DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Thursday, May 9th:
*Trial continues (Day 20) (@ 8:30am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) & Tamara “Tammy” Michelle Douglas Daybell (49) (died on Oct. 19, 2019 at her residence in Salem, ID; dob 5/4/70). – *Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 55) arrested (6/9/20) & indicted (5/25/21) & charged (5/26/21) & arraigned (6/9/21) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy, 49, died 10/19/19): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): 1st degree murder. Count 8 & 9: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to 2 different life insurance policies he had on Tammy). Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP. (Judge denied removing DP 3/14/24). Fremont County
Trial began on 4/1/24 with final jury selection & ended on 4/8/24. Jurors: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [10 men & 8 women]. 5/2/24: Juror dismissed due to illness. Now: 12 jurors & 5 alternates.
Jury will be sequestered during deliberations in the guilt phase thru the penalty phase.
Trial began on 4/10/24. (approx. 8 weeks) Court hours are 8:30am to 3pm Monday-Friday. Trial is being held in Ada County.
Judge Steven W. Boyce presiding. Prosecutors: Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood, Special Attorney General Prosecutor Ingrid Batey & Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rocky Wixom & defense attorney John Prior.

Court info from 6/10/20 thru 3/29/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-6 (4/1-4/6/24) & thru 4/9/24 & Trial Days 1-18 (4/10-5/7/24) reference post #519 here:

5/8/24 Wednesday, Trial Day 19: *State witnesses: Dr. Garth Warren. He is a forensic pathologist for the Ada County Coroner’s Office. He has practiced seven years in Idaho & five years in Colorado [did autopsy on JJ & Tylee]. Chandler Police Detective Ariel Werther [Werther looked at cell phone records belonging to Charles Vallow. He inspected records from T-Mobile, Verizon & AT&T. Each provider has their way of keeping records. Werther analyzed GPS location data extracted from Charles’ phone. Werther used a data analysis tool to analyze the records].
For more info on direct see post #536 here:
Trial continues on Thursday, 5/9/24.
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Thank you for your input, but I am not at all convinced of that. I think CV was dead or dying before she left the house - just not sure who fired the deadly shot. I also wonder whether LVD may have taken CV’s phone so he could not reach it to call for help himself. I think Alex was both waiting for CV to die (to bleed out from his wounds not to inflict additional ones) and cleaning up whatever might have been there to incriminate LVD before calling 911 and that yes she was killing time for him to do that…but I also think Tylee left the house that morning without shoes on and wonder whether LVD did or discarded hers along the way.
I agree. My remark was just me being sarcastic. This trio of killers has me very upset. I do believe Lori was there and may have fired the first shot then took off. I think while she was running around, Charles may have been dying and hurting so Alex fired the second shot to make sure he was dead. The trial should tell us how far apart in time the bullets were. I know the projection between the shots was different. In my mind I see Chad as the mastermind telling Lori who should die. I see Lori as the one giving orders to Alex and may have killed others herself. Lori’s hair was on the tape around JJ. Alex’s finger and palm prints were on the tape or bags as well. I think it took both of them to kill JJ as I believe he fought. As for Tylee, I think she was taken somewhere in the woods by Alex and Chad and they just slaughtered her, dismembered her and took her to Chads and burned her body in the put. i also think Chad may have killed Tammy himself or had Alex help him.
Akex has met his judgment. It’s coming for Lori. and Chad.
Thank you for your input, but I am not at all convinced of that. I think CV was dead or dying before she left the house - just not sure who fired the deadly shot. I also wonder whether LVD may have taken CV’s phone so he could not reach it to call for help himself. I think Alex was both waiting for CV to die (to bleed out from his wounds not to inflict additional ones) and cleaning up whatever might have been there to incriminate LVD before calling 911 and that yes she was killing time for him to do that…but I also think Tylee left the house that morning without shoes on and wonder whether LVD did or discarded hers along the way.
I think there is a surveillance photo from that day in which Lori is wearing dark footwear. It was taken before the trip to the store to buy flip flops.
As for Tylee, I think she was taken somewhere in the woods by Alex and Chad and they just slaughtered her, dismembered her and took her to Chads and burned her body in the put.
SBM. IMO JP would like us to believe that part of Tylee's remains were planted in Chad's back yard to frame him. The woods theory doesn't seem likely to me, not only because Alex's movements were tracked that night and day. He didn't travel anywhere far enough. Chad's phone was also in the area of his home in the morning when he texted or called Lori periodically.
I think there is a surveillance photo from that day in which Lori is wearing dark footwear. It was taken before the trip to the store to buy flip flops.
Hmmm that’s interesting. I tried to see her feet on the short video of her walking into the walgreens but wasn’t sure what I saw - at one point I thought she was barefoot and on another i thought she had on an open toed black sandal type shoe - just a strap (maybe 2”) across the top of the foot. But again, I really couldn’t see it well and it was quick and every time I tried to pause my pause button was right where her foot was. Surely she didn’t wear shoes in and take them off in the store and leave them and go up to the counter barefoot if she didn’t enter the store that way…but then again we are talking about LVD so who knows?
So….I didn’t see a lot of today…but did see LVD at Walgreens buying those flip flops or sandals or whatever they were and saw her putting hers on before leaving the store & saw the pic when they got back to the house of her & Tylee wearing them. Who goes to buy flip flops immediately after her estranged husband is killed in her home? Who does that?

