DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Alex probably had a genetic blood clotting disorder such as Factor V.
Yep. I have that, too, and nearly died from pulmonary embolisms in both lungs in 2015. I was increasingly out of breath after minor exertion for about a month before being hospitalized in the nick of time. I’m assuming that would be the normal progression, not from perfectly healthy one minute and dying the next. We don’t know about any symptoms like mine in Alex’s case, do we?
Perpetually in every group you will find roles like "victim," and "rescuer." The roles shift and can range in subtly, but you will usually find these two, with people filling them possibly manipulating the environment to create the role they are drawn to at the moment.

I imagine Ian was/is drawn to being a rescuer. Add in a strong personal value for keeping a commitment to a marriage, and it makes some sense to me.

In my experience, over-valuing the institution of marriage causes more harm than good. Especially a marriage with a relationship history measured in days, and my own children's safety on the line.

But I imagine if I were more committed to marriage, and considered that I had a trustworthy co-parent for my biological child but my 4 new children would be in greater danger if I left the marriage...And I were predisposed to being a rescuer, I could see myself doing what Ian did. He seemed very fixated see on being the one who makes it all work out.

It wasn't just Melani. He also rescued the kids and LE by wearing a honeymoon wire.

Religion plays a role: sacred vows, “‘til death do us part,” “for time and all eternity,” etc. can cause people to stay in a marriage — even a brief, troubled one — beyond reason.
Lori's first attorney decided to chime in again, complaining about court's bias:

He also finds fault in Nate Eaton's Hawaii moment with Lori and Chad:

Give it up Mark-- you were booted from the case so that LVD could have a qualified and experienced attorney --
and also an attorney who did not lawyer up with both
defendents = conflict of interest !!
Let it go, man !!!
What if the kids were just like Alex?… Had been completely indoctrinated. What if they believed Tammy’s body had been taken over by a demon and that she was no longer their mom?… Chad wasn’t cheating on Tammy because that wasn’t their mom anymore. What if they genuinely believed their father and Lori had been sealed in a previous life and were to lead the 144,000? What if some of them knew that “demons” had been buried in their yard? They would certainly keep quiet, distance themselves from all the people with questions, and support the quick marriage of their father and Lori (the leaders of the 144,000, so much work to do!). They can all keep a secret, right? It’s dreadful to think but could explain a lot.


ITA! It is sad but totally possible on each and every point. ETA: I think they were raised to believe Daddy Chaddy was "special"

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Yep. I have that, too, and nearly died from pulmonary embolisms in both lungs in 2015. I was increasingly out of breath after minor exertion for about a month before being hospitalized in the nick of time. I’m assuming that would be the normal progression, not from perfectly healthy one minute and dying the next. We don’t know about any symptoms like mine in Alex’s case, do we?
I believe it was stated that Alex was also increasingly breathless leading up to his collapse. He was also possibly under great stress, which wouldn't have helped. His comment to Zulema about thinking he was going to be their fall guy suggests he was working out he'd been used, and was potentially in big, big trouble.

Due process violations? Biased court? I see none of the first and a slight bias to the defense. But I get the bias; better to protect the rights of the accused when in doubt.

I also think Boyce would have dropped JJ’s charge if it had not been so obviously a clerical error AND in part of the indictment that was not allowed to be amended.

He is not playing with these 2 trials. There is no question he is working hard to make sure the trials are fair.
Hidden True Crime is going live with discussion about recent jail call recordings

There is some promise of interesting takes on the coded conversation between incarcerated Lori and soon to incarcerated Chad, about their deceased "contractor" Alex, and possibly about the building project on Chad's property.

What if the kids were just like Alex?… Had been completely indoctrinated. What if they believed Tammy’s body had been taken over by a demon and that she was no longer their mom?… Chad wasn’t cheating on Tammy because that wasn’t their mom anymore. What if they genuinely believed their father and Lori had been sealed in a previous life and were to lead the 144,000? What if some of them knew that “demons” had been buried in their yard? They would certainly keep quiet, distance themselves from all the people with questions, and support the quick marriage of their father and Lori (the leaders of the 144,000, so much work to do!). They can all keep a secret, right? It’s dreadful to think but could explain a lot.

If that's the case, and that's how they testify, Game Over!

Chad will be found guilty.

The jury might feel sorry for the kids, but the kids will have convinced them of their father's guilt.

