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Anyone remember a time when Chad Daybell told people that he was looking forward to telling his side of the story and clearing things up? I seem to remember something like this happening, and if memory serves it would have been after Lori was arrested in Hawaii, but before the children were found and he was arrested. And I also seem to remember he may have said this either to or through Christopher Parrett, one of his closest friends and benefactors at the time. But I can't seem to find it, if he did.

I found his first attorney, Sean Bartholick', statement, which is somewhat similar:

“Chad Daybell was a loving husband and has the support of his children in this matter. Lori Daybell is a devoted mother and resents assertions to the contrary. We look forward to addressing the allegations once they have moved beyond speculation and rumor.” (source: Parents of missing Rexburg children issue statement, attorney says they are ‘loving’ and ‘devoted’ - East Idaho News )

There's also these two entries in the timeline thread, which may be related and around the same time frame:

27 Feb 2020 about 2:10 pm (HST) – Chad is seen in the Shared Blessings Thrift Shop on Kauai. A woman named Sharon stops him and talks to him in the parking lot for 2-3 minutes. Chad tells her he is dropping off donations because he's moving back to Idaho "soon" to support Lori. Sharon asks, "Couldn't Lori get out of jail if she just said where the kids are?" Chad responds, "It isn't that easy." Chad tells Sharon he wasn't in court yesterday because of the media "circus" and says the story isn't being reported properly. He specifically says that East Idaho News is wrong. Sharon asks if Chad is still LDS and he says he is. Sharon did not have her phone on her but got a photo of Chad's Jeep after she got to her car. Then Sharon sent the photo and the details of the exchange to Nate Eaton. Nate invites Chad to contact him and set the record straight: “Chad - if you see this and we are indeed getting our stories wrong, please call me. Email me. Message me. I will talk to you and listen to you. Help me clear up any rumors. Let me hear your side and tell the world your thoughts. Because this story isn't going away - and neither are we.” (Nate Eaton, East Idaho News)

27 Feb 2020 – Chad is seen checking in for a flight at a Hawaii airport. Several people with cellphone cameras video him and ask him “Where are the kids, Chad” and “Are you finally leaving Hawaii?” On his way out of HI Chad told ABC News "the kids are safe," but refused to give any more details. His Hawaii neighbors said he told them the same thing. (Inside Edition, ABC News).

(Source: ID - Joshua Vallow & Tylee Ryan, Rexburg, Sept 2019 TIMELINE ONLY - *NO DISCUSSION* )

The reason I am looking for it is because if there ever was a time for him to set the record straight it would be now during this trial. You know, when his very life is on the line. Yet, based on the Defense' opening statements, I highly doubt he'll ever take the stand in this trial. He'll call on his own children to take the stand for his defense - exposing them to the grueling and hard questions they may be faced with. But nothing from the opening arguments give me hope that he'll put himself in that seat.

thank you for your great post!
Lauren from Hidden True Crime reports that 3 jurors (2 women and 1 man) appear to be crying after the photos.

She also reports that Chad is expressing "micro expressions" and occasionally shaking his head slightly.
Strength to those jurors. They are standing for all of us. They will never be able to forget what we, thankfully, are spared from having to witness.

Chad can go jump, though.

I've wondered about that. LDS is prevalent in that area, so some of that may go over better than it would if the trial were held elsewhere.

A 2021 census put Madison Co as the second highest in LDS in the country at 68%. Just a guess, but I'd say there could be a few on the jury anyway.

Does anyone know if religion was a jury question? Or, would a question like that violate the Constitution? All speculation and MOO because I really don't know.
I am not Mormon. But I do live in the area and know what the make-up of Ada county is.
The trial is in Ada County, not Madison county.
Ada County is about 16% Mormon.
Statistically, that means about 3 out of the 18 jurors are LDS. But we don't know what the actual make-up is.
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I should caveat that the vast majority of these people weren't trying to change the world, certainly not starting their own cult. My mum will tell you absolutely earnestly about the time she got a vision that stopped her losing her car keys at the beach.

I do have experiences with other people, some family, who believe they are getting end times stuff straight from God... And there are mental health issues there, for sure. And they have been told by bishops gently that their beliefs are not supported by church doctrine. But mental illness and conspiracy theories are winning out in their cases. But even they aren't murdering anyone because of them.

This defendant, and his co-conspirators, seemed to believe to varying degrees that they had a special spirituality.

But whatever their mental states, from cynical grifters to wishful thinkers to full-on believing they saw Jesus as certainly as they see their own hand before their face, they all knew to lie to LE and mortals who might inform LE.

So these "visionaries" are not only unique in being murderers, they also see enough of the same world you and I see to lie. So, they are not out of touch with reality, as I imagine some vision seers might be.

If/when he is convicted, will Chad also make a pre-sentencing speech? What would he say? "It wasn't me, I was just a victim of a midlife crisis?" Would he claim that Tammy was happy on the other side? What would he have to say about Tylee and JJ? Surely not that they didn't like him anyway, like he told his neighbor (the one that was his follower).
If/when he is convicted, will Chad also make a pre-sentencing speech? What would he say? "It wasn't me, I was just a victim of a midlife crisis?" Would he claim that Tammy was happy on the other side? What would he have to say about Tylee and JJ? Surely not that they didn't like him anyway, like he told his neighbor.
Don't know but I'm seriously hoping he does.
This defendant, and his co-conspirators, seemed to believe to varying degrees that they had a special spirituality.

But whatever their mental states, from cynical grifters to wishful thinkers to full-on believing they saw Jesus as certainly as they see their own hand before their face, they all knew to lie to LE and mortals who might inform LE.

So these "visionaries" are not only unique in being murderers, they also see enough of the same world you and I see to lie. So, they are not out of touch with reality, as I imagine some vision seers might be.

Oh, I agree with you.

My point was that in mainstream LDS, talking about having visions or foresight of a kind is probably more accepted and normalised than in the general population, and that makes its members potentially more vulnerable to abuse and manipulation by people like the defendant. Especially with the mainstream doctrine's emphasis on preparedness for the second coming.

Lauren from Hidden True Crime reports that 3 jurors (2 women and 1 man) appear to be crying after the photos.

She also reports that Chad is expressing "micro expressions" and occasionally shaking his head slightly.
Didn't Lori refuse to look at any of the gruesome images at her trial? Chad is more used to seeing dead bodies, due to his former career. He also proved many times that he has zero empathy.
Didn't Lori refuse to look at any of the gruesome images at her trial? Chad is more used to seeing dead bodies, due to his former career. He also proved many times that he has zero empathy.
IIRC she requested to leave the room because of emotional distress/sickness, but Boyce said "lol no" and so she just kept her head all the way down the entire time. Hope she had neck pain!
Does Lori know that Chad is throwing her under the bus? She said at her sentencing that Jesus knew that nobody had been murdered. Well, Chad's defense suggests that she and Alex are murderers. Why would she continue to follow Chad and his teachings? She used to be known for her vengefullness.
I wonder this, too.

She might think that Chad is doing what he has to do legally among us mortals, and Jesus will understand that he had to tell us mortals that she and her brother are murderers. Jesus perhaps continues to know that there were no murders and Chad had to lie.

It appears to me from afar and with absolutely no inside information- indeed being unable to tolerate the public-facing relatives of Lori other than Megan- that Lori has just gotten deeper into fantasy/delusion since her body cam footage etc. in 2019.

(By the way, @indicolite22, I appreciate your posts and posts by others from the turn-tragedy-to-silver crew. Because I am interested. But they kinda gross me out. So I like getting your reports.)

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