And why?

Did Tylee go out to the car to be with JJ so quickly that she didn’t stop to get shoes? Remember Tylee was in bed when the commotion started. But LVD was up and dressed and expecting CV so was she really barefoot too?

Or did LVD have CV’s blood on her shoes when she fled the house and notice it in route to the BK and ditch her shoes somewhere along the way to the 2nd Walgreens?

What was wrong with the first Walgreens? Did LVD ditch her bloody shoes in their trash and then decide to go to another to purchase the flip flops?

Our local Walgreens have trash cans near the store entrances. I would like to see that first store’s surveillance footage too. But the reality is that LE botched this and if she had bloody shoes not only could she have discarded them anywhere along the route she took that morning but they could have just as well been in the car because they never searched it.
There are few reasons to beleive the parts of the narrative that came from Lori, Alex or Tylee.

We don't know who was in bed, who introduced a bat, when exactly gun shots were fired, etc.

Tylee spent some time with Lori getting told what to say, plus she was behind that thin wall listening to her mother talk to the police before her turn.

As was the point of today's testimony, it was impossible that Lori heard a shot, then got Burger King, dropped off JJ, stopped at a closed Walgreens, then an open Walgreens, then returned home all in 12 minutes.

AFAIK, and I haven't gone through minute by minute, all we know is when Charles arrived and when Lori, JJ and Tylee left, and when Alex called 911. Clearly, Charles entered the home for some reason. He also clearly knew "they are up to something," since he texted that to Adam.

JJ would have expected to go into his Dad's car to get breakfast with him. Maybe he scooted right out.

Charles could have left his phone in the car, for all we know. That was what Gibb said she was told. There really doesn't seem to have been much of a fight at all, except in that Charles was a bit bruised on the knees. I think it is possible that Lori got Tylee to slip out the garage with her and into Charles' car, which could have had his keys and phone right there. She could have told Tylee that Alex needs to talk to Charles, and made up a similar story to JJ. Picked up food and put JJ back on schedule, then told Tylee that there was a fight, we have to tell LE that Charles was going to hurt us, too, etc., and banged out the lie that had to be told.

That would allow Lori to participate in the tale-telling, which she had success with in the past with LE, and give Alex a more heroic story, defending more than just himself.

Tylee. :( It beaks my heart to think about the days she survived, let alone the day she did not.

I would be curious to know what shoes were left behind in the house. If, for instance, there were shoes by the most used door that Tylee and Lori abandoned, they could have gone bearfooted outside to not waste time putting on shoes, to sneak out the garage, or to make it seem less like a plot to gab the car and drive off- stepping out without shoes would hint to Charles that they will be right back.

