DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Melani was pregnant at the time. IMO Ian didn't want to abandon his child and perhaps she convinced him she wasn't a believer any more. She was still accusatory towards Brandon (despite being involved in his murder attempt) and the police. Until this trial, she never really turned on Lori.
How do you feel she turned on Lori?
How do you feel she turned on Lori?
She got out of testifying at her trial, but not at Chad's. When asked where she got the doctrine information from, she included both Chad and Lori in her answer, confirming the conspiracy. She did not try to excuse Lori in her statements. Lori would not have liked her testimony.
Nate Eaton's interview with juror #4 (from Lori's trial) mentioned earlier in the thread is (IMO) the best so far. I was surprised how little the juror knew ahead of the case and even thought at first that Lori was part of the defense team. The best witness to the juror was Zulema (with her doctrine explanation from her diary) and the questionable one Audrey (with the last minute claim about Lori's threats). The jurors were left with some questions, for example they didn't know about Alex's COD. On the ride home after the verdict one of the alternates filled them in. It's also fascinating how a number of jurors were bonded by the traumatic experience and now remain friends. After the trial this juror started getting flashbacks. They were offered six paid therapy sessions.
Chad's home is in Fremont county and Rexburg in Madison county. IIRC, he was traveling south. Emma mentioned JP in that recording, so they likely contacted him when they were at her house. JP is also from Meridian, so I don't know where Chad was supposed to meet him.
Thank you - I keep forgetting that CD didn’t live in Madison County. I suppose I could see a possibility that one might go a bit south before heading west to Meridian but no way could I see going north first. Thank you.
I don't recall if I'd read that before but think I did because I remember thinking that Ian had to be crazy to not ditch Melani when she dumped all of this stuff on him. I just don't get it. I mean he was actually afraid for the safety of his own children and and ex wife but still chose to rescue Melani. It's another unbelievable part of this story.
Perpetually in every group you will find roles like "victim," and "rescuer." The roles shift and can range in subtly, but you will usually find these two, with people filling them possibly manipulating the environment to create the role they are drawn to at the moment.

I imagine Ian was/is drawn to being a rescuer. Add in a strong personal value for keeping a commitment to a marriage, and it makes some sense to me.

In my experience, over-valuing the institution of marriage causes more harm than good. Especially a marriage with a relationship history measured in days, and my own children's safety on the line.

But I imagine if I were more committed to marriage, and considered that I had a trustworthy co-parent for my biological child but my 4 new children would be in greater danger if I left the marriage...And I were predisposed to being a rescuer, I could see myself doing what Ian did. He seemed very fixated see on being the one who makes it all work out.

It wasn't just Melani. He also rescued the kids and LE by wearing a honeymoon wire.

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HTC made transcripts of the texts introduced by the last witness and also phone calls that were presented at Chad's trial for the first time (the ones recorded by Ian and the jail call from the day before the children were found):

Melani's knowledge is quite obvious from the text exchanges between Lori and Chad that took place in late July and early August 2019. Three of Melani's children are mentioned in connection with dark spirits. Lori to Chad: "We (her and Melani) are both so tired of taking care of the demons. We are weary. Please, ask the Lord to take them." Two weeks earlier, Lori to Chad about one of Melani's kids: "Mel knew. She called me. She felt the real Brighton last night and knew she was different. She was told, I didn't want to tell her. She was taking it well and knows that it's all part of a big plan. She is amazing."

So Melani knew that the children were supposed to die. We can see why she probably never wondered about Tylee and JJ's whereabouts while living next door to Lori months later. What were her plans for her own children when she and Alex came to pick them up from her in-laws' house in mid-November?

Why did Chad want to murder Melani's children? They weren't in the way to him and Melani could have left them with Brandon. The answer is likely Brandon's life insurance.
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I don’t think JP would risk putting the Daybells up to testify unless it’s merely to say dad and mom loved each other and he’s a good dad. Blah blah blah.
And I can just imagine Lindsey Blake very politely and firmly asking, in the way she does, “So is having an affair with another woman make him a good husband?”
“Does running around the country pretending to be a prophet while your mother is the bread winner and she is taking care of your needs make him a good dad?”
“Were JJ and Tylee found dead in Chad’s back yard?”
I am expecting them to talk about Tammy supposedly being sick at the time of her death even though we all know from testimony that she wasn’t, she was healthy and not over or underweight but I can also see them saying he was a good husband and father.
I am expecting them to talk about Tammy supposedly being sick at the time of her death even though we all know from testimony that she wasn’t, she was healthy and not over or underweight but I can also see them saying he was a good husband and father.
When Chad applied for Medicaid, he said he anticipated his book company to take a loss.

So that good husband and father (if we indulge the defenses for the murders- someone else did it and it was a natural death) did the following:

Cheated on their mother.

Was not upset by her death, immediately married a new lover

Was unconcerned that a congenital problem that could impact her siblings and her children, especially, go unidentified by refusing an autopsy

Made his son (an adult, but still) call 911 upon finding his mother dead

Immediately cashed her life insurance and had no intention of working

Paid so little attention to the yard bodies were buried and burned there without his noticing, while his wife with a full time job, community service and fitness activities tended to the chickens and hurt her wrist doing so

The man didn't do paid work, didn't do house work, didn't participate in marriage. I never heard an anecdote where he does things for his children except in giving them money and a trip after Tammy was gone, and the trip was terribly timed. It was a "no body is allowed to show a hint of mourning," trip. I don't see any evidence of a good man, a good father, or a good husband, even ignoring the murders.

