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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I give her a pass. I sound like I am about five years old. People always ask to talk to my "Daddy".

These people are just so interesting to me. So foreign from anything I can imagine doing or talking about to people seriously. Blessings, warriors, portals. Like they live in some sort of alternate reality.
I have wondered HOW CD found the time to make all this *advertiser censored* up, and how did he keep it straight, when so busy with the REAL work of killing and burying details, plans, and processes.
How old is this broad? I just want to shake her! Zulema Pastenes: "Oh, I'm so trusting and I believe anything that anyone wants to tell me. I've worked in the insurance industry and in Corporate America." A 12-year-old is more "worldly" than the is!
Not making excuses for stuff like marrying Alex after knowing he shot Charles- telling him he will know what to do with the dark portal, etc.

But I think Zulema has been through a lot in her life. She is not unworldly- she has been through "storms" of trauma.

By the way, Prior, she was gifted with conjuring weather, not predicting it. I love how she didn't correct him.

Zulema had been doing great on the stand

I have wondered HOW CD found the time to make all this *advertiser censored* up, and how did he keep it straight, when so busy with the REAL work of killing and burying details, plans, and processes.
This is what happens when your brain has way too much time on its hands because you don't have a consistent, real job.

I see this every day at work. Not people making up Mormon-inspired fanfiction necessarily but when you don't have something like a job, you tend to get into trouble. MOO.
If people started telling me this stuff, I would burst out laughing, I would not be able to help myself. This is wackadoo BS to the highest degree.
There is so much tragedy in this case, but I always go back to the incredulous ideas that surround all of it. How do people buy into this stuff? It just boggles my mind. I'm at work, so I can't listen live (reading Nate's updates on the DL) but reading the things that Chad has told these women is just so cringy. It's like second hand embarrassment but so much worse because all of these ideas he spouted directly led to the horrific deaths of at least 4 people.
$6K in social security benefits from Charles is incomprehensible to me. My siblings and I got like $250 a month after our dad died.

I thought it was $2,000? JJ may have received extra benefits for "SSDI" on account of his problems. But the actual death benefit from Charles Vallow I thought was in the neighborhood of $2,000 per month. (I have no concrete knowledge of this though.) And when LV texted Chad Daybell over the change of beneficiary for Charles Vallow's $1M life insurance policy -- that LV would not be IT -- she continued on with her text, to the effect of: "But I'll still be getting $4,000 a month", so I assumed $2,000 for Tylee from Joe Ryan's death and $2,000 for JJ from Charles Vallow's death
During Lori's trial it was disclosed that she was getting a total of $5,761.

Before Cox killed SV though, she only had Tylee's benefit.

I think there is some confusion when talking about SS for children when a parent has died, Lori's childrens' benefits were 75% of what their fathers' SS benefit would have been.

Tylee was $1,859 a month in SS benefits

The SS amount for JJ was $1,951 and Lori as parent/caregiver was given the same amount.

I think I have seen and heard everything I need beyond a reasonable doubt. But there is one question that remains and hopefully the second part of the trial will help answer. How do the Daybell children justify all of the evidence presented to maintain their father's innocence? The evidence from Tammy's autopsy, the contradicting answers to how she was found, the swift funeral... and the Hawaii wedding after two weeks? After being confronted with this overwhelming evidence... do they still believe there is a reasonable alternate explanation to the deaths that exonerates their father?
Welcome to WS !! :)

I am still trying to figure that out also.
The Daybell kids have to realize these are not normal teachings along with results from their mother's death and autopsy and the quickie marriage/dancing on the beach with their new step-mom !!

While I understand, to a point, of not wanting to believe my own father would do something like that to my mother, after seeing the evidence, I would pretty much have to accept it.

I just dont get it, but Suzanne Morphews daughters seem to believe their dad is innocent also and I have followed other cases where children or a parent, just do not accept the facts.
While I understand, to a point, of not wanting to believe my own father would do something like that to my mother, after seeing the evidence, I would pretty much have to accept it.
I'm pretty sure they're ignoring the evidence (likely under dad's orders). MOO.

I think that, if any of the kids have any doubts or suspicions about what happened, they won't be voicing them to their siblings for fear of being cutoff from them. I get that. But on the other hand it seems they have cutoff Tammy's side of the family. Notice that none of Tammy's children are on the board of directors for the foundation created in her memory. Not so sure about Chad's family. MOO.
During Lori's trial it was disclosed that she was getting a total of $5,761.

Before Cox killed SV though, she only had Tylee's benefit.

I think there is some confusion when talking about SS for children when a parent has died, Lori's childrens' benefits were 75% of what their fathers' SS benefit would have been.

Tylee was $1,859 a month in SS benefits

The SS amount for JJ was $1,951 and Lori as parent/caregiver was given the same amount.

As the parent/caregiver of Tylee, why didn't LV also receive $1,859 a month in SS benefits? Just wondering.
I'm pretty sure they're ignoring the evidence (likely under dad's orders). MOO.

I think that, if any of the kids have any doubts or suspicions about what happened, they won't be voicing them to their siblings for fear of being cutoff from them. I get that. But on the other hand it seems they have cutoff Tammy's side of the family. Notice that none of Tammy's children are on the board of directors for the foundation created in her memory. Not so sure about Chad's family. MOO.
That's why I don't see any of his children testifying to anything incriminating for Chad. They would be cut off by their siblings.
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As the parent/caregiver of Tylee, why didn't LV also receive $1,859 a month in SS benefits? Just wondering.
Because Lori was divorced from her father I would assume.

I had a son-in-law who was divorced from the mother of his children and he only got SS benefits for the two kids when she died.
That's why I don't see any of his children testify to anything incriminating for Chad. They would be cut off by their siblings.
IIRC Prior said that 4/5 Daybell kids will testify for the defense. People have theorized the one that will not is likely Mark, as he was on a mission in Africa when most of this occurred. He didn't make it to Tammy's funeral because it was held so quickly and he couldn't leave Africa in time. Gee thanks Chad!

MOO second most likely is Leah (Leia? Leeah?) since she was living in Utah and not Idaho at the time.

So yeah, they won't say anything that incriminates daddy dearest, but the problems will arrive when the state gets to cross and they have to answer about any beliefs they share with Chad. Emma will be interesting.
When they talk about "castings", all I can think about is the following:

"Castings, the end product of worm digestion, can improve soil and plant health for indoor and outdoor plants. They're so beneficial, in fact, that some gardeners raise their own worms."
And thus, you inspired me to turn my late leopard gecko's home into a cat-proof herb garden during the lunch break.

Maybe I need some worms to cast stuff.

Emma, Heather, Ian, Zulema. It's been bombshell after bombshell. And I thought this trial would be like a rerun.

I’ve only watched hit & miss this morning - missed most of JP asking ZP about 7 Gatherers but caught something about an email being set up by someone and password being given to the 7 ladies. Can someone tell me more about that?
1) Who set up the email and provided the password to the group?
2) Was the email address 7gatherers@???? or something? I’m still puzzled whether they considered themselves gatherers and there happened to be 7 of them or if they were actually going by the name 7 Gatherers and why both MG & MP would not recall that if they actually used the name 7 Gatherers or if MP was simply saying the 7 in the group were gatherers - not sure JP’s question was very clear on that.
3) Have any of the emails to or from that address been entered or talked about or did they just reference the email?

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