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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Should be a ton more IMO.

Excerpt from article:


Ratliff explained he used a template when he filed the motion and blamed the many mistakes on the fact he was nervous.

“This is a template form and I simply forgot to take it off,” Ratliff said. “In the body of the motion, I say I am filing it without permission of the defendant or his counsel.”

Boyce asked who he was representing. Ratliff responded he should have signed the motion as “citizen.”

“You’ve got your name, your Idaho state bar number, your Ratliff Law Office and attorney for defendant. You’re telling me you mistakingly filed something as a citizen and not an attorney?” Boyce asked. “Why were you doing that on a Friday night at almost midnight?”

Ratliff responded that he needed to do something to slow the case down to which Boyce replied, “This trial is scheduled for how many years and you wanted to slow it down the day before it started?”

geez...I forgot all about that.....wild day!
thank you for the recap. of interest to me and of course to many, is the following recap of live testimony from East Idaho News, NateE: (thanks Nate) Investigator Wright testimony about the phones, this passage concerning AC's location in relation to CD's residence the nite Tammy was murdered. interesting, AC didnt go back to his residence, but goes to a hotel in Idaho Falls. why?

"Oct. 16, the device associated with Alex Cox left Lori’s apartment and went to the Comfort Inn in Hurricane, Utah. It stopped there for the night and the next day (Oct. 17) went to the Las Vegas airport. The next day, on Oct. 18, the device went back to Rexburg. Lori Vallow had taken a flight from LasVegas to Hawaii on Oct. 17."

"We now see a map and chart explaining Alex’s device on Oct. 18. It was at Chick-fil-A in Ammon from 7:58 to 9:32 p.m. A data point is then collected near the Salem LDS Church near Chad’s house from 10:07 – 10:45 p.m. There becomes a period of time (from 10:45 – 11:53 p.m.) without any data and the next data point is near US Highway at 11:53 p.m. The device does not go back to Alex’s apartment – rather, it goes to the Hilton Garden in Idaho Falls."
Regarding AC going to HGI Idaho Falls on the night of the 18th. I have a theory… It is only one possibility and honestly several others have crossed my mind but I keep going back to 2 things..

1) MBP said AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with her & LVD but at the last minute CD needed him to help him with something.
2) LVD text CD on 10/19 & told him to check on AC because he was the only way they could get to both of us.

What if AC still thought he was joining LVD & MBP in Hawaii after TD’s murder? He would have gone to Idaho Falls to catch a flight. He wouldn’t have driven to Vegas to get a flight from there as LVD did. I suspect that she was meeting MBP at the airport in Vegas and that they were flying to Hawaii together from there and that’s why she flew from Vegas instead of Idaho Falls and that MBP had either taken a flight from Phoenix to Vegas or driven to Vegas from AZ. But AC would most likely have planned to fly out of Idaho Falls instead of driving all the way back to Vegas.

AC called LVD about 10 min after leaving the church parking lot around midnight and talked to her for about 15 minutes. He was likely at or near the hotel in Idaho Falls when their call ended. What if she told him not to come? Maybe she thought she had her hands full with MBP who was upset about not knowing where her kids were. Maybe she had already talked to AB about joining her & MBP and didn’t think AC needed to be there too. Maybe she knew she was going to come back to Rexburg ASAP to be with CD. For whatever reason, maybe she told AC not to come and maybe he wasn’t very happy about it and maybe that’s what prompted her text to CD the next day to check on AC because he was the only way that they could get to both CD & LVD.

That’s one possibility anyway.
I know many here believe it was all about the money, and the loin fire (of course!), but I think another reason he didn't want to divorce is that he still wanted to be respected at LDS church so he could continue to position himself as a prophet. It was all about ego and attracting those babes!
Divorce? Shock horror! Murder? Well, what's in it for me?
I think CD wrote these things, but it was all a fantasy. That he could "rate" people, talk about people being possessed. All talk.

When LVD actually killed Charles Vallow and drove up to Idaho, when she realized she wasn't getting a payout. I think that is when CD changed, from fantasy to reality.

LVD told CD that no one cared about Tylee or JJ. That they could disappear, no one would say anything. I believe that she minimized Kay Woodcock's determination.

