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What are the differences between the old and new?
Click on the May 22, 2024 document, about pg 3 for reasonable doubt

There is old language crossed out and new language underlined.

I don't think it's terribly different. I am inclined to agree that it would create confusion to change the instruction, and more room for a juror to later said they didn't to understand.

Leaving the language means that jurors had consistent instructions. And if there is an appeal based on the change, I don't see how it could be convincing that the outcome would have been different with the new instructions. It would be a harder appeal haul then to claim the jury was confused by the change. IMO. IANAL.


Edited to add: the jury is given instructions before any evidence is presented. That is also explained in the document. So to change the language now upon beginning deliberations would be a change.

Edited again to add more: I could see the instruction being "effective immediately" to be interpreted to simply mean effective immediately for all trials where the jury has not already begun to receive instructions. It doesn't say to halt all jury trials during presentation of evidence or mid-deliberations and reinstruct them. I think if the old instructions had a significant flaw, that's what it would say. But these instructions don't strike me as that different. They correct a rather significant punctuation error. ('State' should be capitalized when a particular state is referenced.)
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I don't understand this. I thought the jury instructions were issued just before the jury retired to deliberate. When they claim they need to use the old jury instructions because they were already given to the jury--when was the jury first instructed?
I don't understand this either, but I know that the instructions given to the jury are slightly different prior to the trial officially starting to the ones before deliberation (as they relate to listening to witnesses and such). MOO.

If the instructions meant for the beginning of the trial were also taken from the old version, they might need to stick to the old version for the final instructions. I wonder just how different the new and old versions are? Watch them not be that different haha. MOO.
True. The prosecution considers the feelings of the human victims but also weighs the interests of the community as a whole. A state may prosecute something like an attempted murder even if the intended target would rather they did not.

I trust Brandon's judgment. He hasn't said or done anything that makes me think he makes bad decisions. I have to trust Arizona's judgment, because I can't make them investigate or prosecute anything. It does seem to me the local police were better investigators in Brandon's jurisdiction than in Charles'.

Melani has had a very unusual life. She makes extremely unusual decisions. I think she may find herself incarcerated; it doesn't seem like an unfair result for what she has done, to my eyes, especially helping Alex with a murder by providing the essential information about the location of the victim.

She also did not help prevent or solve multiple other murders, completed, attempted or planned, including of her own children.

But somehow, I don't feel like Melani did it for the money or power, even though she could arrange a serious pay day for her crimes. I feel like she did it for Lori and Chad's love and approval. She was operating in utter powerlessness.

Yesterday Larry Woodcock said there are two more trials. One is for Charles conspiracy to commit murder. One is for Brandon. Attempted murder. I don’t know if Lori is charged in both or if Melanie is charged. We will find out soon enough.

I wanted to add, I think upcoming trial is why Brandon is being so quiet for now.
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I don't understand this either, but I know that the instructions given to the jury are slightly different prior to the trial officially starting to the ones before deliberation (as they relate to listening to witnesses and such). MOO.

If the instructions meant for the beginning of the trial were also taken from the old version, they might need to stick to the old version for the final instructions. I wonder just how different the new and old versions are? Watch them not be that different haha. MOO.
They aren't that different IMO.

The new version is a little shorter and to the point, because it doesn't talk as much about the Court's responsibilities to define reasonable doubt, which is not the jurors' focus.

The new version corrects a repeated punctuation error.

The old and new versions try to explain that reasonable doubt must be based on common sense applied to evidence or lack of evidence.

It always gets awkward when trying to explain doubts that are not reasonable. This document changes the wording on doubts that are not reasonable in a way that is not very different IMO.

Yesterday Larry Woodcock said there are two more trials. One is for Charles conspiracy to commit murder. One is for Brandon. Attempted murder. I don’t know if Lori is charged in both or if Melanie is charged. We will find out soon enough.

I wanted to add, I think upcoming trial is why Brandon is being so quiet for now.

