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Is it common in the LDS faith for the spouse’s name to be added to a headstone?
I can't answer re: LDS but I wondered if they were referring to the practice of having a large headstone with the family surname, and places for each spouse's info to be engraved underneath at the appropriate time. That's not uncommon - at least in the south - for long-married couples. Maybe he was basically saying not to save a place for him beside her. JMO.
Is it common in the LDS faith for the spouse’s name to be added to a headstone?

Yes. It is huge. Usually spouse puts their name on the headstone too, with date of birth, and a dash. Also, often puts "Mom and Dad" or beloved wife of Chad, married 12/5/24.

Although, sometimes people don't do things "perfectly" when in shock and grief. But, in those cases, they hand the details to family, who would automatically add the spouse's name on the headstone.

In this case, the response from CD, appeared to be more like, business as usual. Planned and detached.
I swear I heard that. I was listening to the stream while driving an hour to an event and occasionally my service went out but I swear Samantha said they didn't show up.

Samantha Gwillam (Gwilliam?) is Tammy's bio sister. Jason is her husband.

Samantha said she invited Chud and the Daybell kids over for dinner before going to the viewing and NONE of them showed up !!!
Per Testimony- 11:50 a.m. Samantha hosted a dinner for Chad and his kids before their mom’s viewing. They never showed up.
Chad told Samantha he had more information about Tammy’s passing so she could have comfort about her death. They were supposed to talk after the funeral, but Chad made himself unavailable.

Then-- Chud was 45 minutes late for the funeral luncheon the next day--
Per Jason's Testimony-9:46 a.m. During the funeral, Jason was watching one of Chad’s grandchildren in the back. Jason didn’t get to observe as much as he would have liked.
After the funeral, the family went to the cemetery and they were there for a while. Then the luncheon was held at the church. Everyone arrived and waited 25-30 minutes for Chad to arrive. Chad called and said to have the lunch start without him. Chad didn’t arrive for another 15 minutes. Chad was around 45 minutes late for the luncheon.

What a horrible, evil person he is.
Absolutely NO respect for his deceased wife and family members.
He didnt even try to pretend.
Follow up: Wow, ES thinks that Chad was a good person who wanted to help people, but had some childhood trauma to overcome, and then Lori appeared with murderous/darker side to it all. It looks like ES has not been deprogrammed yet.
Another update upon finishing the interview: At the time they were close, Eric Smith did not suspect Julie Rowe and Chad had an inappropriate relationship, but now finds it possible. According to him JR was the driving force in their relationship, just like later Lori might have been. ES is aware that Chad sought connection with other women before Lori and JR. He excuses it as possible childhood trauma of not being accepted by women. JR allegedly indicated to ES that Chad and Tammy had marital problems, meaning that Chad's needs weren't met (as if it's always the woman's fault). When ES was asked in the end if he got over his connection with Chad, he started crying and explained that he often asks himself "What have I done?" referring to his influence on Chad and JR's beliefs. ES sees mainstream LDS beliefs as a box and himself, Chad, JR and many others trying to find information that was outside the box.
I can't answer re: LDS but I wondered if they were referring to the practice of having a large headstone with the family surname, and places for each spouse's info to be engraved underneath at the appropriate time. That's not uncommon - at least in the south - for long-married couples. Maybe he was basically saying not to save a place for him beside her. JMO.
it costs money to etch names on a headstone....he had no interest in Tammy's resting place being associated with him....he wanted to use that insurance blood money to sustain their lifestyle until they, the self anointed chosen ones, along with the 144,000, lead and take over the world...real soon....

CD's lawyer got his house in payment for defending him. one my fav's of JP's cross is the realtor, jurors were asked to disregard, but you cant unring the bell:

Prior: “Okay, so the acreage that you’re talking about do you have any recollection of how much acreage we’re talking around that surrounds Chad’s house?”
Arnold: “You own it. How many acres is it?”:p
Prior: “Well … I don’t know.”
[Snipped by me for focus]

JR allegedly indicated to ES that Chad and Tammy had marital problems, meaning that Chad's needs weren't met
My first thought? "That old line? - spare me! :rolleyes: "

I'm also intrigued by "heavy lungs" - is it some kind of locally well known idiom for a genuine condition, or the made up Mediaeval Chad nonsense it sounds like?
My first thought? "That old line? - spare me! :rolleyes: "

I'm also intrigued by "heavy lungs" - is it some kind of locally well known idiom for a genuine condition, or the made up Mediaeval Chad nonsense it sounds like?
Yes, the misogyny is strong with that one.