I think that she manipulated CD by the "Storm". Going to Hawaii was strategic. To get him to finish Tammy...
I know many here believe it was all about the money, and the loin fire (of course!), but I think another reason he didn't want to divorce is that he still wanted to be respected at LDS church so he could continue to position himself as a prophet. It was all about ego and attracting those babes!
not familiar with the faith, only what Ive read a bit here, that if married in the temple, which CD and Tammy were, and looking to divorce, it is a bit more complex. they have to have their seal cancelled' or get 'unsealed' <---I think? it certainly would be problematic for him, if he asked to divorce, he might have been heading down the path of possible counseling being suggested by Tammy.

the financial conversations/texts were central between them: and LV had a timeline and he was lagging:

the goddess got rid of her spouse....for money. big insurance payout.

now it was CD's turn. up to that point, he had nothing to offer LV other than his 'worshiping the goddess' words and BS and more BS. but no money, while married OR if he got divorced.

do you think for one minute LV would have stayed with him and continued on as a mistress OR if he got divorced? IMO, heck no. in fact IIRC she actually paid for a flight or two for him. he didnt have any money to keep travelling and meeting up with her, let alone get a divorce and live in way. I bet his 'conferences/travel' were on a budget maintained by Tammy. he would not be able to keep up.
Regarding AC going to HGI Idaho Falls on the night of the 18th. I have a theory… It is only one possibility and honestly several others have crossed my mind but I keep going back to 2 things..

1) MBP said AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with her & LVD but at the last minute CD needed him to help him with something.
2) LVD text CD on 10/19 & told him to check on AC because he was the only way they could get to both of us.

What if AC still thought he was joining LVD & MBP in Hawaii after TD’s murder? He would have gone to Idaho Falls to catch a flight. He wouldn’t have driven to Vegas to get a flight from there as LVD did. I suspect that she was meeting MBP at the airport in Vegas and that they were flying to Hawaii together from there and that’s why she flew from Vegas instead of Idaho Falls and that MBP had either taken a flight from Phoenix to Vegas or driven to Vegas from AZ. But AC would most likely have planned to fly out of Idaho Falls instead of driving all the way back to Vegas.

AC called LVD about 10 min after leaving the church parking lot around midnight and talked to her for about 15 minutes. He was likely at or near the hotel in Idaho Falls when their call ended. What if she told him not to come? Maybe she thought she had her hands full with MBP who was upset about not knowing where her kids were. Maybe she had already talked to AB about joining her & MBP and didn’t think AC needed to be there too. Maybe she knew she was going to come back to Rexburg ASAP to be with CD. For whatever reason, maybe she told AC not to come and maybe he wasn’t very happy about it and maybe that’s what prompted her text to CD the next day to check on AC because he was the only way that they could get to both CD & LVD.

That’s one possibility anyway.
Was that text shown in Chad's trial or Lori's? Is there a place where all of the texts are published?
I think CD wrote these things, but it was all a fantasy. That he could "rate" people, talk about people being possessed. All talk.

When LVD actually killed Charles Vallow and drove up to Idaho, when she realized she wasn't getting a payout. I think that is when CD changed, from fantasy to reality.

LVD told CD that no one cared about Tylee or JJ. That they could disappear, no one would say anything. I believe that she minimized Kay Woodcock's determination.

I think that she manipulated CD by the "Storm". Going to Hawaii was strategic. To get him to finish Tammy...
Did Lori actually text that to Chad (that nobody cared about the kids)? I think you're right with your assessment. I also think that Lori was the one motivated by money and wanting a life in Hawaii while Chad was most motivated by a life with her. You know the day she paid any attention to him was like he won the lotto. I'll bet he couldn't believe that a woman who looked like her would even give the time of day to a guy like him. What's most amazing is that Alex was willing to do what he did. What was in it for him, other than he adored Lori and believed the zombie nonsense?
Thursday, May 23rd:
*Trial continues (Day 29) (@ 8:30am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) & Tamara “Tammy” Michelle Douglas Daybell (49) (died on Oct. 19, 2019 at her residence in Salem, ID; dob 5/4/70). – *Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 55) arrested (6/9/20) & indicted (5/25/21) & charged (5/26/21) & arraigned (6/9/21) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy, 49, died 10/19/19): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): 1st degree murder. Count 8 & 9: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to 2 different life insurance policies he had on Tammy). Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP. (Judge denied removing DP 3/14/24). Fremont County
Trial began on 4/1/24 with final jury selection & ended on 4/8/24. Jurors: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [10 men & 8 women]. 5/2/24: Juror dismissed due to illness. Now: 12 jurors & 5 alternates.
Jury will be sequestered during deliberations in the guilt phase thru the penalty phase.
Trial began on 4/10/24. Court hours are 8:30am to 3pm Monday-Friday. Trial is being held in Ada County. State rested their case on 5/16/24. Defense began their case on 5/20/24.
Judge Steven W. Boyce presiding. Prosecutors: Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood, Special Attorney General Prosecutor Ingrid Batey & Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rocky Wixom & defense attorney John Prior.