Give it up Mark-- you were booted from the case so that LVD could have a qualified and experienced attorney --
and also an attorney who did not lawyer up with both
defendents = conflict of interest !!
Let it go, man !!!
He also blamed Lori's new attorneys for absence of proper defense in her case, insinuating a conspiracy.
I didn't listen to Lori's trial. Can't remember why because I was diligent in following everything before. Maybe my attention was on something else (wars, politics, etc) at the time because it took so long to go to trial. I just caught occasional TV updates. Now, getting back into all this, I decided to start checking it and I just went and listened to Audrey's testimony. OMG!!!!!!! Wow. My head is spinning. Do you guys think what she said was true about that insane and scary threat she said Lori made? Holy s.... That sounded like something out of the Exorcist. Like a, uh, demon or a ZOMBIE. The laughing at Audrey was especially chilling. Man, oh, man. Audrey's also pretty weird (no surprise in this saga) though as gullible as she is, she had the sense to know something wasn't right and got the hell out of there. I really, really liked Archibald. I laughed when he was questioning her about Chad's grandiose incarnations and how he never said anything like he had a life where he was he was a loser in the 1700s. Now, I'm gonna have to listen to the whole thing. What a bummer that video tape wasn't allowed. I would have loved to see Lori's face when Audrey gave that testimony.
Do you think he has the hots for Lori or got sucked into some idea that she's a victim?
IMO he thinks that the prosecution, the court and the defense were all in cahoots at Lori's expense (influenced by the church), so in that sense he sees her as a victim of the corrupt system. He's especially critical of RW. I don't remember MM blaming Chad and I doubt he fancies Lori. It was suggested before that he has a white knight syndrome. His past clients were satisfied with his zealous representation. Even without the conflict of interest, and working for free, IMO he could not compensate for his lack of experience in criminal cases.
I didn't listen to Lori's trial. Can't remember why because I was diligent in following everything before. Maybe my attention was on something else (wars, politics, etc) at the time because it took so long to go to trial. I just caught occasional TV updates. Now, getting back into all this, I decided to start checking it and I just went and listened to Audrey's testimony. OMG!!!!!!! Wow. My head is spinning. Do you guys think what she said was true about that insane and scary threat she said Lori made? Holy s.... That sounded like something out of the Exorcist. Like a, uh, demon or a ZOMBIE. The laughing at Audrey was especially chilling. Man, oh, man. Audrey's also pretty weird (no surprise in this saga) though as gullible as she is, she had the sense to know something wasn't right and got the hell out of there. I really, really liked Archibald. I laughed when he was questioning her about Chad's grandiose incarnations and how he never said anything like he had a life where he was he was a loser in the 1700s. Now, I'm gonna have to listen to the whole thing. What a bummer that video tape wasn't allowed. I would have loved to see Lori's face when Audrey gave that testimony.
Chad told Audrey that she was Jesus' wife in a previous probation, so yes, she was naive. When she visited Lori in Rexburg in November (when Lori allegedly threatened her), she must have noticed the absence of Lori's children. There's a chance she knew why they were gone. She never testified about asking her.

You can check old tweets for description of Lori's reaction. When her old friends were on the stand, Lori was lunged forward in her seat, giving them an evil stare.
IMO he thinks that the prosecution, the court and the defense were all in cahoots at Lori's expense (influenced by the church), so in that sense he sees her as a victim of the corrupt system. He's especially critical of RW. I don't remember MM blaming Chad and I doubt he fancies Lori. It was suggested before that he has a white knight syndrome. His past clients were satisfied with his zealous representation. Even without the conflict of interest, and working for free, IMO he could not compensate for his lack of experience in criminal cases.
Who is RW? I would agree with him about a Mormon conspiracy to protect the reputation of that cult. It's not like this is first spin off cult of that church, either. Nevertheless, Lori is guilty as hell and responsible for her own actions, delusional or not. When you say white knight syndrome I think of Ian. Perhaps they're similar personalities.
Who is RW? I would agree with him about a Mormon conspiracy to protect the reputation of that cult. It's not like this is first spin off cult of that church, either. Nevertheless, Lori is guilty as hell and responsible for her own actions, delusional or not. When you say white knight syndrome I think of Ian. Perhaps they're similar personalities.

I believe that would be one of the prosecutors - Ron Wood.
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