DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Snipped by me…

Some very good points here for sure. One question, I’m not sure I understand the reference to the 12 minutes in your post as I thought LVD was gone for about an hour. Can you explain what you meant about the 12 minutes?
12 minutes is the time (IIRC) between the 911 call from Alex (I just shot my BIL) and the time Lori and Tylee drive back in to apologize to the neighbors.

How quickly Lori returned and her saying she went to BK, school and Walgreens, and had a convo with Alex, raised suspicion to KE.

They knew the 911 call was very delayed.

Prior seems to be trying to convince the jury that Tylee peed, sweated, or spit on CD's tools, and that's how her DNA ended up on them.

I think he tried to say that Chad's DNA should have been found on the tools, but wasn't, so there must have been a cover-up. He was then told by the expert witness that shovel handles weren't swabbed for owner's DNA. JP still insisted that Chad's DNA should have been on the tools somewhere. Well, he's not the one who was found buried in his yard. He also likely wore gloves.
IMO it is very likely that Tylee was killed in LVD’s apartment by LVD between 11:45pm and 2:40am. LVD then called AC back to her apartment to help deal with the body. I believe the dismemberment happened at the Daybell property over a period of time with the tools from the tool shed while the body was being burned. Note all times in the following scenario are approximate (hopefully within 5 or 10 min)…

They leave Yellowstone 6:40pm and stop at a BBQ place just long enough to get an order to go and eat in the car on the way home. They get back to LVD’s apt 8:40ish. AC goes to a local convenience store/gas station a few minutes later - trip takes about 10 min - then he goes to his own apt for a minute - then back to LVD’s for an hour - then back to his own apt 11:45ish.

I do wonder what he had to go to the store for and what he went to get in his apt for that one minute when he returned - but think if anything was suspect with his purchase that they would have had video from the store.

They have shown that leaving LVD’s around midnight was fairly typical for AC so I think that up to that point it is highly likely that Tylee was alive when he left LVD’s apt at 11:45pm as was his normal routine.

AC is in his own apt for about 3 hours and then returns to LVD’s apt at 2:40ish AM. He is there for about 2 hours before returning to his own apt 4:40ish AM and remains there until he leaves for CD’s around 9am.

LE has indicated that this is the only time AC’s device is at LVD’s between midnight & 6am while they lived in Rexburg. Some things to think about…if AC had killed Tylee prior to going to his own apt at 11:45pm…would he have left LVD alone with Tylee’s body for 3 hours and then returned at 2:40am? Would he have taken the body with him to his apt? If so, why leave JJ’s body in his apt & return to LVD’s 3 hours later for 2 hours at 2:40am? I don’t think so.

Why would AC go back to LVD’s apt at 2:40am? I don’t recall if there was testimony regarding a phone call from LVD to AC at that time but I think she had to call him to wake him up and ask him to come over - could have been a text but more likely a phone call as most people don’t have a sound set on their texts that would wake them like a phone call does. So why would LVD call AC to come over at that time of the morning? Hey, I know it’s late but could you come over here and kill Tylee for me? Again, I don’t think so. I know we’re talking about LVD here and that means things often don’t make sense, but… It seems much more likely to me that she killed Tylee while AC was at home asleep and called him for help with the body.

It seems AC & LVD have 2 hours at LVD’s to do something with Tylee’s body and potentially AC has another 4 hours to do something with the body IF he took it back to his own apartment at 4:40am. But I do not think any dismembering took place at either apt. Why? Several reasons…traces of blood would likely have still been found in one or both apartments and the vehicle used to transport her which I’m guessing is the jeep…containers would be needed to transport body parts and not just the melted bucket found with her remains…tools would be required and there is no indication that AC or LVD had such tools available at the apt complex. But mostly - Tylee’s necklace at the Daybell property. I think it is highly unlikely that anyone would dismember a body and pick up the necklace to take with them to discard with the remains.

It seems much more likely to me that after LVD killed Tylee, she called AC who came over and they spent that 2 hours putting Tylee’s body in the jeep and cleaning up the mess. (I’m picturing a struggle between LVD & Tylee creating havoc in the apt not blood from a dismembering.) Then AC went home to get some sleep and took the body to CV’s after Tammy left for work and perhaps after neighbors left for work. (Forgive me for the graphic part of this next step.) Once there, he & CD go to the shed to get tools - shovels, pick axe, etc - and they begin to bury Tylee but for whatever reason decide to burn her first instead or perhaps that was the plan from the beginning. As the body burns, they poke and jab with the shovels and pick axe (getting Tylee’s DNA on those tools as they do) and the dismemberment process begins and the necklace is tossed just outside of the burn pile - likely caught by a down swing of the pick axe and tossed by the up swing. During the course of the 2 1/2 hours AC is with CD they realize they cannot completely burn the body in one attempt and they hurriedly bury the remains under the burning brush on the burn pile. AC leaves & within 15 minutes of him leaving, CD texts TD about burying the racoon and burning limbs.

