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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Very impressive. It reminds me LiDAR, a type of laser radar which has been used in archaeological discoveries. @vislaw is probably familiar with it and that combined with what he's doing sounds like it could revolutionize locating victims and evidence.
Indeed, we regularly use LiDAR scanners to document crime scenes, and, in fact, there was some testimony in this trial regarding their use of a laser scanner to document the scene after their total station survey work. If you'd like more info on our use of the technology, Leica Geosystems did a little video you can watch HERE.
IIRC, Audrey B wasn't part of the casting group. Those were all women from Arizona plus Sarena, who moved to Arizona later. AB lived in another state. She knew Chad from PAP and was friends with another PAP speaker and his wife. According to him, AB spoke to Chad on a weekly basis. It's likely tha she could tell a lot about his teachings (but ZP already did). According to Chad, AB was Jesus' wife in a past life.

As far as AB's testimony at Lori's trial, Lori Hellis was in the courtroom on that day and saw her sobbing uncontrollably while leaving. She might well have been telling the thruh, which JP would spin to portray Lori as bloodthirsty and Chad an innocent lamb.

When it comes to Garth, most people who know him believe that he would tell the truth in court. Leaving things out technically isn't lying.
I think she was telling the truth at Lori's trial, but that is no more than an opinion.

Leaving things out can be a way of lying. But I can see being more afraid of Lori and shame than of perjury. And I could see that as being as honest as she could be at the time.

She testified to being part of a casting at least once. She perhaps wasn't in THE group, but she was involved in casting in A group per her testimony at Lori's trial.

I also get the impression from anecdotes that Garth would be less indoctrinated. He was not Chad's favorite or even Chad's favorite boy. While Emma seemed to be assigned to be Tammy's handler/accountability partner/narc (totally my opinion) Garth was Tammy's lookout so she could have a moment of leisure even if Chad disapproved. Seth voiced Chad's books.

I think Garth was uncomfortable calling 911-and asked to say things he didn't want to say- so he said I don't know and Chad grabbed the phone.

I think it's possible that Garth was expected to leave out the part about moving the body, but he didn't get the hints. So his stories about moving the body, the thunk, etc. may have been inconsistent. I can't imagine the pressure he'd feel. I could see him being a very good person and still being manipulated into lying by omission to the grand jury. If he said he did not know something he had known, or didn't see something he had seen as a response to a question, that could be perjury. But maybe not a huge legal problem if he was being as truthful as he could be at the time. He had a lawyer, so I imagine he still has one. Hopefully not Prior.

I wonder when the last time Ashlyn communicated with Tylee was, and the things she told her in those last months.
Isn’t it rather weird, for lack of a better word, that Chad got a degree in Communications and instead became a grave digger? Did he talk to the dead? I don’t know. But he sure isn’t a communicator in the real world.
I was just surprised to hear he actually got a degree of some kind. His soapboxing about how he's superior than his siblings who have big money degrees led me to believe he flunked out or something.
I don't know about in the US, but here in the UK grave digging is pretty well paid - a freelance digger will earn around £600 (approx $750) per grave and the use of backhoes would allow for plenty of spare time for writing incredibly bad sex scenes.
I doubt Chad made that much nor worked that hard. $750 isn’t much if it’s one grave a week. I believe he had worked at a funeral home. But that’s just me. Tammy was the bread winner while he wrote books. He was a pitiful writer with a limited audience. You can’t make money that way.
I doubt Chad made that much nor worked that hard. $750 isn’t much if it’s one grave a week. I believe he had worked at a funeral home. But that’s just me. Tammy was the bread winner while he wrote books. He was a pitiful writer with a limited audience. You can’t make money that way.

IIRC he made decent coin from a few of Julie Rowe's books and then figured he'd join the grift and suddenly remembered that he too had NDEs that qualified him as a visionary prophet. Not sure those efforts sold as well or as consistently.

TD was definitely the breadwinner -- in every sense -- of the family.

But Chad's Law seems to have carried the day.

Of course, when Lori came along with her ill-gotten insurance cash, Chad could finally afford to lay down his sexton's tools and derivative fanfic and relax poolside in Hawaii. He was living the grifter's dream.
"The State calls Det. Halepaska to the stand. Det. Halepaska, can you describe your educational background and area of expertise?"

"I work at the FBI Laboratory Division in Quantico, Virginia. I primarily work with firearms and tool marks forensics. I have underwent several written and oral examinations for certifications and experienced on-the-job training with senior analysts."

"Can you tell the court about your initial overall assessment of the evidence you have analyzed?"

"Umm yeah I'd say Chad is a pretty big tool."

Yes, they did. The results were positive for ibuprofen and caffeine, and showed low levels of CO2, so nothing extraordinary.
So, that shoots my theory of drugging with an OTC sleep aid, such as benadryl. Even the pain relieving OTC meds that have "PM" (sleep aid) in them is not possible. I guess it was straight suffocation with JJ. Tylee would have been more difficult to overpower. Perhaps LV gave her something to make her sleep without her knowledge -- but we will never know that.
CD looking pretty uncomfortable this morning during Dr. Marsden's testimony about Tammy's autopsy. He's in his self-soothing "LDS prayer pose" rather than his usual sitting-up-straight-with-hands-clasped stance, and he's been looking around a lot more today, like he's having trouble holding still.

State is losing me with all this repetition. We have heard unattended death explained at least 4 or 5 times now. We already heard the ME testify about TD's autopsy, why do we need back-up of the same testimony?
State is losing me with all this repetition. We have heard unattended death explained at least 4 or 5 times now. We already heard the ME testify about TD's autopsy, why do we need back-up of the same testimony?

I agree, the state has been redundant with many testimonies that pretty much state the same thing. I think part of the strategy here, is to keep pounding the same information, from numerous sources. And also, it will highlight that JP really doesn't have a number of people who will testify for CD.

I am almost thinking that these are "fillers" until Friday, when we will hear about the money. That is what really ties CD to the conspiracy in Tammy's death. I could be wrong, but I think that the state will want to rest on Friday, so jurors have the weekend to process all of the information.
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