I think the term "heavy lungs" was used by the medical examiner.
What are “heavy lungs?” I have *never* heard this term before now.
The medical examiner was examining the organs various ways including weighing them. So, they put her heart on a scale and determined if it was normal weight. He said all tje organs were normal except that the lungs were "a little heavy" which he said was because there was extra fluid in them.

Most of us felt awful, noting that the fluid was part of being suffocated.

Prior heard a fat joke.

Could her lungs have been heavier due to pulmonary edema?

Possibly. And, I see Ruminations' post about the ME statement.

But, in reading about the process of embalming, I believe fluids and gasses are removed from the chest and abdominal organs and assuming that part of the process was done... I don't think pulmonary edema would be the likely cause of any "heaviness" during the autopsy. The fluid could be the result of embalming fluid or ??

jmo... and I could be wrong.
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She also peacefully passed away in her sleep with a slight smile on her face on the AVOW write-up.

Samantha was so angry in the stand. I get it.


Who wouldn't be delighted to see all the fun, constant, Chad-centred busy work just waiting for them on the other side of the veil?

Just like all the guff we heard about how happy Tammy was to see that her feckless, adulterous, thieving, gravedigging, family-memory-deleting, headstone-marriage-denying, murderous husband was married and thriving with his feckless, adulterous, murderous new spouse.

Strong, powerful testimony from Tammy's family.

Once again, M Foreperson -- I vote guilty, on all counts. And then some.
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Possibly. And, I see Ruminations' post about the ME statement.

But, in reading about the process of embalming, I believe fluids and gasses are removed from the chest and abdominal organs and assuming that part of the process was done... I don't think pulmonary edema would be the likely cause of any "heaviness" during the autopsy. The fluid could be the result of embalming fluid or ??

jmo... and I could be wrong.
I've witnessed the embalming process many times (I'm a funeral director in the UK) and, while it's the case that fluids and gasses are removed from the abdomen and abdominal organs (stomach, intestines), the lungs aren't part of that process.

I doubt (MOO of course) that embalming itself would account for any additional fluid in the lungs/heaviness. After reading Ruminations' post though, I did a bit of reading and found that "heavy lung edema" is associated with suffocation. The forensic pathology paper here is heavy going, but the heavy lung observation is about halfway through.
it costs money to etch names on a headstone....he had no interest in Tammy's resting place being associated with him....he wanted to use that insurance blood money to sustain their lifestyle until they, the self anointed chosen ones, along with the 144,000, lead and take over the world...real soon....

CD's lawyer got his house in payment for defending him. one my fav's of JP's cross is the realtor, jurors were asked to disregard, but you cant unring the bell:

Prior: “Okay, so the acreage that you’re talking about do you have any recollection of how much acreage we’re talking around that surrounds Chad’s house?”
Arnold: “You own it. How many acres is it?”:p
Prior: “Well … I don’t know.”
Thank you for clarifying that. I didn’t understand it when it was said (I mean I understood what it meant, but couldn’t figure out why the atty would own the house).
I have been listening to this on my phone while I’m doing a bunch of painting in my house. I find Prior so obnoxious that he’s entertaining. I find myself laughing a lot. With his condescending tone and often belittling questions. I don’t think I’ve followed a case with so many objections, side bars, and breaks.
Did Heather’s husband support her beliefs and concerns?
Her husband, Matt, did not testify and isn’t on anyone’s witness list. He did make a public statement in January 2020 shortly after learning there were missing children involved - it was a plea for CD to cooperate with LE to help find Tylee & JJ. He made another public statement shortly after their bodies were found in June 2020 & expressed his family’s devastation of the news & Chad’s apparent involvement as well as acknowledged that he & Heather had several contacts with Larry & Kay and no contact with CD & due to the strained relationship with CD’s children, he did not know where they stand. And he sat with Larry & Kay in court while Heather testified. Whether he shared her concerns before TD died or not, I do not know, but would say it is obvious where he stands now.
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