Court info from 6/10/20 thru 3/29/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-6 (4/1-4/6/24) & thru 4/9/24 & Trial Days 1-27 (4/10-5/21/24) reference post #255 here:

5/22/24 Wednesday, Trial Day 28: Defense witnesses: Patrick Eller [CEO of Metadata Forensics & a digital forensics examiner]. Dr. Greg Hampikian [Director of the Forensic Justice Project at Boise State Univ. & the co-director of the Idaho Innocence Project/DNA expert].
*The State has a problem with the statement Emma says that “we did not consult with our husbands” when they signed the life insurance forms. Boyce will allow the State to question Emma about the statement when rebuttal witnesses are called. Judge Boyce says there are two other potential witness issues relating to Det. Ray Hermosillo & Dep. Colter Cannon. Wixom says Hermosillo was released from his subpoena & has been hyper vigilante at not watching any part of the trial but the state wants to recall him as a rebuttal witness. Prior stresses he does not want Hermosillo back in. Judge Boyce says Hermosillo will be placed under oath like other witnesses so he will need to tell the truth about whether or not he watched the trial or discussed it with others. Wixom reminds the court that Hermosillo was the chief officer for the Vallow case so he has heard most of the testimony & seen most of the evidence. Wixom says the rebuttal case will take 1.5-2 days & the questioning will be narrow & focused. Boyce says same applies to Colter Cannon. He can come back to testify as a rebuttal witness & Prior can object if he wishes. Judge Boyce previously determined that a statement made by Janice Olson, Tammy’s co-worker, about changing Tammy’s life insurance policy could not be admitted. Because Emma Daybell brought up the issue during her testimony, the state wants to be able to bring in the statement. Prior objects to it but Boyce will not allow it.
For more info on direct see post #285 here:
Trial continues on Thursday, 5/23/24.
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Regarding AC going to HGI Idaho Falls on the night of the 18th. I have a theory… It is only one possibility and honestly several others have crossed my mind but I keep going back to 2 things..

1) MBP said AC was supposed to go to Hawaii with her & LVD but at the last minute CD needed him to help him with something.
2) LVD text CD on 10/19 & told him to check on AC because he was the only way they could get to both of us.

What if AC still thought he was joining LVD & MBP in Hawaii after TD’s murder? He would have gone to Idaho Falls to catch a flight. He wouldn’t have driven to Vegas to get a flight from there as LVD did. I suspect that she was meeting MBP at the airport in Vegas and that they were flying to Hawaii together from there and that’s why she flew from Vegas instead of Idaho Falls and that MBP had either taken a flight from Phoenix to Vegas or driven to Vegas from AZ. But AC would most likely have planned to fly out of Idaho Falls instead of driving all the way back to Vegas.

AC called LVD about 10 min after leaving the church parking lot around midnight and talked to her for about 15 minutes. He was likely at or near the hotel in Idaho Falls when their call ended. What if she told him not to come? Maybe she thought she had her hands full with MBP who was upset about not knowing where her kids were. Maybe she had already talked to AB about joining her & MBP and didn’t think AC needed to be there too. Maybe she knew she was going to come back to Rexburg ASAP to be with CD. For whatever reason, maybe she told AC not to come and maybe he wasn’t very happy about it and maybe that’s what prompted her text to CD the next day to check on AC because he was the only way that they could get to both CD & LVD.

