DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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One of Prior's experts (medical examiner I think) he plans to call is someone that has worked with a prosecution expert in the past, and has already stated in open court that she and Prior's expert have more or less the same findings.

So how does that work out? MOO.
I think it’s about making money to appear in court and who can sell it the best.
I think they weathered it better than I did.
I just couldn’t imagine how four attorneys and four paralegals didn’t catch this. I hope it never has to be brought up in front of the jury. I trust Judge Boyce will do what is correct and we will see what happens.
We can all agree Chad needs to be locked away from humanity.
I suppose for them, when compared to the ten or so months the children were missing and then the finding of them the way that they were, the circumstances of their deaths... a few short hours where one charge out of six might be in doubt pales in comparison.

They've already endured the worst time of their lives, and come out the other side of it.

You know your life is dull when you wonder what to do all day, when there is no trial to watch.
I wondered for a bit, and then I realised there's a new season of Bridgerton.

But I may rewatch Sins of Our Mother over the weekend, too, to refresh my memory on the finer points of the timeline ahead of the defense's case. Never hurts to brush up on the facts.

It’s frightening there are others like him walking around.
I always think about the children currently being abused, the ones we will hear about on the news in the coming months or years. The ones who are still alive & suffering today, but won't be for much longer. I wish I could find them, go to their house and pull them out before the abusers can have their final way with them... Every time I hear a new news story, I want to go back in time and get that kid out of that situation before it's too late. There are so many children suffering right now & no one finds out about them until it's too late. That kills me.
If I could time travel, that's what I would do with my time.
I wondered for a bit, and then I realised there's a new season of Bridgerton.

But I may rewatch Sins of Our Mother over the weekend, too, to refresh my memory on the finer points of the timeline ahead of the defense's case. Never hurts to brush up on the facts.

Only half a new season of Bridgerton though :eek: (in the UK anyway). I want to watch the whole lot in one glorious Bridgerton Binge, so I may have to watch Sins of Our Mother on repeat.
I suppose for them, when compared to the ten or so months the children were missing and then the finding of them the way that they were, the circumstances of their deaths... a few short hours where one charge out of six might be in doubt pales in comparison.

They've already endured the worst time of their lives, and come out the other side of it.

I honor the jurors and attorneys. I couldn’t do it.
I always think about the children currently being abused, the ones we will hear about on the news in the coming months or years. The ones who are still alive & suffering today, but won't be for much longer. I wish I could find them, go to their house and pull them out before the abusers can have their final way with them... Every time I hear a new news story, I want to go back in time and get that kid out of that situation before it's too late. There are so many children suffering right now & no one finds out about them until it's too late. That kills me.
If I could time travel, that's what I would do with my time.
Oh what a good heart you have. Thank you.
The only way I could do that is kill the abusers while you were rescuing the children. They are the worse of the worst.
I've had people tell me that I would make a good lawyer, like when I was a teen and mulling over what I should go to school for. I didn't think I had the brain to memorize all the case law and just well, everything, but also I thought that it would be a lose-lose situation.

Couldn't handle being a defense attorney, didn't think I'd cut it as a prosecutor, no family law, etc.
I honor the jurors and attorneys. I couldn’t do it.
The one and only time I got called up for jury service I was about a month over eighteen. I was still in high school. I had to leave class early, walk into town, and turned up in my uniform and with my school bag at the court house. I was expecting something trivial. It was a case of child rape. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack right then and there. We were split into two groups, and half of us were taken to a room to wait. After an hour or two we were released - they'd found a jury from the first group. I've never felt so much like I escaped as when I walked out into the sunlight.

I always think of that experience when I consider the weight on a jury. It's terrible, but essential. There's a lot of valorisation of certain professions. I think jury service deserves an equal level of praise, for all cases, but most especially, those cases of extreme cruelty, abuse, and violence. Those images, words and testimonies never leave those who witness them.

I was just thinking how nice it will be to go on with my life without thinking of the horrors Chad has caused. It’s frightening there are others like him walking around.


And, I'll add... there are many eager-to-please/tell-me-I'm-specially-chosen followers born every day ready to be groomed, polished and complete the visionary projects.

Air bubbles can cause a pulmonary embolism yes? So when Alex went to shop in Mexico before his death according to Zeluma could he have purchased a needle a deliberately shot air into his vein??????????
Alex absolutely did not die from air shot into his veins. He had blood clots in both of his lungs. That's a whole different kind of pulmonary embolism.

The agent said he didn’t know who “Amy” was. I don’t remember that name.
I'm catching up but feels like someone else they killed..... is there another?

Does Melani have custody?!?! She was trying to kill not only Brandon, but her children!!!! I would do major harm to anyone trying to hurt my child. And all these people are fine killing them.

I think they #1 mistake they made (of course other than murder!!) Was burying them on Chad's property. They coooould have made some excuse that the person they gave them to for safe keeping killed the kids except he buried them on his property. Luckily, they are all level 10 morons. So, no big mystery to solve.
Pondering the police car interaction between Chad and Emma. It opens with the following exchange (transcribed by me):

The BBM statement implies that Chad was trying to flee (which we already know to be true based on his driving). But I find it interesting he would say that to Emma. I'm assuming by "taken you downtown" she means going to the police station, as that is a very old euphemism for getting arrested. But the way he says it almost sounds like she knew he would try to flee. Chad also apparently doesn't understand that jumping counties doesn't impede LEO like it used to, or in the movies. Not sure where I am going with this, I just find it odd. MOO.
I think he may have thought he'd be incarcerated where he was arrested, and he wanted to be with his goddess lover, who was jailed in the next county- Chad lived very near the county line.

(So close that over his shoulder were the children, while he was almost at the county line.)

Apparently, Prior knew also-- look at the last sentence

2:57 p.m. Prior cites a rule that says the court can allow an amendment before the state rests – but not after. Prior says the state doesn’t have any right to ask for a various or amendment at this point in the trial. “They have to make any amendment and correction prior to resting their case,” Prior says. He says four lawyers have had over a year to analyze this and after they rest their case, the court corrected it. Prior says he wasn’t going to tip the court off that there was a problem.
All I hear when he said that was Urkle saying "I meeeant to do that". He didn't know. He wants to act like he knew.
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