Lori HAS been charged -

Case Number Party Name
CR2021-001704 Vallow, Lori - DOB: 6/1973 for Charles
CR2022-001242 VALLOW, LORI - DOB: 6/1973 for Brandon

link: Docket - Criminal Court Case History

and here's a link to her thread:

True. The prosecution considers the feelings of the human victims but also weighs the interests of the community as a whole. A state may prosecute something like an attempted murder even if the intended target would rather they did not.

I trust Brandon's judgment. He hasn't said or done anything that makes me think he makes bad decisions. I have to trust Arizona's judgment, because I can't make them investigate or prosecute anything. It does seem to me the local police were better investigators in Brandon's jurisdiction than in Charles'.

Melani has had a very unusual life. She makes extremely unusual decisions. I think she may find herself incarcerated; it doesn't seem like an unfair result for what she has done, to my eyes, especially helping Alex with a murder by providing the essential information about the location of the victim.

She also did not help prevent or solve multiple other murders, completed, attempted or planned, including of her own children.

But somehow, I don't feel like Melani did it for the money or power, even though she could arrange a serious pay day for her crimes. I feel like she did it for Lori and Chad's love and approval. She was operating in utter powerlessness.

I agree that MBP had an 'unusual' childhood, but into adulthood, she produced 4 children with BB. then she is divorcing her husband and aligns herself with LV. Im interested in knowing when that all began, I cant seem to back into the kind of jumps ahead and she is suddenly in the cult, in a messy divorce, then custody battle and an attempt is made on BB's life... and she is calling CD 'father'. *barf*

how close was she to LV and AC while she was producing babies? her youngest was 2 years old at the time she was arrested for trespassing in 2019. how did the hookup with LV begin? just curious. after everything that BB enumerated in the custody battle, oddly, it all gets 'resolved' as if MBP was never a threat or dangerous.

IanP knows SO MUCH MORE when she 'filled him in", info that caused him to be in fear for his child......he chose to cover for his new wife (by recording the cult), instead of putting on his running shoes while cooperating with LE. jaw dropping.
I went back and revised my earlier version of CD's defense. (Prior, if you're reading this and would like to use it for a closing statement, I charge $1 a word.)


Chad Daybell was just quiet, humble LDS Everyman, writing his fiction and talking to people about totally normal LDS doctrines until the day he met and was deceived by the womanly wiles of Lori Vallow, who threw herself at him and then completely twisted his totally normal LDS teachings. Of course, he had to keep making up stories about how special she and all of her friends were and how evil the people she didn't like were, and giving her friends oddly specific blessings and keeping them busy with “secret missions” revolving around some vague, super-important “plan” in order to hold her attention, but he was an author! That's literally what he did for a living! And sure, having an affair was against his church's teachings, but hey, nobody’s perfect! What man could resist such adoration, especially when his current wife was so stubborn, lazy, and unattractive? (Besides, he'd been told in a totally normal LDS vision that Tammy was going to die soon anyway, so it'd all work out in the end!)

In July 2019, Charles Vallow was killed by his brother-in-law over some domestic dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Charles had a demon problem, his death had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. Lori immediately started planning her next wedding, and Chad played along because women, amirite? (Besides, it was probably just about time for Chad’s totally normal LDS vision about Tammy’s death to come true anyway, so what was the harm?)

In September 2019, Tammy began to realize that her colloidal silver wasn’t working to combat her constant fatigue, fainting spells, and demon-possession, but as an antisocial introvert who didn’t trust doctors, her only confidante was her BFF Emma, who happened to be her daughter, coworker, an amateur meteorologist, and the only person to whom she revealed her true self. On Emma’s advice, Tammy increased her life insurance. It’s unclear how Chad’s signature ended up on the insurance paperwork; Tammy probably forged it.

Around that same time, Tylee and JJ disappeared (with Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) due to some custody dispute, or because they'd been witnesses to Charles Vallow's death, or because they were difficult to deal with. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that they both had demon problems, their deaths had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (He wasn't even there; he was at church!)