That’s one possibility anyway.
thank you for taking the time! great insight/thoughts about my question about that hotel stay. now I recall melaniece's testimony that AC was supposed to go with them but he was going to be doing something for CD. AC was left alone for awhile after Tammy's murder. no longer central to LV and CD.....after being involved in FOUR MURDERS and an attempt on BrandonB....he's not in constant contact. which is why suddenly he needs to be checked for darkness.

AC IMO was a loose end.
thank you for taking the time! great insight/thoughts about my question about that hotel stay. now I recall melaniece's testimony that AC was supposed to go with them but he was going to be doing something for CD. AC was left alone for awhile after Tammy's murder. no longer central to LV and CD.....after being involved in FOUR MURDERS and an attempt on BrandonB....he's not in constant contact. which is why suddenly he needs to be checked for darkness.

AC IMO was a loose end.
Oh! So that's what she meant by checking on him? Makes sense.
Was that text shown in Chad's trial or Lori's? Is there a place where all of the texts are published?
I don’t know if there is anywhere that all texts are listed. I’m not 100% sure if it was mentioned in LVD’s trial but fairly certain that I heard in CD’s trial as I don’t think I knew about it until recently. Unfortunately, however, I didn’t think to put in my notes where I got various information.
not familiar with the faith, only what Ive read a bit here, that if married in the temple, which CD and Tammy were, and looking to divorce, it is a bit more complex. they have to have their seal cancelled' or get 'unsealed' <---I think? it certainly would be problematic for him, if he asked to divorce, he might have been heading down the path of possible counseling being suggested by Tammy.

the financial conversations/texts were central between them: and LV had a timeline and he was lagging:

the goddess got rid of her spouse....for money. big insurance payout.

now it was CD's turn. up to that point, he had nothing to offer LV other than his 'worshiping the goddess' words and BS and more BS. but no money, while married OR if he got divorced.

do you think for one minute LV would have stayed with him and continued on as a mistress OR if he got divorced? IMO, heck no. in fact IIRC she actually paid for a flight or two for him. he didnt have any money to keep travelling and meeting up with her, let alone get a divorce and live in way. I bet his 'conferences/travel' were on a budget maintained by Tammy. he would not be able to keep up.
Nice post. Spot on imo
I think CD wrote these things, but it was all a fantasy. That he could "rate" people, talk about people being possessed. All talk.

When LVD actually killed Charles Vallow and drove up to Idaho, when she realized she wasn't getting a payout. I think that is when CD changed, from fantasy to reality.

LVD told CD that no one cared about Tylee or JJ. That they could disappear, no one would say anything. I believe that she minimized Kay Woodcock's determination.

I think that she manipulated CD by the "Storm". Going to Hawaii was strategic. To get him to finish Tammy...
No he was all in on Charles murder. He isn’t as innocent or as easily manipulated as this sounds. He is more monster than human. Go back and read his texts. It’s a great refresher.
You can’t humanize these killers.
Wasn’t the state telling all LE officers that they were not to watch trial coverage or discuss the case because they might need to be brought back on rebuttal? It seems I recall hearing that as the judge inquired as they were leaving the stand and asked the attorneys if they were being excused. Didn’t I?

I went back and watched the end of Det Hermosillo last night. The judge does say that the state is on record regarding their policy for LE (referencing what I said in my post before) but then he asks and the state say they release him and he asks JP (who also had him under subpoena) & JP responds that he will release him because the state allowed him to go outside the scope of direct to ask him questions he would have had on his direct so he wouldn’t have to come back. And then the judge says something I don’t think I’ve heard him say to any other LE - he says well it appears your participation in this trial is concluded and you can watch the trial if you wanted to - it’s up to you.

It’s odd that the one LE officer that the judge said this to Det H, but he did. They did not address whether he could talk about his testimony to others but it may have been understood since the judge did say he was no longer under the exclusionary order would no longer apply.

So I can see where JP has some grounds to say Det H might have watched testimony but not talked to other LE witnesses since they were not told they were no longer under the exclusionary order and would not have been able to talk to him. And I think the state’s response that Det H has not watched any part of the trial if Det H states that under oath when recalled must be taken as any other testimony and the jury decides whether or not to believe it.

Shout out to Nate & EIN for posting the full witness testimonies separately which made it easy to find this. I don’t iive in Idaho but if I did EIN would definitely be my go to source for local news! And I will probably continue to check in on Nate’s reports long after this trial is over.
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