When Chad applied for Medicaid, he said he anticipated his book company to take a loss.

So that good husband and father (if we indulge the defenses for the murders- someone else did it and it was a natural death) did the following:

Cheated on their mother.

Was not upset by her death, immediately married a new lover

Was unconcerned that a congenital problem that could impact her siblings and her children, especially, go unidentified by refusing an autopsy

Made his son (an adult, but still) call 911 upon finding his mother dead

Immediately cashed her life insurance and had no intention of working

Paid so little attention to the yard bodies were buried and burned there without his noticing, while his wife with a full time job, community service and fitness activities tended to the chickens and hurt her wrist doing so

The man didn't do paid work, didn't do house work, didn't participate in marriage. I never heard an anecdote where he does things for his children except in giving them money and a trip after Tammy was gone, and the trip was terribly timed. It was a "no body is allowed to show a hint of mourning," trip. I don't see any evidence of a good man, a good father, or a good husband, even ignoring the murders.

Several witnesses that testified about Chad not looking mournful can only be countered by Emma, who posted online after Tammy's death how her new stepmother helped them grieve, how both she and her father were talking about their "former" spouses often, and how much her father missed her mother. Chad couldn't pretend around other people, so I find it hard to believe that he and Lori would both made an effort to fool his children consistently. He moved out of the family home to shack up with Lori almost immediately.
When Chad applied for Medicaid, he said he anticipated his book company to take a loss.

So that good husband and father (if we indulge the defenses for the murders- someone else did it and it was a natural death) did the following:

Cheated on their mother.

Was not upset by her death, immediately married a new lover

Was unconcerned that a congenital problem that could impact her siblings and her children, especially, go unidentified by refusing an autopsy

Made his son (an adult, but still) call 911 upon finding his mother dead

Immediately cashed her life insurance and had no intention of working

Paid so little attention to the yard bodies were buried and burned there without his noticing, while his wife with a full time job, community service and fitness activities tended to the chickens and hurt her wrist doing so

The man didn't do paid work, didn't do house work, didn't participate in marriage. I never heard an anecdote where he does things for his children except in giving them money and a trip after Tammy was gone, and the trip was terribly timed. It was a "no body is allowed to show a hint of mourning," trip. I don't see any evidence of a good man, a good father, or a good husband, even ignoring the murders.

What if the kids were just like Alex?… Had been completely indoctrinated. What if they believed Tammy’s body had been taken over by a demon and that she was no longer their mom?… Chad wasn’t cheating on Tammy because that wasn’t their mom anymore. What if they genuinely believed their father and Lori had been sealed in a previous life and were to lead the 144,000? What if some of them knew that “demons” had been buried in their yard? They would certainly keep quiet, distance themselves from all the people with questions, and support the quick marriage of their father and Lori (the leaders of the 144,000, so much work to do!). They can all keep a secret, right? It’s dreadful to think but could explain a lot.

HTC made transcripts of the texts introduced by the last witness and also phone calls that were presented at Chad's trial for the first time (the ones recorded by Ian and the jail call from the day before the children were found):

Melani's knowledge is quite obvious from the text exchanges between Lori and Chad that took place in late July and early August 2019. Three of Melani's children are mentioned in connection with dark spirits. Lori to Chad: "We (her and Melani) are both so tired of taking care of the demons. We are weary. Please, ask the Lord to take them." Two weeks earlier, Lori to Chad about one of Melani's kids: "Mel knew. She called me. She felt the real Brighton last night and knew she was different. She was told, I didn't want to tell her. She was taking it well and knows that it's all part of a big plan. She is amazing."

So Melani knew that the children were supposed to die. We can see why she probably never wondered about Tylee and JJ's whereabouts while living next door to Lori months later. What were her plans for her own children when she and Alex came to pick them up from her in-laws' house in mid-November?

Why did Chad want to murder Melani's children? They weren't in the way to him and Melani could have left them with Brandon. The answer is likely Brandon's life insurance.
She would have let Alex kill her kids. And, and, Ian stays married to her.
I think it's an example of sunk cost fallacy + feeling obligated to stay because they had a baby.

Not excusing the behavior but I don't think he's Chad levels of evil or anything. MOO.
Yeah, I don't see him as evil, either. Playing with fire, though. Rescuers have their own set of psychological problems.
Several witnesses that testified about Chad not looking mournful can only be countered by Emma, who posted online after Tammy's death how her new stepmother helped them grieve, how both she and her father were talking about their "former" spouses often, and how much her father missed her mother. Chad couldn't pretend around other people, so I find it hard to believe that he and Lori would both made an effort to fool his children consistently. He moved out of the family home to shack up with Lori almost immediately.
Yeah- I thought Mrs Gilbert said Emma was broken hearted because Dad was AWOL.

I am expecting them to talk about Tammy supposedly being sick at the time of her death even though we all know from testimony that she wasn’t, she was healthy and not over or underweight but I can also see them saying he was a good husband and father.
WELCOME to WS @Carolinabluemoon

And welcome to the crazy world of Chud & Lolo aka James and Elena :rolleyes:

We follow along in here daily to discuss the trial as it is going on and our wonderful @Cindizzi posts the updates from Nate Eaton and our wonderful @Niner will post updated and past trial info and news.

We also have our great historian @wnk who pulls info from LVD's trial regarding past witnesses, etc to keep us informed.

Along with all the other great posters and their ability to recollect memories as this real life horror unfolded over the years.

Be ready for some 3 martini lunches, especially next week as we watch JP bring out his defense witnesses.
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