Some time after this, Alex Cox (Or possibly some random stranger. Or law enforcement. Or raccoons.) snuck onto the Daybell property and, using the tools in the Daybell shed, disposed of the bodies. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell, or the raccoon Chad buried in the pet cemetery that morning, or the bonfire Chad had in the firepit that morning to “burn limbs.”

In October 2019, Brandon Boudreaux was shot at by his wife's uncle over some custody dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that he had demon problems, this attempted murder had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

A few days later, Tammy was randomly shot at by some autistic neighbor kid with a paintball gun. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (Except if it was Alex Cox, then he was obviously trying to shoot Chad, because he was the one who usually drove the truck. Maybe it was just some paintball game that fun-loving Chad and his new BFF Alex were playing in their spare time!)

A few weeks later, Chad’s totally normal LDS vision came to pass when Tammy, who’d grown so weak that she was unable to carry a single box of books and had to live on Big Macs because she was too tired to cook for her stay-at-home husband and grown son, died of natural causes (And laziness. And essential oils. And sleep apnea.) in their one-story house. Since he'd already known this was going to happen (due to his totally normal LDS precognition) and his own near-death experiences and work as a sexton had given him spiritual superiority over earthly matters like death, Chad only needed a few hours of grieving before he was ready to move on.

After thirteen full days of widowerhood, Chad gave in to Lori Vallow's seduction and married her in Hawaii, using money from life insurance and social security... though Chad obviously didn't know where the money came from, because they didn't co-mingle their accounts. Besides, he was used to his wives taking care of "terrestrial" matters like money and bills. He also didn't know where Lori's kids were, because domestic matters like childrearing weren't really his thing, either. But those nosy police just refused to let him enjoy his new wife, new life. They kept bugging them about the kids (whom Lori said were somewhere perfectly safe!), so--just like Joseph Smith--unjust persecution drove him from his home in Idaho to exile in Hawaii.

In December 2019, a bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him further by pinning Tammy's death on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by desecrating Tammy's grave and changing her cause of death (to fit their confirmatory bias).

The next day, Alex Cox died of natural causes. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Alex’s time was drawing to a close, the death itself had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

In February 2020, Lori was arrested because the nosy police wouldn't leave them alone about that pesky custody issue, so Chad asked his neighbors to foot him some bail money.

He still kept in touch with her, of course, and tried to keep her spirits up by giving her a weekly commissary allowance, discussing her favorite home renovation shows, and making up stories for her about what her dead brother was doing in the afterlife.

In June 2020, that same bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him EVEN MORE by pinning JJ and Tylee's deaths on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by ditching their body cameras, planting evidence on his property (for instance, a shovel that Tylee spit on), chasing him when he innocently headed across the county line to meet with his attorney, and letting the real culprits (Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) off the hook. None of this had anything to do with Chad Daybell at all… which is why he told his daughter she only needed to cooperate with police if she wanted to and why he's obviously Not Guilty.

(Oh, and any aspect of Chad Daybell’s writings that happens to resemble any real-life event is pure coincidence. Or prophetic, depending on who’s asking.)
I agree that MBP had an 'unusual' childhood, but into adulthood, she produced 4 children with BB. then she is divorcing her husband and aligns herself with LV. Im interested in knowing when that all began, I cant seem to back into the kind of jumps ahead and she is suddenly in the cult, in a messy divorce, then custody battle and an attempt is made on BB's life... and she is calling CD 'father'. *barf*

how close was she to LV and AC while she was producing babies? her youngest was 2 years old at the time she was arrested for trespassing in 2019. how did the hookup with LV begin? just curious. after everything that BB enumerated in the custody battle, oddly, it all gets 'resolved' as if MBP was never a threat or dangerous.

IanP knows SO MUCH MORE when she 'filled him in", info that caused him to be in fear for his child......he chose to cover for his new wife (by recording the cult), instead of putting on his running shoes while cooperating with LE. jaw dropping.