Neighbors see more bonfires on the Daybell property - different neighbors may have been talking about different fires on different dates - one seemed to indicate it was multiple fires in the fall and the other said in the spring. I think all subsequent fires were to destroy more of Tylee’s body and again more of the body was dismembered while poking around with shovels and pick axe during these subsequent fires.

I also think it is POSSIBLE - just possible - that CD was at LVD’s when Tylee was killed after AC left her apt at 11:45pm. I don’t know what CD might have told TD about being gone so late that evening if he was there - perhaps another meeting or something. But the reason I think it is POSSIBLE is that in LVD’s notice of alibi filed prior to her trial, her attorneys said during the times that JJ & Tylee were killed in AC’s apt she was at home “with MG & DW &/or CD.” We know that MG & DW were in Rexburg when JJ was killed so that would appear to be the reference to them. That would leave CD being present at the time of Tylee’s death. Was he there? I don’t know but it seemed an odd reference to me to include in that notice of alibi.

All of this is MOO and much of it is pure speculation.
IMO all the murders were two person jobs in which Chad or Lori assisted Alex, who was the principal killer. They probably planned to smother Tylee in the middle of the night in her sleep (and did something similar to Tammy later). The attempted shootings were Alex going solo on Chad and Lori's orders.
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"Yeah Tylee was apparently dismembered and burned beyond recognition before being buried in Chad's backyard, but the reason the DNA is on Chad's tools is because of literally anything but that. Also Chad doesn't know how to use a shovel."

JP's theory: Since Chad's DNA wasn't found on the shovels, they were planted.
I think he tried to say that Chad's DNA should have been found on the tools, but wasn't, so there must have been a cover-up. He was then told by the expert witness that shovel handles weren't swabbed for owner's DNA. JP still insisted that Chad's DNA should have been on the tools somewhere. Well, he's not the one who was found buried in his yard. He also likely wore gloves.
Plus, it is hardly proven that Chad's DNA is not on the tools. The analyst said she expected there would be for non criminal reasons.

Didn't the need to do that consumptive testing become the reason Prior was able to cleave the joined trial? And then Prior apparently changed his mind about doing that consumptive testing along with the prosecution.

SBM. IMO JP would like us to believe that part of Tylee's remains were planted in Chad's back yard to frame him. The woods theory doesn't seem likely to me, not only because Alex's movements were tracked that night and day. He didn't travel anywhere far enough. Chad's phone was also in the area of his home in the morning when he texted or called Lori periodically.
Where was Tylee killed then? Dismembering her would take time. Blood would be everywhere in Chads shed right? I’m just asking because I cannot put the dismembering with an axe or other tools close to his home without neighbors knowing. But then, of course, Emma was his closest neighbor across the street. It just seems like Chad was very bold. And burning the body is his yard was very gross. Very. Did they kill her the night before? Why didn’t LE find more blood out there?
Next State witness (#54) is COLLIN NESBITT. My notes from LVD's trial:

58 - COLLIN NESBITT: STATE WITNESS, Kauai PD (summary 1, 2, audio May4)
Serving legal documents to LVD in HI - w bodycam (Jan 2020)
X-EXAM: asks about collecting trace evidence
12 minutes is the time (IIRC) between the 911 call from Alex (I just shot my BIL) and the time Lori and Tylee drive back in to apologize to the neighbors.

How quickly Lori returned and her saying she went to BK, school and Walgreens, and had a convo with Alex, raised suspicion to KE.

They knew the 911 call was very delayed.

So they did a poor job waiting till she was convicted in Idaho to try her in Arizona.
Where was Tylee killed then? Dismembering her would take time. Blood would be everywhere in Chads shed right? I’m just asking because I cannot put the dismembering with an axe or other tools close to his home without neighbors knowing. But then, of course, Emma was his closest neighbor across the street. It just seems like Chad was very bold. And burning the body is his yard was very gross. Very. Did they kill her the night before? Why didn’t LE find more blood out there?
All JMO: The murderers made sure that there would be little blood evidence left behind and no murder scene that needed extensive cleaning. Tylee was dismembered on the bonfire when Chad and Alex realized that they couldn't cremate her body in a hurry. They likely used a pick axe. At that time Chad's family members were at work as were probably most of the neighbors.
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