If there seem to be missing shoes, I certainly would want to know a great deal more about that, too. The first strip mall would be a natural place to dump trash. Or the drive through. When my kids were car seat ages, I'd use a drive through just to use the trash can for the accumulation of toddler-trash.

(Edited to acknowledge @indicolite22 belief that Lori had dark colored shoes on camera while out the morning of Charles murder, and it may be she changed them to new flop-flops.)

I want to know: where was Bailey.

And what did JJ say at school, if anything? Was he upset, or was the AM pretty normal for him?

Tylee was obviously very, very upset at her police interview. And she never spoke with any concern for ANYONE getting hurt, not with a bat, not with words, not with a gun. No concern her uncle might go to jail. No concern expressed that her step father was dead. No concern about the financial implications of his death- he was her co-signer and insurer of her precious jeep! She could still anfford the payments, but would they take back the loan now? Would Mom say she has to support the family with her $$$ annd her mom take the jeep? Tylee had incredible self control to never mention her personal safety, her family's personal safety, legal implications of the day, or material implications since Charles was the main bread-winner.

All she talked about was the same narrative her mother talked about. Tylee obviously did not feel like she could discuss the topics that were far more likely the cause of her degree of emotion. Tylee's emotion and superficial, scripted narrative make me very confident the narrative was not true.

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RIP tylee, no disrespect here. not one word of her account, LVs account or Alex's was credible.

tylee had major discrepancies as to where she was when AC shot Charles and when she left to be with JJ who was in the car. and then was confronted with one statement, asked about going back inside.....she says oh yes, kind of surprised she was asked, I did go back inside to get my mom's purse. did she really?

Tylee had to walk right past a bleeding and dying CV. but says she just didnt really look. she also claims she only heard one sound....well, there were two shots.

AC said he was just staying overnite for no reason, was going to do things with the 'family' the next day. denies he was asked to stay there to 'protect' LV....unknown to him, LV says she asked him to stay overnite 'just in case'.

LV had a significant about of time to prep Tylee. but couldnt anticipate all LE questions.
Agree. But we don't know if she was on scene for a shooting.

I hope not. It's traumatic enough just to imagine it.


Additional thought: Few people are gifted enough to take on what was abusively expected of Tylee. She was a very gifted girl. Her intelligence and self-control were amazing.

One more: It is possible that there was one shot while Tylee could hear and another one when she left. But I don't believe JJ would have failed to mention a gunshot sound. I also don't believe Tylee would have not recognized what the sound was. But it is possible she lied about not recognizing it but did hear it. I tend to theorize the shooting happened when after the rental car, Lori, Tylee and JJ were gone. But who knows. Maybe the one shot got Lori a pretext to get Tylee to run out now.

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Hmmm that’s interesting. I tried to see her feet on the short video of her walking into the walgreens but wasn’t sure what I saw - at one point I thought she was barefoot and on another i thought she had on an open toed black sandal type shoe - just a strap (maybe 2”) across the top of the foot. But again, I really couldn’t see it well and it was quick and every time I tried to pause my pause button was right where her foot was. Surely she didn’t wear shoes in and take them off in the store and leave them and go up to the counter barefoot if she didn’t enter the store that way…but then again we are talking about LVD so who knows?
Open toed black sandal - that's the image I was referring to.
here is a link to the testimony and recording played in court: day 4 of the trial Det Duncan

around 1:22:42

Yeah, the 'Chad Dabal' call, heard earlier in the trial. Chad thinking on his feet, really pulled that one off.

Thank you both!

Not only am I behind, I can't remember when I heard what when! ;)
Today's East Idaho News YouTube:

Nate Eaton's livetweets:

First State witness of the day (#53) is KATY DACE. My notes from LVD's trial:

35 - KATHERINE DACE: STATE WITNESS, forensic biologist (summary 1, audio Apr27)
Analysis of blood stains; Tylee’s DNA on shovel & pick ax from CD’s shed (Apr 2021)
X-EXAM: asks about credentials, where hair was found (on tape)
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