Generally, I consider Brandon and Ian heroes in this story.

But looking back....

Melani didn't make those babies all by herself.

....maybe it wasn't the wisest choice to participate in making those babies.

Yet, it is a natural urge for most to want to marry and procreate. And what's done is done. Hindsight, and all that.

I went back and revised my earlier version of CD's defense. (Prior, if you're reading this and would like to use it for a closing statement, I charge $1 a word.)


Chad Daybell was just quiet, humble LDS Everyman, writing his fiction and talking to people about totally normal LDS doctrines until the day he met and was deceived by the womanly wiles of Lori Vallow, who threw herself at him and then completely twisted his totally normal LDS teachings. Of course, he had to keep making up stories about how special she and all of her friends were and how evil the people she didn't like were, and giving her friends oddly specific blessings and keeping them busy with “secret missions” revolving around some vague, super-important “plan” in order to hold her attention, but he was an author! That's literally what he did for a living! And sure, having an affair was against his church's teachings, but hey, nobody’s perfect! What man could resist such adoration, especially when his current wife was so stubborn, lazy, and unattractive? (Besides, he'd been told in a totally normal LDS vision that Tammy was going to die soon anyway, so it'd all work out in the end!)

In July 2019, Charles Vallow was killed by his brother-in-law over some domestic dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Charles had a demon problem, his death had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. Lori immediately started planning her next wedding, and Chad played along because women, amirite? (Besides, it was probably just about time for Chad’s totally normal LDS vision about Tammy’s death to come true anyway, so what was the harm?)

In September 2019, Tammy began to realize that her colloidal silver wasn’t working to combat her constant fatigue, fainting spells, and demon-possession, but as an antisocial introvert who didn’t trust doctors, her only confidante was her BFF Emma, who happened to be her daughter, coworker, an amateur meteorologist, and the only person to whom she revealed her true self. On Emma’s advice, Tammy increased her life insurance. It’s unclear how Chad’s signature ended up on the insurance paperwork; Tammy probably forged it.

Around that same time, Tylee and JJ disappeared (with Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) due to some custody dispute, or because they'd been witnesses to Charles Vallow's death, or because they were difficult to deal with. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that they both had demon problems, their deaths had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (He wasn't even there; he was at church!)

Some time after this, Alex Cox (Or possibly some random stranger. Or law enforcement. Or raccoons.) snuck onto the Daybell property and, using the tools in the Daybell shed, disposed of the bodies. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell, or the raccoon Chad buried in the pet cemetery that morning, or the bonfire Chad had in the firepit that morning to “burn limbs.”

In October 2019, Brandon Boudreaux was shot at by his wife's uncle over some custody dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that he had demon problems, this attempted murder had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

A few days later, Tammy was randomly shot at by some autistic neighbor kid with a paintball gun. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (Except if it was Alex Cox, then he was obviously trying to shoot Chad, because he was the one who usually drove the truck. Maybe it was just some paintball game that fun-loving Chad and his new BFF Alex were playing in their spare time!)

A few weeks later, Chad’s totally normal LDS vision came to pass when Tammy, who’d grown so weak that she was unable to carry a single box of books and had to live on Big Macs because she was too tired to cook for her stay-at-home husband and grown son, died of natural causes (And laziness. And essential oils. And sleep apnea.) in their one-story house. Since he'd already known this was going to happen (due to his totally normal LDS precognition) and his own near-death experiences and work as a sexton had given him spiritual superiority over earthly matters like death, Chad only needed a few hours of grieving before he was ready to move on.

After thirteen full days of widowerhood, Chad gave in to Lori Vallow's seduction and married her in Hawaii, using money from life insurance and social security... though Chad obviously didn't know where the money came from, because they didn't co-mingle their accounts. Besides, he was used to his wives taking care of "terrestrial" matters like money and bills. He also didn't know where Lori's kids were, because domestic matters like childrearing weren't really his thing, either. But those nosy police just refused to let him enjoy his new wife, new life. They kept bugging them about the kids (whom Lori said were somewhere perfectly safe!), so--just like Joseph Smith--unjust persecution drove him from his home in Idaho to exile in Hawaii.

