bad that the interviewer and interviewee are both flawed.

It's interesting that early on, Alex wasn't part of the team. He was not a believer. Lori told her inner circle that he had not lived multiple lives. It all changed after a couple of months and then he was persuaded to murder Charles.
Had Lori and Alex not moved to Rexburg, perhaps Chad would not have murdered Tammy on his own. It was probably always planned for Alex to do the job, just like he did it with Charles.
I recall someone - probably MG or ZP - saying LVD referred to AC as a “first timer” early on - meaning he had not lived previous lives. He also wasn’t attending the earlier castings meetings but then in June he was suddenly an “exhausted” being and according to LVD that also mean not accountable for deeds done in this life and he was attending at least some of the casting meetings and then in July one or both of them killed CV.
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