In December 2019, a bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him further by pinning Tammy's death on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by desecrating Tammy's grave and changing her cause of death (to fit their confirmatory bias).

The next day, Alex Cox died of natural causes. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Alex’s time was drawing to a close, the death itself had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

In February 2020, Lori was arrested because the nosy police wouldn't leave them alone about that pesky custody issue, so Chad asked his neighbors to foot him some bail money.

He still kept in touch with her, of course, and tried to keep her spirits up by giving her a weekly commissary allowance, discussing her favorite home renovation shows, and making up stories for her about what her dead brother was doing in the afterlife.

In June 2020, that same bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him EVEN MORE by pinning JJ and Tylee's deaths on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by ditching their body cameras, planting evidence on his property (for instance, a shovel that Tylee spit on), chasing him when he innocently headed across the county line to meet with his attorney, and letting the real culprits (Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) off the hook. None of this had anything to do with Chad Daybell at all… which is why he told his daughter she only needed to cooperate with police if she wanted to and why he's obviously Not Guilty.

(Oh, and any aspect of Chad Daybell’s writings that happens to resemble any real-life event is pure coincidence. Or prophetic, depending on who’s asking.)
That about sums it up!

The defense in a hilarious, ridiculous nutshell.

Lori HAS been charged -

Case Number Party Name
CR2021-001704 Vallow, Lori - DOB: 6/1973 for Charles
CR2022-001242 VALLOW, LORI - DOB: 6/1973 for Brandon

link: Docket - Criminal Court Case History

and here's a link to her thread:

Thank you Niner. I didn’t know. You always keep up!
I guess Melaniece would have to testify against her if she wants to stay out of prison? Or maybe she can be charged. I’m hoping Chad gets charged for Charles as a conspirator.
I went back and revised my earlier version of CD's defense. (Prior, if you're reading this and would like to use it for a closing statement, I charge $1 a word.)


Chad Daybell was just quiet, humble LDS Everyman, writing his fiction and talking to people about totally normal LDS doctrines until the day he met and was deceived by the womanly wiles of Lori Vallow, who threw herself at him and then completely twisted his totally normal LDS teachings. Of course, he had to keep making up stories about how special she and all of her friends were and how evil the people she didn't like were, and giving her friends oddly specific blessings and keeping them busy with “secret missions” revolving around some vague, super-important “plan” in order to hold her attention, but he was an author! That's literally what he did for a living! And sure, having an affair was against his church's teachings, but hey, nobody’s perfect! What man could resist such adoration, especially when his current wife was so stubborn, lazy, and unattractive? (Besides, he'd been told in a totally normal LDS vision that Tammy was going to die soon anyway, so it'd all work out in the end!)

In July 2019, Charles Vallow was killed by his brother-in-law over some domestic dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Charles had a demon problem, his death had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. Lori immediately started planning her next wedding, and Chad played along because women, amirite? (Besides, it was probably just about time for Chad’s totally normal LDS vision about Tammy’s death to come true anyway, so what was the harm?)

In September 2019, Tammy began to realize that her colloidal silver wasn’t working to combat her constant fatigue, fainting spells, and demon-possession, but as an antisocial introvert who didn’t trust doctors, her only confidante was her BFF Emma, who happened to be her daughter, coworker, an amateur meteorologist, and the only person to whom she revealed her true self. On Emma’s advice, Tammy increased her life insurance. It’s unclear how Chad’s signature ended up on the insurance paperwork; Tammy probably forged it.

Around that same time, Tylee and JJ disappeared (with Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) due to some custody dispute, or because they'd been witnesses to Charles Vallow's death, or because they were difficult to deal with. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that they both had demon problems, their deaths had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (He wasn't even there; he was at church!)

Some time after this, Alex Cox (Or possibly some random stranger. Or law enforcement. Or raccoons.) snuck onto the Daybell property and, using the tools in the Daybell shed, disposed of the bodies. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell, or the raccoon Chad buried in the pet cemetery that morning, or the bonfire Chad had in the firepit that morning to “burn limbs.”

In October 2019, Brandon Boudreaux was shot at by his wife's uncle over some custody dispute. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that he had demon problems, this attempted murder had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

A few days later, Tammy was randomly shot at by some autistic neighbor kid with a paintball gun. This had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all. (Except if it was Alex Cox, then he was obviously trying to shoot Chad, because he was the one who usually drove the truck. Maybe it was just some paintball game that fun-loving Chad and his new BFF Alex were playing in their spare time!)

A few weeks later, Chad’s totally normal LDS vision came to pass when Tammy, who’d grown so weak that she was unable to carry a single box of books and had to live on Big Macs because she was too tired to cook for her stay-at-home husband and grown son, died of natural causes (And laziness. And essential oils. And sleep apnea.) in their one-story house. Since he'd already known this was going to happen (due to his totally normal LDS precognition) and his own near-death experiences and work as a sexton had given him spiritual superiority over earthly matters like death, Chad only needed a few hours of grieving before he was ready to move on.

After thirteen full days of widowerhood, Chad gave in to Lori Vallow's seduction and married her in Hawaii, using money from life insurance and social security... though Chad obviously didn't know where the money came from, because they didn't co-mingle their accounts. Besides, he was used to his wives taking care of "terrestrial" matters like money and bills. He also didn't know where Lori's kids were, because domestic matters like childrearing weren't really his thing, either. But those nosy police just refused to let him enjoy his new wife, new life. They kept bugging them about the kids (whom Lori said were somewhere perfectly safe!), so--just like Joseph Smith--unjust persecution drove him from his home in Idaho to exile in Hawaii.

In December 2019, a bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him further by pinning Tammy's death on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by desecrating Tammy's grave and changing her cause of death (to fit their confirmatory bias).

The next day, Alex Cox died of natural causes. Although Chad, through his totally normal LDS visionary powers, was aware that Alex’s time was drawing to a close, the death itself had nothing to do with Chad Daybell at all.

In February 2020, Lori was arrested because the nosy police wouldn't leave them alone about that pesky custody issue, so Chad asked his neighbors to foot him some bail money.

He still kept in touch with her, of course, and tried to keep her spirits up by giving her a weekly commissary allowance, discussing her favorite home renovation shows, and making up stories for her about what her dead brother was doing in the afterlife.

In June 2020, that same bunch of police organizations, lawyers, and other government cronies got together and decided to persecute him EVEN MORE by pinning JJ and Tylee's deaths on humble, unassuming Everyman Chad Daybell. They did so by ditching their body cameras, planting evidence on his property (for instance, a shovel that Tylee spit on), chasing him when he innocently headed across the county line to meet with his attorney, and letting the real culprits (Melanie Gibb and David Warwick, probably) off the hook. None of this had anything to do with Chad Daybell at all… which is why he told his daughter she only needed to cooperate with police if she wanted to and why he's obviously Not Guilty.

(Oh, and any aspect of Chad Daybell’s writings that happens to resemble any real-life event is pure coincidence. Or prophetic, depending on who’s asking.)
MASTERPIECE WNK!!! I was rolling....if only JP will be that entertaining we can look forward to a fun afternoon.

I just hope Blake handles closings for the State. Wood handled openings and he is just boring IMHO. Blake connects better with the jury and with me :D
MASTERPIECE WNK!!! I was rolling....if only JP will be that entertaining we can look forward to a fun afternoon.

I just hope Blake handles closings for the State. Wood handled openings and he is just boring IMHO. Blake connects better with the jury and with me :D
If Blake uses it for her closing, that would also long as the jury doesn't suffer from literalness to the same pathological extent as the defendant and his star witnesses.

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